abandoned places in danville, il

Phantom crowds and horses also have been seen and heard around the area. However, these photos were taken recently. The impact is felt, but when people get out to check on the girlshe is gone. Normal-Illinois State University-Atkin Hall-Although there has been no sightings of ghosts in this building, the top floor has a heavy presence in it. It was constructed deep in the forest between two large boulders that served as walls for the structure. The third story contained 12 tiny rooms, one large room and an open hall with whipping posts. Besides the graves, rock shelters and sandstone caves are nearby, covered with carvings from its many visitors. The girl would always carry her favorite doll with her..she referred to it as Rag Doll. There arestilltwo single story cottages and six two story cottagesthat remain untouched. WebThanks For Watching!Today we visited an abandoned Stock + Field in Danville, IL. The Roff House was one of the two houses in which the Watseka Wonder took place. People have reported seeing the ghosts of these small children, as well as hearing the voices of children saying,"Food" and "Food Please". The entire area around the bridge is known to be haunted. / Cash Loan Title Place. The amount of paranormal activity that takes place here is unreal. People have seen objects being moved by unseen hands. Cario started out as a booming little river town in the early 1800s. To stay in business, the plant had to shut down the Ingalls-Shepard Division and attempted to sell the facility. McPike Mansion | Haunted House in Illinois The Sheraton Motor Inn opened on October 22, 1973. Chicago-St. Andrews Pub-Employee and patrons have reported being reported encountering unusual cold spots and being touched by unseen hands. Its suspected that the new owners will demolish the home soon. The soldiers have been known to At Antioch Cemetery, the apparition of a man in a dark suit holding flowers has been seen peering down at a grave on foggy nights at around 1:30 a.m. Some people say she was actually pushed off by her boyfriend during a fight. There are two legends about the chain. It was then determined that the activity was poltergeist in nature. A strong aroma of flowers has been smelled on numerous occasions. 10 Abandoned Places In Illinois You Must See Before They Wither Away 1. The building is now home to the Oprah Winfrey show. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends. The cemetery contains over 200 graves with the earliest burials dating back to 1834. Numerous people have reported seeing apparitions, hearing footsteps, screams, and disembodied voices. By 1925 the population just surpassed 2,500. The new building was left vacant for several years until being rebuilt. She has been known to turn TVs, radios, and lights on and off, as well as checking to make sure the doors are all closed and locked. There have been reports of doors opening and closing, electrical disturbances, and the smell of psychic perfumes. The Biograph Theater is now abandoned and located on the north-side of Chicago on Clark Street.Chicago-Civic Opera House Building / Kemper Insurance Building-"The armchair building" was built by Greek immigrant Samuel Insull. The teacher could not live with this and hung herself at the top of the stairs. Barnes & Noble, along with a few other stores now occupy the property. La Salle-Kaskaskia Hotel-This hotel has been the host of many paranormal events. Champaign-Urbana-The University of Illinois-The English Building-This building was formerly a woman dormitory and the sight of a young woman's suicide. It was in operation from 1839 to 1883, though it went into decline long before that. But, as you will notice in the next photo, some of the homes were tagged with graffiti. Lisle-Benedictine University-Benedictine Hall-The ghost of a monk has appeared from no where and has been seen walking through walls. Bagley School Ruins 41.8456, -94.42782 History: Most people are familiar with the big headless school in Bagley, Iowa, Guthrie County. John Podmajersky Jr was worked to reinforce the churchs three walls and restore much of the front face and bell tower of the structure. Olney-Salvation Army-The building is reportedly haunted by a small boy who died when he fell out of his mothers shopping cart. Others state it was closed because of filtration issues. Reportedly a former almshouse, this building was purchased for use as a haunted attraction. He ran out and jumped into the river, unable to swim he drown. Youre in the right place. Belleville-Belleville West-In the auditorium of the old Belleville West campus, now the Lindenwood University campus, is reportedly haunted by a former teacher that died prior to the production of her play. Chicago-Loyola University Chicago-The legend says