cases where eyewitnesses were right

In this case, the defendant was charged with first degree murder and the only evidence against him was the testimony of two eyewitnesses. Alex Murdaugh's defense attorneys will deliver their closing arguments in his murder trial on Thursday as they seek to raise reasonable doubt about whether he killed his wife and son in 2021. This is not always the case. What law enforcementand the publicneeds to know. Eyewitness memory is reliable when initially tested using proper procedures, but the legal system nonetheless habitually relies on unreliable (contaminated) eyewitness evidence from later IDs. Perhaps one of the most striking examples of the flaws in eyewitness testimony is the case of Jerry Miller, who was convicted of rape, robbery and kidnapping in 1982. According to the trial transcript, most of the eyewitnesses testified to having been positive when they picked Grant out of the lineup. In 2009, he was charged with assaulting 12 women. Assessing confidence is critical because it provides direct information about the trustworthiness of the uncontaminated ID. [Youre smart and curious about the world. Miller was placed in a lineup and one of the parking lot attendants positively identified Miller; the other parking lot attendant tentatively identified him. The answer seems like a resounding yes if you consider some well-known and rather disconcerting information. The modern test for the admissibility of eyewitness testimony at a criminal trial under the Due Process Clause was established by the U.S. Supreme Court in Manson v. Brathwaite in 1977. Instead, they asked that the six eyewitnesses who originally testified against Grant respond to his claims of innocence. Well ask you to confirm this for your first post to Facebook. 28 Brandon L. Garrett, Convicting the Innocent: Where Criminal Prosecutions Go Wrong 6368 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011). With surprising ease, for example, participants in a memory experiment can be led to believe that they saw a stop sign when they actually saw a yield sign or that they became lost in a shopping mall as a child when no such experience actually occurred. Psychologists have learned a. Until he was released on parole, the 81-year-old Weger ranked as the second longest-held inmate in Illinois prison system. Not so with eyewitness memory. The case shed renewed light on the country's treatment of women, with a growing number of female Iranians choosing to flout the Sharia-based law to wear the hijab. A judge can review the footage to see if claims of witness tampering are true, or if the witness shows significant doubt while identifying the suspect. Eyewitness misidentifications are known to have played a role in 70 percent of the 349 wrongful convictions that have been overturned based on DNA evidence (so far). Police officers should avoid leading questioning while interviewing potential eyewitnesses, since eyewitnesses might be eager to say what they think will help the investigation, rather than the unblemished version of their memory. His offences led to him being named the black cab rapist by the UK press. Speak to our experts today for advice. Judges should strive to make sure the jury is informed of all of the identifications an eyewitness has made prior to the trial. Today, he remains in prison. The puzzling question in this case, though, is why did six eyewitnesses independently identify Lydell Grant as the killer and then confidently testify in court? Questions were raised about the outcome after Ernest Saunders made a recovery following his release. Abcarian: Mask mandates? In response to this issue, the National Research Council (NRC) formed a research committee in 2013 chaired by Judge Jed S. Rakoff of the Southern District of New York and cognitive scientist, Thomas Albright of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.31 The group released their findings in 2014 in a report titled Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification. The person they think was the perpetrator in fact had nothing to do with the crime. Having served 10 years in prison, the psychologist recommended his release from prison. What the cases of Miller and Heidelberg highlight is that witnesses are often wrong. In assessing the reliability of eyewitness identification, federal and state courts are still divided on (1) whether expert testimony on eyewitness identification should be allowed under either Daubert or Frye and (2) the proper exercise of trial court discretion when deciding whether to admit such expert testimony.18 The subjects who had been asked the leading question were much more likely to choose the slideshow with the yield sign, since their memories had been tampered by the question asked earlier.4 Many studies have since corroborated the findings of Loftus, such as another experiment, where the same effect was reproduced using television screens, and then seeing the effects between the different participants.5 Studies like these have demonstrated the fickle nature of memory, and how details can be changed without the witness really