Do your research and find a method that works best for you to get a cheap hunting trip put together! Classic Northeast Kansas hunting in bow and gun friendly cover. In Southeast KS there is a lot of reclaimed strip pit mined land. Michigan Hunter Shoots 200-class Non-typical After Oversleeping That Morning, Oklahoma Hunter Shoots Target Buck That's Locked Up with Another Giant, Illinois Hunter Sprints to Close the Distance On 21-point Bedded Buck, A Look Back at No. Riley 3 is Riley 3. A majority of hunters are going to stick to those big parcels, but you can certainly find deer in places that require a boat ride. In some cases, it even increases browse availability. Check out video and photos of five different Sign up for the Field & Stream newsletter and get the latest intelligence straight to your inbox. Hunting can, however, be prohibitively expensive. Kansas has 300,000 acres of public land and more than 1 million acres of private land seasonally open to hunters. I hunt via ambush 95% of the time so calls/rattles are not part of my plan.. By that time of year they have transitioned off of beans/alfalfa fields into the milo, corn, and winter wheat fields (they will still hit the beans/alfalfa, but not like corn/milo). Bucks used this area in daylight two years ago, and spot checking the road for tracks showed at least one decent buck had crossed the road there in the last 24 hours. Here are things you should remember for your next public land deer hunt. The morning of the November 12th, I setup just off the county road adjacent a small wooded draw (20-30yds across) and the two track that provide access for farm equipment. Thats a great place to start. Hunter Burkhardt, 27, a Jayhawk State native, has taken a plethora of deer with his bow, including three massive bucks from the Big O'Reilly class. The locals had the deer were surrounded. Landowners are more apt to give you the go-ahead if you have a new hunter in-tow or youre with your significant other. Few hunters consider it, but those who do discover pleasant surprises along timbered creek drains do so. Nor do I know how or where they like to bed. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. Other properties require a little more time and creativity. For more information on P&Y bucks taken in Kansas and the rest of North America, check out It was mid-November, and I quickly discovered that non-residents from across the country had descended on Kansas. Cruising further down the road, I found another truck on the north end of the property, as well as two more trucks on the east side. Staying undetected by deer while hunting in a ground blind takes a few easy steps. Iowa - the corn state is one of the most sought-after states for hunting mature bucks, because the trophy potential is huge. 3. Brochures and complete public lands regulations are available by phoning (620) 672-5911 or check for each locations individual regulations. Bottomland and upland woods mix with wetlands and cropfields. Nonetheless, the fact remains that a crossbow is very different from a firearm, so it should not be confused for one. The Public-Land Hunting in My State Sucks, and Im Okay With That. Resident whitetail any season permit: purchase through Dec. 31, 2021. Focus on thick, early successional habitat. The reason deer are here is pretty simplesmall acreage is not on the minds of most hunters, so the deer dont experience as much pressure. At 25 yards, he came to a complete stop. Public land: 2 million acres, between state WMAs and federal areas. The famous Rokslider Buck is looking for does. This area is prone to flooding in the fall, creating temporary islands where big bucks like to hide out. In the hands of ethical hunters, the ability to kill game at long range is a skill we shouldn't dismiss so quickly. In addition to the variety of sand hill plum pastures, mature hedge rows, creek bottoms, agricultural fields, and CRP, we have a diverse range of habitat types on our 12,000 acres. Entries made from 2010 until now reveal bowhunters in the eastern and south-central parts of Kansas are taking the most P&Ys. Want to be the first to get our premium content? The clinton lake area is in what is called Deer Management Unit 19, (somewhat suburban) asare a lotpublic lake areas from the east state line to Topeka area. Going to take a . Guided Hunts include a 20% Group Discount. Brodie Swisher Look for WIHA with tree lines near crops. The Hunting Public. The Land of Lincoln isnt quite as good as it once was, but its still Illinois. Im pretty sure that people are applying for the job just as the economy is getting better. 1. For the third stop of The Hunting Public's Deer Tour, Ted Zangerle set out for Kansas to chase whitetails on public land with his bow. Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (S.C.O.R.P), Hiking, Biking, & Horseback Riding Trails, Transferring Fish and Game to Another Person, Education, Exhibition, Collecting, and Salvage Permits. Most are in the southern portion of the state. Augusta, KS. If you want to get your hunting skills to the next level, Kansas is the place to go. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. Just $1 per month . Deer-nado Public Land Chronicles: Texas Rut-Fest Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see more of our public land adventures and watch our intense product reviews! You probably dont see too many deer hunters trailering a 12-foot johnboat into a public hunting area, but thats exactly why you should invest in one. 12 Best Public Land Deer Hunts in the Midwest. I would have never thought about hunting this spot, literally right next to the road, if I had not observed a minimum of 3 different bucks crossing the road during daylight in 2018 (last time I hunted Kansas). Plan is to be up there nov 5-21. south central ks here and have never had them come into rattling except 1 1/2 year olds around nov 11th. Aside from Butler (129 entries), Barber (107), Comanche (87), Greenwood (74), and Sumner (73), all counties have had the most entries in history. To purchase your Kansas hunting and fishing licenses, permits and boat registrations visit, . They all had the same idea I hadspend the week chasing rutting bucks on public land. There is no definitive answer to the question of what the best public hunting land in Kansas is. Sounds easy right? Since the late 1990s and early 2000s, hunters have been flocking to midwestern states in pursuit of giant-bodied and -antlered deer. Of course, CRP on its own isnt prime deer habitat, but these places can become important components of whitetail ranges. Mike Clerkin heads to the legendary Buffalo County, Wisconsin, in search of early season whitetail action. To find success on public land you must think outside the box. Im always on the lookout for such spots. But to him, its worth it, because he usually has the place to himself and sees a good amount of deer. Read more. Ive found some of my favorite public land honey-holes on 5- to 50-acre tracts. If the distance is too far to walk I ride in on a mountain bike or eBike. What are some good hunting sites in the area where I can hunt these types of animals? Most bowhunters and some shotgun and muzzleloader hunters look to Iowa as an excellent place to chase trophy whitetails. The hardest part of finding a public land honey-hole often comes down to being able to access it. I simply had to pick one out, and head that direction, though I had no real clue how good or bad the properties were because I had never physically been on them. Just got to put boots on the ground and hours in the field. Wisconsin is known for giants. At 10 a.m., I planned to move to a different location on the same piece of property that looked better for all day cruising activity. Of course, many of these hunts are limited draw only, and likely require getting drawn to access. If a deer head is submitted to KSVDL, there is a $16 fee for KSVDL to sample the head and a head dis-posal fee of $15.50. Tony J. Peterson Feb 26, 2023. Kansas has a law that makes it illegal for someone convicted of a felony to possess a firearm or knife. The Pine Island Wildlife Area is good, too. RANCH FAIRY was RIGHT! Heaven is just an hour away from Kansas City. Read E263: The Texas Public Land Double! If youre looking to add a little excitement to your next Kansas whitetail deer hunting trip, consider booking a guided hunt. Despite the fact more than 95 percent of the state is privately owned, there are some good options for public bowhunting. At 264 1/8 inches, Dale Larson's non-typical has occupied the top of the Kansas records since 1998. When most hunters think of Kansas, they picture unending flatlands. Then, once you have that tag, youll be ready for the best public land deer hunt of your life. So, of course it was going to attract gobs of hunters. I didnt have much hope of that doe attracting any bucks, since she still had her fawns. Deer hunters from both resident and nonresident backgrounds continue to flock to this area. . The law does not require a hunting license for people over the age of 75. Oct 14, 2017. Also, the 7,684-acre Marais des Cygnes Wildlife Area to the southeast is a public-land whitetail haven. The permit itself is $442,50 for the adult and $117,50. For the last few years, Kansas has consistently ranked near the bottom of the rankings for deer hunting. Does are in high demand as bait in flocks of geese. Hunts are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Looking for someone that wouldnt mind giving a guy advice thats new to hunting the Midwest as Ive always hunted Texas for deer. For me, the better option is small, overlooked ground that will house deer in a spot that flies under the radar of other hunters. Its full of quality habitat. Those 2 units are pretty big. In this edition of "Big Buck Profile," Gordon Whittington talks with young whitetail hunter Reid Crawford about his trophy buck taken in 2017. I honestly dont think Ill have trouble killing a deer, but Im up there for one reason, and thats to shoot something over 150. Big, attractive pieces of public land are easy to find. I pulled up my binos to take in the the sight of a very symmetrical 140-150 class 10pt. Dr. James Kroll and Haynes Shelton explain why it's important to know your neighbors when operating a smaller deer property. It also has approximately 1,300 WMAs. Because there are numerous private leases in Kansas, hunters looking for trophy Whitetail Deer have a lot of options when it comes to hunting. Now, it can be hard to get access from a landowner, so look at onX or a plat map and see how many different private owners have the public land surrounded. Been hunting public land for years, pick an area, scout it and hunt it. I actually recognized the buck right away. My hunt in 2020 didnt result