that a Jesuit priest and a nun had affair. If you follow her, she will lead you down a hallway.. just before it dead ends she disappears. While the site is easily accessible that doesnt make it any less dangerous. The plant is a playground for urban explorers, with many levels and industrial elements left behind. The prisons brutal conditions eventually led to Chicago gang members taking over a cell block and holding multiple prison guards hostage in 1975. Moline-Haunted Hospital-The hospital was closed several years ago, but the paranormal activity has not stopped. People have reported cold spots, an uneasy feeling, hearing footsteps, seeing shadowy figures, and a hooded figure walking with a hell hound by his side. The plant would continue to serve the country and go on support the war efforts during World War II. Amboy-Franklin Blacktop-There is a home here that is catty-corner from the 4-H Center, it has been reported that sometime in the late 1800's a man was murdered in the home and buried 500 feet from the home's upstairs bathroom window. Racial tensions would continue into the 1960s as more black men were found lynched. In 1913, the father brought the child to the Hull House, a welfare organization that was run by Jane Addams, and asked them to take care of the "devil child." Ever since the explosion the site has been abandoned. Unlike many abandoned places in Illinois, The Old Joliet Prison still has many artifacts left inside from its time as a functioning prison. Sightings of orbs and spirit mists have been reported. Many urban legends center on the sisters, such as that those who walk around their graves seven times by the light of a full moon would awaken the sisters' ghosts, which would chase them away. Some people have even seen orbs moving through the darkness of the club. Most of the headstones have been thrown into the lagoon or desecrated. Tacoma firefighters responded to a. The factory is located in a section of the city referred to as Levee. There have been many disembodied voices and spirits seen here by guests. If you enter the cemetery after dark you can see them. Sadly, the Gem would catch fire in 1934, and then again in 1941. The ghost of his wife is seen here often. A young boy went to visit his mother and reportedly the the ghost of the little girl started to play with his toys. Address: N. Co Rd 425E, Chesterville, IL 61911 It turns out Salem isnt the only place with a rather witchy history. Joliet-Haley Mansion-Built in 1889 by Frank Shaver Allen,a nationally known architect and Egyptologist, this took 2 years to build and stands at 3 1/2 stories tall. People have reported feeling his presence, some claim to have seen his ghost on the catwalks, and lights have been known to go on and off by themselves. While a sense of sadness permeates these spots, we cant help but be fascinated by the way theyve been reclaimed by nature and, sometimes, found themselves at the center of local legends. A lady in white dress has also been seen walking through the cemetery. The child was said to have hooves and cloven feet, pointed ears, horns, scale covered skin, and a long tail. After some investigating it was found that seven spirits inhabit the church, one is referred to as a demon. The faint sounds of foots steps can also be heard. Christian-Palmer/Anderson Cemetery-There are a lot of orbs that are seen here. It is believed that theman was hanged from the garnished structure in the 1880's. Lake Forest-St. Mary's Cemetery-Thereis supposedly a grave in the far back corner near the fence and creekpeople have reported seeing a young boy sitting on a headstone staring blankly at people. There has been the apparition of a small boy seen peaking around the corner. At the Indiana Memorial Union, suicide victims and a ghost dog roam, and apparitions have been Small Stepp Cemetery has about 25 graves and features in many local legends, from its founding by cult members to a grieving mother who committed suicide here after losing her baby. One odd ghost seen here is a two-headed man; no one seems to claim why this person appears here. The roof of the building has clasped and now covers the spot where the woman was killed. Many believe the activity is caused by the former owner Frank Giff, who died when he fell off a bar stool. The building was also used for two other business of his: a hardware store downstairs and, as Fife was also a licensed embalmer, a funeral home on the second floor behind the auditorium. Insull believed that opera was for the people and built this opera house with a huge office building surrounding it. Those killed were said to be buried in the very cellar where it happened. WebDanville, Illinois 5.9 miles from Westville, IL Fischer Theater was a 19th century opera house located in Danville, IL that has served