even recognizing it. Therefore, when John Warboys applied for parole, an independent psychologist was instructed by his legal representative to assess his risk. An initial eyewitness identification made with low confidence indicates that even though memory was not contaminated, the ID is untrustworthy (that is, by indicating low confidence, the eyewitness is effectively saying, Theres a good chance that Im making an error). Some courts have held it as an abuse of discretion for a trial judge to bar the defense from admitting expert testimony on eyewitness identification. Discover world-changing science. Recently, up to 400 female pupils from around 30 schools were subjected to poisoning attacks in what is believed to be an attempt to stop them getting an education. This evidence was not presented in the initial trial. The psychiatrist found that she had an adjustment disorder at the time she killed her husband, enabling her solicitors to challenge her conviction for murder. The NRCs recommendations for law enforcement and judges are below.32. While his potential release faced intense scrutiny, it demonstrates how influential an expert witness report can be. Opinion: Why does Mexicos president want to dismantle the democratic system that elected him? In the sad case of the 1960 Starved Rock murders, there were EIGHT confessions by Chester Weger made to different people at different times, including a re-enactment of the crime at the scene covered by more than a dozen reporters/photographers. The witnesses trial testimony reveals a simple explanation for these high-confidence errors: All of the eyewitnesses received confirmatory feedback following their identification of Grant. Three of the eyewitnesses reported that the detective told them that they had picked the same person other people had, though the detective himself denied having made such statements. In Perry v. New Hampshire, the Supreme Court barred the defendant from challenging the eyewitness testimony proffered by the state, even though the circumstances surrounding the eyewitnesss identification of the defendant were decidedly suggestive. They found that the odds of a false identification were 1.56 times greater in cases where the race was different than the witness, thus highlighting how bias can affect how somebody remembers an event.7 With regard to stress, studies such as those run by Clifford & Hollin have looked at how memory is affected under a high-stress situation. For example, 21 police departments in the state conduct blind photo lineups, in which the person administering the viewing doesnt know who the suspect is. Therefore, it is important that the individuals allowed to testify are accurate in their recollections. Dan tries to find out more about Mustafa . After . Thus, Chester was charged with three separate felonies as a way to overwhelm him and break him down. Not only do such statements inflate eyewitnesses confidence in the accuracy of their identification, but they lead them to falsely remember having been that confident all along. Police said they believed Weger was a suspect in a rape that had occurred a few years earlier. Expert Evidence In Family Cases Where Spouse Is Unable To Return To Work Due To Illness, The revised psychopathy checklist (PCL-R), Proving Automatism Defences In Criminal Cases, Understanding the Value of an Occupational Therapist Expert Witness, Causation in personal injury or medical negligence, Assessments of sexual offending, violent behaviour offending, arson, and stalking. This created an inherent bias that made the lineup unfair, and likely affected the victims subsequent identification. Just because memory is malleablefor example, it can be contaminated with the trace of an innocent persondoes not mean that it has to be unreliable. Historically, eyewitness testimony has been in use not only in the United States and our penal system but all around the world. Women in Iran have all the necessary required freedoms within the framework of the law, he claims, but says our interview is a confrontation: This is not the way to conduct an interview., Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian smiled as he chastised CNN host Christiane Amanpour, telling her 'this is not the way to conduct an interview', CNN host Amanpour laid into the Iranian foreign minister over his country's record on women's rights. Thanks to the work of the Innocence Project of Texas, new DNA testing on biological material collected from underneath the victims fingernails cleared Grant and implicated another man, Jermarico Carter, who police said confessed to the killing. The lineup photo from one of these lineups shows how suggestive it was: The other four men in the lineup were much older and bigger than Chester. (Sometimes there is an issue of racial bias connected with eyewitness misidentification, but this was not a factor as the parking lot attendants were also African American.). University of Virginia law professor Brandon Garrett analyzed trial materials for 161 DNA exonerated individuals who had been misidentified with high confidence by one or more eyewitnesses in a court of law. Any evidence can potentially be contaminated, including what is considered to be the gold standard of forensic evidence: DNA. 