Whether I'm white, black, hispanic, etc., or whether I own or rent my home, makes as much difference to the count of legal U.S. citizens as not having to show your legal or illegal status as a U.S. citizen. The threat is there because it works. I filled out the form only giving the required information by law and that is how many people live here. The information from the Census should suffice for the allotment of federal funds for schools and roads. She was really trying to get the information and finally gave up and told me she will write down that I refused. By the way, the is a new grassroots site that is just starting called Town Roots. Don't touch them and if they do touch you, even slightly, fall down and don't get up until an ambulance arrives. For our government to function basic knowledge about the country as a whole, and individual states is required. I don't want abuse from anyone, least of all from those who were once subject to the people and who now act as if they are the elite. I feel kind of sick too. in the '90s the Commerce Dept decided that I was a resort or apartment complex owner and harassed me to fill out a survey detailing my expenditures on repairs, income reports etc. Does this person have difficulty doing errands alone such as doctor's visits or shopping? I was just contacted by a representative for the Census Bureau at my home and asked to answer his questions. I, too, have been harassed by the Census Bureau. Of course I would expect them to correct this oversight in the near future. I have been harassed day and night. The questions in this survey were originally asked in the census long form sent to 1 out of every 6 households during the decennial census. papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated. The small, everyday, humdrum, quietly approved bills they do each day are where the danger lies and more attention should be paid to those. Condos hire people inside the condo as census people. What do you really think they use the information for? While. The census worker also tried to "bait" me into giving false answers by saying "just answer the question anyway you like even if it's not true." And everyone should have to fill out the same thing-how come I get the long form every time? This tool helps you do just that. To verify that a caller is a Census Bureau field representative who is working on a survey, you can enter their name in the Census Bureau Staff Search, a database that lists name and contact information for all Census Bureau employees. Me and my family were properly counted on census day 2010. In addition, some point to the possibility of human error as a security concern over such personal and confidential information. I feel empowered. I said it sounded like a great idea. In 2000 I threw the forms in the trash only to receive three visits at my door. Other countries pay equally and get that ever elusive socialist universal health care. D. oes anyone understand what is involved in managing 300 million people spread out over an entire continent, each thinking all that matters is their individual needs? mandatory. I will post again if there is further activity. A census employee went to my neighbor's house, asking for my age, birth date, etc. Remember Germany. By the way, from what I read in Title 13, the max they can fine you is $100 for not filling out the form, or max $500 for false information. anon 77369: It is incorrect to say that you are required to respond. 1:40. Apparently my post office would not send it to me. The guy at FEMA said he needed my closing statement-I had sent that in but removed all the dollar amounts as that was none of their business. This city hasn't had its streets fixed in years and we always fill out the census. What is the ACS (American Community Survey)? Unless an individual has been charged and convicted of some criminal offense connected to the Census and the crime falls within section 3559, this $5,000.00 fine does not apply. Ending homeless is an ongoing challenge throughout America. I just moved to a suburb outside of Detroit after years of living there, and its strange but I also got 'grilled' the last time it came around. A couple were friendly; one sounded very "authoritative" and intimidating. For location-based community surveys, you need to narrow your focus to a small region, for example, Austin, Texas. I told her to get a US Marshal with a warrant. While we understand your assertion that this information is needed for some reason deemed important by somebody, and that the information requested will be kept strictly confidential, I respectfully decline to participate in this American Community Survey, and request that you do not misdirect further efforts to gather this private information about the members of my household from either myself or any other source. Each call or visit you must say you are not going to fill out the ACS. Just slam the phone or door on them. Anyone out there actually worked for this part of the Census with accurate info? There are two main ways to offer opt-outs to users. The opt out option is considered an important feature of surveys, especially in email surveys. The laws that provide the authority for conducting the ACS are Title 18 U.S.C. It's the amendments that congress is busy adding to the original Constitution while you guys are busy working, fishing, etc., instead of watching congressional actions on C Span or some such that are killing us and our rights. Originally, I sent in the census form for the property stating zero occupants, then was called by a Census worker. They have nothing but their own agenda in mind and any semblance of control we think we have is just that -- a semblance. When I saw the personal and invasive nature of recent Census, I was irate. While there is no specific wording in the Bill of Rights regarding the rights of privacy. If you don't complete the survey, Census will send a paper questionnaire in about two weeks. This information helpspolicymakers, local officials, companies,and organizations to understand and assess the resources and needs of people, places, and businesses across the country. I agree with telling I live here, how many live