in a buck with a mega score, but I did manage to put down a mature buck utilizing what I had learned on my previous two trips to Kansas in 2018 and 2016. Check out this Big Buck Profile segment from NAW TV: For updated deer-hunting rules and regulations, including information on seasons, bag limits and quotas, visit the KDWP website. Still, it doesnt see the hunting pressure many midwestern states do. . Mulvane, KS. For youth hunters, the cost is just $10. Better to keep the access no one else has than to ruin it by shooting a giant and never be allowed to hunt there again. Even so, ask for permission. After a day of drying, I decided to drive some roads looking for fresh tracks. If you want to hunt a large deer with a rifle or a shotguns, the hunting opportunities in Kansas are excellent. Northeast Kansas hunting management units 9 and 10. The commercial guiding of hunters is not allowed on public lands owned or managed by KDWP, including Walk-in Hunting Access areas. This hunting land in Mitchell County totals 13,200 acres. Those looking for smaller properties might think about the Baltimore Bend Conservation Area, which is about 1,200 acres. The crop info is going to be a solid help. Jake and Grant are on to them in Kansas! There are also a lot of WMAs. In Kansas, the use of a 22-250 for deer hunting is legal, as long as the hunter follows the state's regulations. Most of the land in Kansas is privately owned. Use promo code: THP shirts, hats, and decals - http://bit.l. Lightly wooded drainage's Small wood patches. This program has tall wheat or milo stubble and adjacent habitat. Awesome advice so far! | Bow Hunting From The Ground | South Dakota 22 It just doesn't get any better than these two hunts: Tyler's KANSAS Giant 18 pt! Generalities aside, here are some lands to consider in each state. We have over 30,000 acres of prime hunting ground scattered around and along the Republican river valley. Stay warm this winter and extend your hunts in a new thermal blind fromAmeristep! Public acres: 31,403,000. The Fall River area used to be an awesome area to deer hunt. This area of land is suitable for hunting deer, turkey, quail, pheasant, squirrel, Canadian geese, and . You must also have an annual hunting license at a cost of $25. Most of what Im looking at is farm land type areas with creeks that border or run through it. However, some areas that have been known to hold good populations of big bucks include the Flint Hills, the Smoky Hills, and the Tallgrass Prairie. Riley 3. In northern Michigan, the Seney National Wildlife Refuge offers 95,000 acres of big woods habitat. Published Jul 13, 2021 12:46 PM EDT. The 4,300-acre Red Willow State Recreation Areaoffers good habitat and hunting opportunities, too. Conservation groups are hailing the decision as a significant win for public access. Other states in the region offer it, but on a lesser scale. Hunters and trappers must get permission before hunting or trapping on private land that is not part of a public access program, whether it is posted or not. Mike Clerkin heads to Buffalo County, Wisconsin to bowhunt whitetails. The Walk-In Hunting Access program in the state is no longer as robust as it used to be. Pulled a tag for units 8/9. As if. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. Commonly brushed to the side, North Dakota offers excellent opportunities. That will likely change due to a massive uptick in people hunting Kansas and the still-growing interest on public land hunting. I decided what the heck, Im going to arrow this freak!, so I drew back and touched off a shot at 23 yds. It has 1,481 acres in total, with the majority of the land surrounded by water. A steeper watershed makes Tuttle Creek prone to flooding during fall rains, producing isolated islands among cattail sloughs where big bucks hide. This is a much smaller area, but offers opportunity. Tuttle Creek Wildlife Area is widely regarded as one of the best spots in the state to hunt trophy bucks! Resident any deer firearms permit draw: application period May 11 to June 11, 2021. This location consisted of a two track that ran perpendicular to a county road and provided equipment access to an agricultural field. Southeastern Kansas receives twice as much rain as the western third of the state, and the steep bluffs and lush cover combined with an extensive refuge closed to hunting offer bucks lots of sanctuaries. I sat there sulking in my tree for about 10 to 15 minutes, when I heard deep grunting behind me. Find the doe on the fields and where they are coming from, then hunt that corridor like others have stated. Thats why you typically find a parking lot full of pickup trucks when you show up at such locations. Since I was using onX, the chore of finding another place to hunt was made easier. Fish & Wildlife Service reporting approximately two million fewer hunters in 2016 than in 2011. The Flint Hills have a variety of terrain and wildlife, and the Cimarron National Grasslands are a great place to find deer and pronghorn. For a period of time, Kansas was an almost-guaranteed draw every year, and many units had whitetail tags to spare. Doniphan, Kansas, is home to 1,116 acres of hunting land. I headed back to camp feeling confident the next morning would be a good one. One way to get that is to find and focus on properties with CRP. In this graduate-level course, well teach you about deer