'Do you ask other countries? It turns out, back in 1998, just days after the crime, the NYPD had a main suspect for the murder of Al Ward: a man named Mustafa. Current procedures for collecting and assessing evidence from eyewitnesses are often not designed to minimize contamination.This problem does not apply to other kinds of forensic evidence. Pregnant), Left and got about 1-2 blocks away and saw a man running west, away from downtown, it was her neighbor Flowers, Clemy pointed it out to Roy but Roy did not recognize him, Couldnt remember his clothes or shoes, did not describe seeing blood on him, Latarsha, Clemys cousin, remains convinced that Clemy made up the story because she felt pressured by law enforcement and because she might be able to get money Latarsha was also taken by the police at 19 to be asked questions and Johnson implied that she might get some of the reward money (30k) if she corroborated, Saw a man running across the street 1-2 blocks away that day of the murders, he was alone (not with Clemy) and it was earlier in the morning and when he was with Clemy later, they did not see anybody running, Law enforcement came and found Roy and he ended up giving a statement to John Johnson, Was shown Flowers picture (school picture) ONLY Flowers asked if that was the person Roy saw running Roy said no and John Johnson pushed Roy that it was Flowers and that Clemy was with him when it happened eventually Roy said he broke down and agreed to the story because he wanted to get out of there (he was afraid of Johnson), After that, Johnson recorded Clemy telling her story of seeing Flowers running away from downtown. The detective also admitted making a similar comment to at least one other witness. A meta-analytic review of the effects of high stress on eyewitness memory, Law and Human Behavior 28.6 (2004), 687-706. Working closely with our specialist human resource colleagues, we offer a holistic advisory and support service for employers encompassing both the legal and people risks of workforce management. Moreover, confirmatory feedback can alter witnesses memories of the original crime, making them less able to recognize the actual perpetrator when they see him again. In Millers case, the two parking lot attendants were immediately suspicious when the victims car approached the ticket booth. . Consider, for example, the case of Gary Leiterman, who, in 2005, was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison following a cold case investigation in which his DNA was found on the clothing of a woman named Jane Mixer, who was murdered in 1969. Gareth, a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, is the series editor of Best American Infographics and can be reached at garethideas AT or Twitter@garethideas. The murder victims cold case evidence was there because the case had recently been reopened; the 1969 preschoolers DNA sample was there as part of an active murder investigation, and Leitermans DNA sample was there because he had recently been arrested for forging a prescription. It is not uncommon for the Parole Board to instruct expert evidence from psychiatrists and psychologists. Read through our advertising and sponsorship rates and contact us. This allows jurors to make more informed decisions while evaluating particular eyewitness testimony. In one clip an unidentified Iranian woman can be heard saying: 'They are without shame and should be embarrassed. 'In Iran we had an incident. A full and fair examination of all the circumstances of the subject crime, and all the evidence involved, is necessary. To see why, let us revisit those DNA exoneration cases that so often involve eyewitness misidentification. Last updated: 27 February 2023. Police in some California counties use some of the methods recommended by the New Jersey court and by the California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice. Thanks for reading Scientific American. Witnesses arent able to tell whether their testimony was influenced in this way. There have been many famous expert witness cases. First, the judge must determine whether the procedure used by law enforcement officials in obtaining the proffered eyewitness identification (e.g., photographic array or lineup) was unnecessarily suggestive.11 The judge must then weigh this determination against the following five factors to assess the reliability of the identification: In practice, therefore, the test is flexible. Expert witnesses are often instructed in cases where expert evidence is necessary to enable the court to understand specific issues, such as capacity, intent, causation etc. John Worboys was given an indeterminate prison sentence. Thomas D. Albright, director of the Vision Center Laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, listed some of the many variables affecting eyewitness testimony in a 2017 paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, entitled Why Eyewitnesses Fail.. However, Solicitor, Marilyn Stowe, had concerns about the expert evidence of Professor Meadow. Miller was ultimately charged with rape, robbery and kidnapping. Second, the police lineup has to be fair (that is, the suspect should not stand out). In one of the earliest studies of this misinformation effect run by Elizabeth Loftus, subjects were shown a slideshow of a red car passing a stop sign and hitting a pedestrian. Nevertheless, these subtle behavioral cues affect eyewitnesses decisions by making them more likely to choose the suspect. 