many purposes over the years including housing, Chicago-Garet Durson Mental Hospital-Numerous problems with electronic devices have been reported here, people have heard disembodied voices and screams, and a ghost of a woman has been seem running down the stairs wearing a white robe. 37.00525, -89.17543Photo Credit: Mike flickr.com. Prairie Observatory was built in 1969 (nice) by the University of Illinois. Altamont - Devil's Peak - It has a rock shaped like the Devil's horns out of the hill you can see it really well and it is said that the devil roams down there, it is in the valley, don't know if the one talking about St. Elmo-valley is talking about the same one. The ghost girl who has been seen here is believed to Highland Lawn Cemetery has a couple ghostly legends. It is believed that she and her child died during delivery. However, these photos were taken recently. When standing near the juice bar, over the loud music you can here people calling your name. Chicago-Webster's Wine Bar-The apparition of a man has been seen at the bar on the second floor. Ashley-Abandoned candy factory-The ghost of a woman that was killed there during a normal work day has been reportedly seen and heard here. The theater has undergone several changes through the years. The site is one of the more interesting abandoned places in Illinois, and Id highly recommend checking it out if youre nearby. Witnesses tell of an apparition of a man walking a dog and another ghost of a brunette woman who runs out a door and jumps into a phantom carriage. She said that she does not exactly want to be there after dark. Numberous reports of ghost cars, footsteps, and strange noises have been witnessed. If youre in the area Peoria State Hospital is one of the few abandoned places in Illinois that you can legally get a tour of. Built in 1906, these 15-story grain silos were abandoned after an explosion in 1977, yet enough of its secret tunnels and rail line are still standing. One of the many spirits believed to be here is that of Frank Shaver Allen, Patrick C. Haley, and the former funeral home director. In the basement, there is a strong sensation that you are being watched. Numerous noises have been heard as well including footsteps, disembodied voices (some sound like prayers), and other strange and unexplainable noises. She has been seen at the gates and Des Plaines Avenue, between the Melody Mill and the cemetery. People have reportedly seen the ghost of Mr. Peabody several times. A ghostly farmhouse that appears with a fence and light swinging from the front porch, anyone trying to approach it, finds that it vanishes from sight. The building was previously a Methodist church. Alton-Mineral Springs Hotel-Currently Mineral Springs Mall. It opened on May 24, 1926as a "Vaudeville Movie Palace." People have reported seeing his ghost running through the halls and hearing his faint screams. In the house you will find a staircase that leads into the ceiling. McClure-Grapevine Trail (Dead Mans Curve)-The road is filled with treacherous curves, and therefor has had quite a few car accidents. Chesterville Witchs Grave, Arcola, Illinois. Reportedly a former almshouse, this building was purchased for use as a haunted attraction. One of the boys did not know how to swim well and drowned. Lake Zurich/Barrington-Cuba Road-Cuba Road is a long stretch of road that passes through several towns. This 1879 former courthouse is now a bed and breakfast inn with a twist; it still retains many of its original features dating back to when it served as the town jailhouse. People have heard them gambling and drinking in the basement late at night. Due to dwindling numbers and funding issues, Peoria State Hospital would close its doors in 1972. There have been numberous suicides by guests that have jumped from the upper floors into the Fox River. Several apparitions have been seen all over the campus. In short: absolutely. Upon entering the grounds a strange feeling of being watched is felt, and if you go around to the back of the house you can still see the blood splattered in the meat shed. Ramsey Cemetery, established in 1851 with the burial of namesake Alexander Ramsey, is also known as Casbar Cemetery and is a nighttime teen hangout. Like many hospitals of its time, Manteno was self-sustaining. The mill would eventually become unprofitable which led the plant to close in the 1980s. The doll was placed in the casket and buried with the girl. Local legend says that a Native American Indian scalped a white farmer that was trying to settle the land. Several years ago the house mysteriously burned down, but the paranormal events have not ended. Some people believe that the man is the that of the person who designed the school. Mr. Peabody died from a massive heart attack and shortly after, his