here, as it's just counting folks to help with how many people have how many reps in congress and Senate. The Census Bureau conducts many other surveys that provide information about U.S. businesses and the economy, including the Services Annual Survey (SAS), Annual Retail Trade Survey (ARTS), and Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM). The funny part is the local grocery store has this job post up. I am glad I found this site. I contacted an attorney's office on my questions and objections to see if they were valid and what the legal interpretation was of the constitution and the US code. When the government fears the people there is liberty." By a Census Bureau field representative who provided you with a letter or brochure. Why the hell should I tell the government all this business about me? It's now the end of Jan. 2010 and I just received my second ACS form. This questionnaire id just too personal and invasive of ones rights as a citizen in any country, let alone (supposedly) "The Land of the Free and The Brave" did Cheney, Bush, McCain, Obama fill one out? Do you have a debit card, credit card, a loan, a job, own a house, a car, driver's license? To complete your request, you'll need to sign and return the Permanent Opt-Out Election form (which you get online) once you've started the process. The law does not say you have to answer their questions (so don't). I'm glad they didn't refuse to answer such personal questions as name and age. First time around it ended with phone calls and then they I was given a $25 gift card at the Home Depot. My first question is: which section authorizes ACS? They just closed one of the best schools in the area, and nobody surveyed me to ask if I cared about that! If the enumerators cannot get this info from the Social Security Administration or the local state tax boards then there must be a reason why not! So, I tore off the page with my address on it and shredded it, and then I tossed the rest of the survey into the garbage. The census has gone outside the Constitutional limits for years with what they ask on the actual survey and now this? It's not their business. Have to love how the government pays people to harass you. I started researching and am grateful for the advice by others here and on other sites. The American Community Survey is part of the decennial census, and replaces the census "long form" that previously was sent to a percentage of households once every 10 years. The census guy showed up here. Then they came to my door while I was out of town and left me a note with their name and number. This "business" and "government" is not happiness. I am getting bothered by the census people now and what really annoys me to death is that I look all over the place and see all these people with basement apartments making tons of money off the books. Happy Holidays. Can anyone tell me about this? I told him that on the advice of my attorney I had shredded the form. My question is: "Doesn't our government have enough information on us from our mandatory tax returns?" What time do the male members of your household go to work? But I can promise I'll promptly feed it to my hungry paper shredder. I will pay the fine if that is what it takes. During the last month since I received the first one, I've had many many phone calls from someone asking for my husband and saying he is from a veteran's charity. When you respond to the survey, you are doing your part to ensure decisions about your community can be made using the best data available. lets hope this isn't all to simply mark people who do and do not comply. Thank you, wonderful conspiracy theorists for repeatedly posting erroneous information on here and showing everyone that you truly have no life. The rule embodies two principles - notice and opt out. Well, our credit cards, social security numbers, and who knows what else, are now being used by illegal aliens and fraudulent companies. First survey last month. Then I'll find a place to post it and tweet it to my 350+ followers. But I will not tell you when I leave for work and about the medical condition of my relatives. Individual businesses, households, or persons cannot be identified in statistics or reports published by the Census Bureau. You have to pay $2 for the online opt-out and $3 if you mail in the form. I answered the questions on the Census that are Constitutional, and that is it. May the Lord grant my fellow citizens victory in their battles with this unconstitutional invasion of privacy, too. The American Community Survey is sent to 1 in 38 homes in the U.S. each year. I live in a high-rise condo building (where I rent), so let them come get me. By a caller from the Census Bureau who has verified your address and information. With Halloween right around the corner, how about scare the crap out of them. If they aren't getting anything from my house and they've canvassed my six neighbors twice (actually talking to four of them). They never say that they are going to fine you. In the future, you can resubscribe/opt yourself back in by 1) filling out any form on your website (you will be directed to a preferences pages) or 2) clicking the email subscription link in the footer of a marketing email you have received from your portal. Average home prices in Australia, which have nearly doubled since the 2008 financial crisis, have dropped about 9% since April 2022. I ignored her as I was outside with my kids. When are they going to get the hint and stop? This also happened the last time. Really glad I found this site. Sorry, but you are really just not important enough for them to worry about, certainly not as much as you are obviously worrying about them. Yet, he also said that the American Community Survey is continuing. Census worker says "I am with the census.". I won't either. I may answer the door this time, but my attitude is going to be that I won't allow this to cause me any more stress than deciding what toppings I want on my pizza. But remember some of these folks have children to feed, too. The end-to-end conversion process has to work on mobile devices. Instead, two weeks later, the supervisor came by, apologized and dropped off the new booklet. The calls started today. Now whenever we come home, Ms. Nosy Neighbor calls a different census worker who hurries over and tries to get us to answer the door. And then I get this BS from a government agency? 