6 Wells, Memon, Penrod, Eyewitness Evidence: Improving Its Probative Value, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, (2006). 'The issue in Iran at the moment is not that of hijab.'. On Monday Amirabdollahian was controversially tasked with giving a speech on Human Rights at a UN meeting. Chester Weger was convicted in 1961 of the notorious Starved Rock Murders, in which three women were brutally killed and their bodies left in a park located in LaSalle County, Illinois about two hours southwest of Chicago. According to the Innocence Project, mistaken identifications are the leading factor in wrongful convictions, accounting for almost 70 percent of the wrongful convictions overturned by post-conviction DNA evidence. Jurors trust a confident eyewitness and believe they are telling the truth and that their testimony is accurate [1]. Often, it can be the strongest evidence in a criminal case even though it can also be the most unreliable. 2 Warmer storms could cause problems, Column: Supreme Court conservatives may want to block student loan forgiveness. Mugshots of Lydell Grant (left, in 2010) and Jermarico Carter (right, in 2007) show the men dont look very similar. But if the six eyewitnesses chose Lydell Grant from the lineup only because they were cued to do so by the case detective, why were they so confident in their identifications? The rebuttal comes more than a month into the murder trial of Murdaugh, the 54-year-old disbarred personal injury attorney and member of a dynastic family in South Carolina's Lowcountry, where his . Press Esc to cancel. The shooter had borrowed Heidelbergs car, and when Heidelberg went to retrieve his car later that night he was arrested by officers at the scene. They were then asked a leading question about how fast the car was going when it passed the yield sign. Retrieved March, 2019. Medicolegal court reports are requested where expert witness evidence is required. Tells other tales: ISIS in Winona, the river flowed backwards one day, the microphone might be tapped into by the Russians, Saw Flowers walking on the sidewalk on that day heading in the direction, Approached by police chief at McDonalds where she worked, In 1977 gave a detailed statement to DA Investigator John Johnson, Picked up and gave statement to John Johnson, Another unnamed witness said she would not testify at another trial and in fact did not see Flowers, saw Curtis walking by his house the day of the murders, Law enforcement sought him 1 month after murders John Johnson, He said I wasnt even really sure [that I saw Flowers on that exact date] in podcast, Claimed John Johnson gave him the statement, he told Johnson at some point he saw Flowers pass by his house that summer and Johnson gave him the date, Didnt feel like he had a choice but to testify subpoenaed every time, Roy was driving, Clemy was riding in passenger seat, Clemy asked Roy Harris for a ride to Tardys to pay off a furniture bill right about the time of the murders but Clemy decided not to get out of the car because even though she drove all the way down, because she didnt feel well (5 mo. One of my clients, Cleve Heidelberg, was convicted in 1970 of killing a Peoria County, Ill., sheriffs deputy who was responding to a call about an armed robbery at a drive-in movie theatre. It is important to strive to continue to conduct social science research on the nature of eyewitness and the efficacy of potential reforms like the ones above in order to create effective safeguards against unreliable eyewitness testimony. 70 percent of the 349 wrongful convictions. Juries are particularly prone to being swayed by eyewitness testimony, as evidenced in the Curtis Flowers case. Just as double-blind clinical trials in medical studies are intended to prevent patients and doctors expectations from affecting outcomes of the clinical trial, double-blind lineups aim to prevent witnesses and administrators expectations from influencing the outcomes of the identification procedure. This can be true even in situations where the witness has an ample opportunity to observe the offender. Document Witness Confidence and Videotape Witness Identifications. 2023 Scientific American, a Division of Springer Nature America, Inc. During the tense interview, Amirabdollahian claimed Mahsa Amini - the 22-year-old who died after being arrested by morality police for failing to wear the hijab - was turned into a 'symbol' by protesters. One eyewitness couldnt recall whether the detective had told him anything after he identified Grant, but the detective acknowledged telling that particular eyewitness good job following the identification. You can choose on each post whether you would like it to be posted to Facebook. Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? Two police officers thought the sketch resembled Miller, a man they had questioned a few days earlier. He claimed police did not have the power to use firearms in the riots. Following a protracted trial,Saunders was found guilty ofconspiracy, theft, and false accounting. Wegers attorneys, Celeste Stack and I, continue to seek to prove Chesters innocence and are seeking to review and analyze the physical evidence and are working to be able to conduct forensic testing on some of that evidence. But eyewitnesses allege she was severely beaten and died as a result of police brutality. One estimate based on a 1989 survey of prosecutors suggests that at least 80,000 eyewitnesses make identifications of suspects in criminal investigations each year.25 He served 61 years in prison before being released on parole in February 2020. In recent years, more and more jurisdictions have come to accept expert testimony on the reliability of eyewitness identification. Instead evidence collected at the contaminated crime scene would probably be declared inadmissible. A letter by UN Watch - a Geneva-based organization monitoring activities of the UN - urged all 193 members to leave the meeting. In the Miller case, a. In contrast, a high-confidence ID is highly accurate, a surprising fact that has only recently come to be appreciated by experimental psychologists. COVID origins? The Manson admissibility test consists of two steps. Even where a judge determines that a given identification procedure is unnecessarily suggestive, the judge may nonetheless admit the results of the procedure if they are deemed reliable based on these factors.13 In his dissenting opinion, Justice Marshall criticized the Court for ignoring studies showing that unnecessarily suggestive eyewitness identifications had led to erroneous convictions even where such identifications had been deemed reliable.14 The attendants were also able to have a brief conversation with the driver before he fled on foot. Over time, social science experts were soon quick to point out the errors that were likely to occur leading to an erroneous conviction based on faulty eyewitness testimonies.9 In the wake of the Daubert trilogy cases where judges were urged to be active in their gatekeeping role, the courts began developing stringent threshold requirements that had to be met for admission of an eyewitness testimony. In 1932, Yale University law professor Edwin M. Borchard documented nearly seventy cases of miscarriage of justice caused by eyewitness errors in his book, Convicting the Innocent. Laura Mickes is an academic at Royal Holloway, University of London. My Blog cases where eyewitnesses were right. In 1932, Yale University law professor Edwin M. Borchard documented nearly seventy cases of miscarriage of justice caused by eyewitness errors in his book, Convicting the Innocent.22 My review of the transcripts from Grants trial suggests a simple explanation for these high-confidence mistakes: The police did not use scientific best practices for collecting the eyewitness identification evidence. My Blog cases where eyewitnesses were right. 27 The Innocence Project, Eyewitness Identification,. Kendall Taggart BuzzFeed News Reporter 4 Defffenbacher, et al. John Worboys worked as a cab driver and was charged with sexually assaulting several of his female passengers. Yet, based on, among other things, this powerful purported eyewitness evidence, Heidelberg was convicted. 32 National Research Council, Identifying The Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification 38, 4-8 (2014). The perpetrator had a brief conversation with the parking lot attendants and then fled the scene. After she had spent several years in prison, an independent consultant psychiatrist was instructed as an expert witness. 9 According to the innocence project, mistaken identification is a leading factor in wrongful convictions. However, there has yet to be research showing what ideal instructions would look like, as each case involving eyewitness testimony varies from each other. Mr. Other major dangers that have plagued eyewitness reports are factors such as high-stress situations, how witnesses are interviewed by police, and whether the victim is the same or different race as the witness.6 In 2001, Meissner and Brigham performed a broad review of research on cross-race identification, analyzing data from 39 research articles and 5,000 subjects/witnesses. to select the person they believe to be a prime suspect. As a result, witnesses who have received confirmatory feedback provide testimony that is highly persuasive to jurors. The reliability of these alleged identifications was suspect, since the officers would have had only a fraction of a second to observe the driver whizz by them at a high rate of speed at night. Alex Murdaugh's defense attorneys will deliver their closing arguments in his murder trial on Thursday as they seek to raise reasonable doubt about whether he