family moved out of the home. Several people have photographed the ectoplasmic mist. Students have reported seeing him and feeling his presence in the theater, especially on long nights after a rehearsals and on nights of plays. The soldiers were prisoners in the Civil War, and died of yellow fever only to be cast into unmarked graves. Equality-The Old Slave House-Old Slave House Museum "Crenshaw Place"-Back in the 1800's this house was used to house slaves that were waiting for sale to southern plantation owners.The first and second stories of the home is where John Crenshaw and his family lived. People on the third floor have reported hearing the laugh of the young woman. Back then, there were numerous sightings of this monster, but none since. Both these areas can be seen when visiting the mall. The sounds of rattling chains and animal-like noises are heard on the second floor. The property was foreclosed and the plans were abandoned. There have been apparitions seen, strong odors, presences felt, and strange electrical occurances. All but one of the windows around you will be boarded up. They A glowing apparition has been seen in several hotel rooms late at night or in the early hours of morning. The properties are connected through a network of underground tunnels which now may be inaccessible. 41.54544, -88.0739Photo Credit: Bill flickr.com. There has also been shadowy images seen in the pool area, and the gym/stage area. Mundelein-First Murder House-The first murder in Mundelein took place in this house. She then took the picture and reported that there was a large black spot that looked like it had hundreds of screaming faces in it. Quincy-Woodland Cemetery-In this cemetery people have reported seeing and hearing a lot of paranormal events. The house was originally a private residence and then converted into dormitories. There are two sides to this cemetery, one being the "good spirits" and the other side is where the "bad spirits" are located. Some people have claimed they saw the young lady and man walking hand in hand along the side of the road. Doors have opened and closed entirely by themselves. A nun supposedly committed suicide in one of the rooms on the upper floors. People have heard strange things as well including laughter, disembodied voices, and a strange metallic creaking. The teacher had a classroom located right behind the stage. The mansion laid empty for forty-six years after Charles' suicide. While on a trip with her family she became gravely ill and died of diphtheria. He walks from behind the car to the side, as he is passing the side of the car he looks blankly into the car at you. WebLets visit the most haunted places in Illinois! WebTeam; Services. On rainy nights, when a storm is rolling in, the statue reportedly disappears from the glass enclosure, and a young girl is seen roaming the cemetery. One night she came to the bar and seen her lover inthe arms of another woman. The woman's killers were never caught. The opera house was presented to the city of Chicago as a gift from Insull. Hell Hollow is located on the southwest sided of the cemetery. Joliet - Frank Shaver Allen house, corner of Morgan and Dewey streets - The Frank Shaver Allen house haunting was well-documented in the local press in the late 1970's after a team of psychics and a Joliet newspaperwoman investigated it. Joliet-Potters Field Cemetery (aka County Farm Cemetery)-On the grounds of the old Will County Poor Farm. Elgin-Beef Villa-Back in the 1980's a young teenage boy was reportedly killed in the parking lot in front of the restaurant. Today the silos are crumbling but remain standing. Cario is now a ghost town, with dozens of vacant properties, abandoned homes, and shuttered businesses. Monmouth-Sugar Tree Grove Cemetery-This is one of the oldest cemeteries in the county. Johnston City-Arrowhead Cemetery-Hook's Tomb-Legend says that if you walk up to the tomb and walk slowly around it clockwise three times and then knock three times.. you will smell the fragrance of roses.Jonesboro-Dug Hill Road-In 1865, a provost marshal names Welch was killed by two Union Army deserters on this road. In 1909 William Froggie James was suspected of rape and murder, but an investigation was never completed due to the mob that ensued. Lockport-Ruyon Park-Formerly known as Legions Park, this is the location of the first settler's farmstead the Runyon family. Paranormal groups have investigated the cemetery since the 1970s. The violin bow has been broken off. The home has had several owners in the past 35 years. Located right across the street from theBiograph Theater the address is 2446 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago,IL 60614 Phone:(312)-348-2695. 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abandoned places in danville, il