1. For these reasons and likely more, the ACS has been said to be unanswered by about 45% of its recipients. I don't recall giving my cell phone out on the first census nor my customer number at my work, but she has called both. Subscribe to our newsletter and learn something new every day. Quite honestly, you are not that important. I was not in a hurry since I already had done this once. I filled out my form sent it back and now i am getting harassed by the census bureau calls of at least eight a week! We didn't send in the regular 2010 one and they came by the house. Just say, "I respectfully decline." I mentioned to a reporter for the newspaper the similarity between our government today and Hitler and he said some not so nice things to me. I got the ACS forms and I am scared to be fined. I am not saying that the US government would or could ever go to this extreme but, for the purposes of garnering ever more political power and authority over the citizenry, I have no illusions about how far this government will go. Nobody is listening -- another reason not to send in the ACS. I walked over to my neighbors later that evening and they told me that she did not come by to see them, but she was very persistent about getting the birth dates, ages, place of employment, phone numbers. There, I think I got my point across. We live in a sanctuary city and those who work and pay taxes are supporting almost half of our population. All I can think of is that every time one of us gives in and allows this servant to go unchallenged, then they get bolder, prouder, and we get used to it and then we are eventually abused by them. On the back of the ACS form it states: "Respondents are not required to respond to any information collection unless it displays a valid approval number from the Office of Management and Budget.". I'm paid 400 goats and a chest of elderberries in barter for my services. Nineteen percent said they would like to telecommute full-time. Although Mark xxxxxxx, the field representative, was professional, thorough and pleasant enough, Ive requested the Bureau cease these harassing efforts a second time during the phone call after he visited my home. As a result of widespread concern and perhaps out of frustration with the survey, several websites have been set up to provide public forums for recipients of the ACS. From (original) Poster 188: Knock on wood, the phone calls seem to have stopped. No one from the Census has ever called you every hour of the day or at 9 p.m. If a citizen doesn't comply with the ACS after a period of weeks, Census Bureau guidelines instruct enumerators to stop calling the resident. A locked padlock Once on Saturday, once on Wednesday, three times yesterday, and so far once today. Why would anyone want to "help the government function" (interfere in our private lives)? And if they threaten you, video record all of this exchange. The latest thing they are doing is having the postal carrier come to my door and have me sign a delivery confirmation. If they aren't paying my bills they don't have a need to know how much they are. On average, they would prefer to do so half of the time. It's aimed at collecting data that influence how. how much to start our businesses etc. I live in the ghetto already. So far no challenges to our door visitors. With the census bureau losing over 600 laptops, and the current abuses of power, I see no reason to give out the information that they are asking. Don't be afraid. He asked me about a census employee who visited my home the prior week. During the past year and especially with the current administration in D.C., I am so angry and distrustful of our government. She was a little surprised how I knew things about her. Alternatively, you can always "nut up" when they call. I don't answer the door to anyone who comes. When a citizen does not answer the ACS within 30 days, a second ACS form is automatically mailed. He wanted my son's name and address. The Census Bureau can't issue a fine, they have to refer the case to the Dept. Whose damn business is it if I own my house and whether I have a mortgage? They have also threatened to fine or jail me. The third section of U.S. Code referenced is " 13 U.S. Code 221 - Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers ." Those of you who are posting "what's the big deal" need to start doing some research on your government and the shady things that go on at the taxpayers' cost. What Percent of the US Population do Doctors Comprise? The times they are a-changing. Don't be paranoid, it's only a few questions a lot of people already know about you anyway. Why does the Census Bureau conduct all these surveys? Finally, she asked me if I was refusing to answer the questions and if I wanted her to put that down. I will not comply. I bet some of the people who are so desperate for food and necessities in other countries would love to change places with you and they would probably be thrilled to answer a few questions. 7) Get the left wing indoctrination crew out of our education systems. From the American Community Survey and your tax dollars at work. Neither one of us filled it out, nor mailed it in. Since then, they have called three or four times and stopped by multiple times. From what I've read online about the operation methods of the Census Bureau staff that won't have any chance of avoiding a phone call "Computer Aided Telephone Interview" But I'm hoping that by telling them every time that their OMB# is expired it will shorten my interview process somewhat. All this and I live on an Army installation! We just got the letter today, to expect the questionnaire. Our Constitution is being dismantled before our eyes, but this will be one stand we'll make and keep encouranging others to do the same. Help people, can I really get fined if I don't fill this crap out? Received two survey forms, three letters and two visits at my door and awaiting a third based on a lovely letter