killed his wife and son in 2021. The shooter wound up crashing the car and escaping on foot. In an effort to overwhelm Chester and break him down, he was placed in a lineup regarding two incidents that took place in 1959 in a nearby State Park called Deer Park, one of which was that rape case and the other was a purse snatching. He was 19 at the time of that attack. The transcript from Lydell Grants trial revealed that the homicide detective in charge of investigating the case administered the lineup to the eyewitnesses. In Manson, the Supreme Court highlighted reliability as the linchpin in determining the admissibility of identification testimony and adopted a totality of the circumstances test to assess reliability in this context.10 For example, in cases where a mental disorder is an issue, the evidence of a psychiatrist may influence the conduct of legal proceedings, it may help to adduce medical evidence relevant to trial and may be the deciding factor between imprisonment and mental health treatment. In 2011, Sally Challen was convicted of murdering her husband before Guildford Crown Court. Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual. Noting a victims initial confidence level at the initial identification can be important, so as to track if the witness grows more or less confident with the identification over the course of the trial, which might be an indicator of eyewitness unreliability. After his conviction at Croydon Crown Court, several more women made allegations of sexual assault against him. Compared to administrators conducting double-blind lineups, these informed administrators are more likely to ask witnesses about the suspect and smile when witnesses are looking at the suspect rather than at another person in the lineup. An Iranian girl passed away and we were all very sorry about that. Finally, almost a year later, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals declared Grant actually innocent on May 19, 2021. As of 2014, 44 states and all federal circuits, with the possible exception of the 11th Circuit, allow such expert testimony at the discretion of the trial judge.21, Eyewitness Testimony: Application in Court, The Manson v. Brathwaite test under the Due Process Clause of the U.S. Constitution for assessing eyewitness identification evidence was established in 1977, before much applied research on eyewitness identification had been conducted. This decision attracted intense media attention and was seen to be a controversial decision due to the nature and severity of his offences. It is used to establish facts in a criminal investigation or prosecution. the opportunity of the witness to view the criminal at the time of the crime; the accuracy of the witnesss prior description of the criminal; the level of certainty demonstrated at the identification procedure; and. Family weapons were used to kill the victims in the Murdaugh case, prosecutor says Prosecutor Creighton Waters speaks during closing arguments on Wednesday, March 1. Examples of when an expert witness may be needed include: To hire an expert witness, you may make contact with us via our simple online contact form, call us on 01865 587 865 or by requesting a call back from our team via the link below. 22 Edwin M. Borchard, Convicting the Innocent: Sixty-Five Actual Errors of Criminal Justice (New York: Garden City Publishing Company, Inc., 1932). Nationally, more than 75% of convictions that have been overturned because of DNA evidence involved erroneous eyewitness testimony. This helps to safeguard against overly eager police officers who might implicitly encourage eyewitnesses (with tone of voice, body language, etc.) This opinion differed from the opinions formed by the other professionals, who concluded that John Worboys should remain in prison. 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Strive to make sure the jury is informed of all the evidence involved, is necessary Grants revealed.. ' 32 National Research Council, Identifying the Culprit: assessing eyewitness identification eyewitnesses who originally against... The homicide detective in charge of investigating the case administered the lineup to the trial transcript, of... Post whether you would like it to be posted to Facebook, more. Against him was the testimony of two eyewitnesses and severity of his offences led him... Around the world assaulting 12 women 1 ] with giving a speech on Human at... Separate felonies as a cab driver and was charged with assaulting 12 women independent consultant psychiatrist was instructed as expert! Testimony on the reliability of eyewitness identification on, among other things, this powerful purported evidence. A criminal case even though it can be cases where eyewitnesses were right even in situations where the witness has ample. Automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline few years earlier witnesses! Who have received confirmatory feedback provide testimony that is highly accurate, a surprising fact that only!

James Wilder Missouri, New Jersey High School Football Record Book, Articles C

cases where eyewitnesses were right