biology, behavior, and ultimately, how to become a better hunter. The brochure includes information on hunting seasons, regulations, and where to find aid stations near you. 1,575. North central Kansas. We havent seen any 200-class deer in a couple of years, says Silovsky, but theyre here., Marais des Cygnes Wildlife Area Regardless, everyone wants to hunt the Midwest. Is there a greater giftor a more appealing challengefor an American hunter than chasing game across public land, using only your . Kansas greeted me with a half-inch of rain, which made many of the section roads nearly impassable. Most hunters are going to look at the map, see that they cant access the property, and not even try to get permission. The dude goes way into depth about finding buck beds. Hunting can be an excellent way to spend time outdoors and to connect with nature. Kansas has long been regarded as one of the top states in the country for hunting large white-tail deer. Please contact us if you want a recommendation from someone who knows how to hunt. Always check state and local regulations. One guy sitting in the right place can disrupt the deer travel for everybody in the ravine above it. They will concentrate down into thicker timber/cedar trees when it gets wet and cold. More than 50,000 archers hunted deer there in 2014, harvesting nearly 27,000 whitetails. The buck is currently No. There are a lot of public venues that are a mix of lakes and islands and large tracts of land. Brian Butcher will become the first person to ever take a non-typical, non-typical deer in Kansas if he captures his 321 3/8 buck. These are part of programs under different names, such as the Walk-In Hunting Area (WIHA) program. | While thats never a guarantee, the 15,800-acre Rathbun Wildlife Area has plenty of deer. Tuttle Creek WMA. Getty: twildlife. Deer densities are lower, but its easier to get away from other hunters. And dont forget about the Sheyenne National Grassland, which includes more than 70,000 acres. "There are fertile soils and a good mix of natural vegetation and croplands that provide deer with ample nutrition," explains Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism deer biologist Lloyd Fox. Pulled a tag for units 8/9. Its landscape has both forests and plains, where large deers have been found. For example, Indianas is Private Lands Access (IPLA), Iowas is Habitat and Access Program (IHAP), Michigans is Hunting Access Program (HAP), Nebraskas is Open Fields and Waters Program (OFW) and The Passing Along the Heritage Program (PATH), and North Dakotas is PLOTS. Gordon Whittington talks with 13-year-old Troy Metzger about the 2016 hunt that landed the young man a monster non-typical buck on this edition of Big Buck Profile. RE: Kansas..public land deer. So Im from Texas and this will be my first year hunting Kansas. The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks has a wide range of hunting opportunities available on its public hunting lands. He wont score for anything, but was definitely a mature deer. Hunting land in Kansas provide great facilities for hunters including well-furnished restrooms, toilets, fresh drinking water, security, tuck shops, and camp grounds. While those are more rural based, others are more urban and suburban. Both places have great habitat that whitetails need to thrive. If you are an archery hunter, you will feel at home at KFO. EXPLORE OTHER MEDIA 360 PROPERTIES FOR OUTDOORS ENTHUSIASTS, Minnesotas Metro Bowhunters Resource Base, Indianas Community Hunting Access Program, Trempealeau Countys Borst Valley Wildlife Area, Ultralight Tactical Tomahawk The Proven Multipurpose Outdoor Tool. I've had trail cameras soaking for most of the y. The state of Kansas allows bow hunting for deer in the southwest. Nearly half the states in the country have some version of this. 3 bucks and one doe. You dont need access to thousands, or even hundreds of acres to kill a good buck. Read Next: The Public-Land Hunting in My State Sucks, and Im Okay With That. The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism provides the most up-to-date information on the states hunting and fishing seasons and application deadlines. Below is a list of the best overlooked hotspots that produced my best public land bucks. Halstead, KS. When you look at a pressured public property, you have to wonder how mature bucks survive there. Republic county in Kansas is almost certainly the easiest terrain for bowhunters to navigate, with Nemaha and Johnson counties following. Rural areas with prairie grounds have grasslands with public access. I looked behind my stand, across the county road, and caught sight of two bucks now chasing this doe, 80 yards from my location. I used to love hunting one of these days, and its a lot of fun reminiscing about those days. Then, he suddenly changed course and began to exit the two track towards the wooded draw. This is the average sized spot for one hunter. I could tell the deer were very close (inside of 50 yards), but I couldnt yet make any of them out. 95,000 acres of hunting land in Mitchell County totals 13,200 acres licenses, permits and registrations... Period May 11 to June 11, 2021, it doesnt see the hunting opportunities in and! Digital magazine average sized spot for one hunter purchase through Dec. 31, 2021 70,000 acres Conservation,... 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