I received yesterday announcing yet another visit. Therefore I respectfully request that you take appropriate measures to end your department's distribution of this survey. You want me to trust the census with information that is very private? I had already been a victim of identity theft. Should all of us contact our local media so that everyone knows about ACS? I made the mistake of answering some questions, thinking it was a one time thing. I am glad I am not the only one who tossed the thing in the garbage. I told them I was not responding, and as I shut the door and walked away she stood on the porch and rang the bell, and since then it's all gone down hill. Please meet, call write your congressperson to recommend that they sign on to this legislation, and get rid of this ridiculous intrusion of government into your private and personal affairs. Well it's now the middle of July and another census worker left her callback info on the door and has since started calling the number on the "for sale" sign at the property. Look Since 1968, this volunteer-based program has helped nearly 50 million low to moderate-income taxpayers on., 550 . Your participation is critical, and your response to the 2020 Census cannot replace your answers to these surveys. As us Cajuns say: Hell froze over when the Saints won the Super Bowl last season. How can I verify that a caller is a Census Bureau employee? I remember the paperwork that I signed, highlighted the fact that it was a temporary position with no benefits of any sort. I might have to go outside and see if Big Brother is installing hidden cameras. Since then I have been visited a few times by a nice Dept. Life is too short to be so mad about insignificant things. The information that they collect will be used against us in our most crucial moments. Apparently there are quite a few people who expect miracles out of thin air. Census sends a letter saying that your address was selected for the ACS. So they bully and threaten and use fear to scare people into compliance. welfare etc. Where does the boundary lie with these obsessive idiots? Life lived in paranoia and bitterness is not worth living. The public also plays a role in the erosion of our judiciary. I even gave them the date I mailed it on. Amazing. Housing 16. Seemed like they try to collect more info than they need but will give in if you call them on their crime. I also ignored the mailed survey. I too am grateful for this site. They have been to my house, my place of business, also calling my place of business and if told I am busy they inform me they will call again in one hour. The Census Bureau keeps your data secure and confidential. I am grateful for this siteI just got the survey in the mail and felt very intimidated into having to complete it.or else. The Census sites say as much if you read them, something like 'well wee don't really want to fine anyone'. Will we ever return to our freedoms? Your household or business may be selected to participate in one of these surveys. The Streamer Community Survey - developed in partnership with international survey experts PSB Insights - consists of seven questions that provide us with data about different aspects of a creator's identity including gender, race, sexual preference, and ability. They've also visited six of my neighbors, twice each so far. I guess we'll just wait and see. Shame it's only once every ten years. So keep your information private and don't give in. of Justice. Send it out to the target audience. That didn't go over to well and he told me that I was refusing to comply with a government agency and wouldn't get my money back. --JAS. After spending almost an hour answering questions the first time the census take came to my house, they start calling me on Sunday afternoon -- enough is enough! Well the federal government is functioning way beyond its legal powers and I will not feed that machine. The efforts to secure a response to ACS seem fairly on the mark, but the point that seems most lost here is that households chosen for ACS are just part of a statistical sample that is representative of the country as a whole. Q: Is this an unconstitutional invasion of privacy? this implies you have obligations to help the government count but not to answer every intrusive question they might ask. The census cannot ask or get your social security number in any way and you can supply any name you want. The state police will show up and *escort* them off your property. It has been done since 1790, and is mandated by the Constitution. From reading here, it looks like disclosing phone numbers is just an additional way of eventually breaking you down. I made the decision right then and there that I would not respond to an ACS survey under any circumstances. All information that you provide in a Census Bureau survey or census is used exclusively to create accurate, relevant statistics about the nations people, places, and economy. If this money is government funding for schools, street or seating representatives then why are so many teachers being laid off, why are the streets so damaged and incomplete. I just get to pay more taxes for their tax free gain and it just is not fair. In July, I started to receive visits. If you wish to independently confirm that the person at your door is a Census Bureau field representatives conducting a household survey = you can enter their name in the Census Bureausstaff searchwebsite, or contact theRegional Officefor your state. This is all bull. I've been through one round of the no-response ordeal back in '08 and everything turned out just fine. As she walked away, I told her that her husband Ray just called and wanted her to stop at the store at a location next to her house. If the stories in this thread are true, those census workers are scum. This is harassment, I am no threat. I told her the story and said I didn't have time for this right now. When respondents are sent surveys via email, they can choose whether to continue to fill them or ask to be removed from the list of people invited as survey respondents. I am 66 years old and I have never participated in any census. He didn't know what to think about that (needed to check the law), and took no action. This is way too intrusive. They are so proud to be counted among the blessed. This scared him and on top of that, he did not know most of the answers to the questions. Waiting for the calls, then the visits. First, it may get lost or stolen and second, you don't know who these people are that you are giving it to. How come I get the ACS? Follow your happiness and I promise the universe will be there for you: subtle, slow, obvious or quick it will respond to your emotions. We have starving, homelessness, government corruption. As soon as they identified themselves as being with the Census Bureau, I quickly informed them that I sent it in. And, if the above comments stated that he can find all the info on the internet, then by all means find it, and leave me alone. I really like what anon18185 did, about looking up the census person and finding out information about them and not have thrown away the census questionnaire. Not about us - about adjoining property! I never did get ahold of the idiot at Commerce- she sure had lots of vacation time. What things do we never ask for? These "enumerators" aren't policemen and they can't make you answer their questions or let them into your house. The daily number of cyber attacks on our federal government and access by illicit state and non-state actors is eye watering. If you have any questions about responding to one of our surveys, please visit the "Help for Survey Participants" page. If they want more personal financial information, then I suggest they get it from the IRS. However, the staff search function on our website will identify our field representatives by name and email address, if you wish to verify that they work for the Census Bureau. Not to mention when the people came to my door I informed them that they were trespassing without proper identification and subject to arrest. I filled out the Census form this year and still, someone came to our door. If such a law exists, it should not exist, for it would be truly unconstitutional. Get over yourselves. Answer. I hung up immediately and called the sheriff. I am not telling them anything. This appears to be the same scenario as the ACS. I asked them what does my birthday have to do with enumeration count of my household? The US government already has all the information they need on people who file their annual income tax. Every method was applied using two sets of adjustment variables: basic demographics (age, sex, race and ethnicity, education, and geographic region), and a more extensive set that included both demographics and a set of variables associated with political attitudes and engagement (voter registration, political party affiliation, ideology and Search the Census Bureau Staff Directory to find the contact information for . The U.S. Census has nothing to do with Obama nor most of the accusations you are flippantly throwing up online. Staff Directory. i get home don't even get out of the parking lot, she pulls up. One month ago, I received a letter stating that the census was coming. the simple census form I got had another insert in which they claim that "answers are confidential" and "answers you give cannot be obtained by law enforcement or tax collection agencies" and "your answers cannot be used in court" or obtained through a FOIA request. Um, no they don't have the right to fine you. Led by lawmakers with a 'limited government' worldview, the U.S. House of Representatives has voted three times since 2012 (including this past spring) to let Americans opt-out of answering the ACS. You keep referring to the Constitution's original language and writings but that's been beat back again and again over the course of the years. If Big Brother wants to bring the law so be it. Even in police states, they don't ask these questions asked by the Census Bureau for the ACS. The government has no right to know this personal information and that she could leave. The Census Bureau will not ask you to provide your personal information via email. This is especially true if you have already returned your regular census form. Well, after many different phone calls, starting with the one on the census form, I still do not have an address to where to send the $100. Title 13 of the United States Code, however, requires that the Census Bureau keep this information confidential and subjects employees who violate this confidentiality requirement to a fine of up to $250,000 USD, up to 5 years imprisonment, or both. The ACS is conducted in four different ways via internet, mail, telephone and in-person interviews. Of course, I had no clothes on, not expecting a peeping tom to be looking out of the woods in the first place. "; "How many times a day do you fantasize about blowing up a federal building? "Popcorn? Unfortunately it does not state that the number of people is the only thing allowed to be collected by the census. But my favorite is if anyone in my house has difficulty concentrating, remembering things or making decisions, or difficulty dressing or bathing. My 15 year old son was home at the time of the census worker stopping by. "Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who who have the courage to defend it." I looked the form up online and balked at the intrusiveness of the question. A previous post said this is the American Communist survey. Bureau keeps your data secure and confidential under any circumstances time around it ended with phone calls seem to stopped!, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be identified in statistics or published. The male members of your household or business may be selected to participate in one of us our! Only to receive three visits at my home and asked to answer such personal and confidential that.! The American Community survey and your response to the questions on the Census accurate... 'S only a few questions a lot of people is the only one who tossed the thing the... The form then and there that I would expect them to correct this oversight in the erosion our! Paid 400 goats and a chest of elderberries in barter for my services lived. 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