distance from sodom to zoar

131-138. Below, read Bill Schlegels commentary on the location of Zoar along with Steven Collinss response. Is this taken into account, or am I misunderstanding? night in the public square. 3 Yet he strongly urged them, so they Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. 23]: The sun rose over is the marked by me part revealing that Zoar was similar to Sodom in terms of wickedness? Genesis 13, archaeology and Biblical geography provide clues. the king of Gomorrah, Shinab, the king of Admah, and Shemeber, the Not much wonder Sodom was mentioned in the Ebla tables in the Early Bronze age trading with Sodom. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Peabody: Hendrickson.". Same for Noah and the ark. For details visit http://www.yahwehcalendar.com. The Zered River, which drains into the southeastern part of the Dead Sea is depicted and clearly labeled on the Madaba Map. He is author of the Satellite Bible Atlas. The largest shot produced a seismic magnitude of about 4, and was recorded at distances up to 3500 km. In the article Where Is Sodom? in the March/April 2013 issue of BAR, archaeologist Steven Collins combines clues from Biblical geography with archaeological evidence from the site of Tall el-Hammam in Jordan to suggest that the author of Genesis 13 located Sodom in a fertile area northeast of the Dead Sea. The Fate of Sodom C: (18:20-33) The famous negotiation over the fate of Sodom takes up the end of this chapter and, as noted earlier, is beset with several general difficulties, in addition to all of the specific issues addressed by the Rishonim. How to get the closed form solution from DSolve[]? Im new to this debate, but has anyone seen the Bunch et al article (2021; doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-97778-3) that performs a detailed analysis of the geological evidence surrounding Tall el-Hamman and concludes that this area was likely destroyed by mid-air explosion of large meteorite, larger the Tunguska, Russia event in 1908. In the following passage in Genesis 19:2-3 i marked a specific part. In the Biblical record we find a number of facts about the actual cities of Sodom and Gomorrah: There were a series of five cities named Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Belar/Zoar (Gen. 10:19, 14:2, 14:8, Deut. Im glad to give BAR readers an update on the Tall el-Hammam/Sodom excavations if they request it. Moving Zoar to the mouth of the Arnon doesnt improve Collinss case for Sodom anyway. It only takes a minute to sign up. Links below: Please, let me flee there. Four highly acclaimed books, published in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution: Aspects of Monotheism, Feminist Approaches to the Bible, The Rise of Ancient Israel and The Search for Jesus. . In Abraham's day, it was ruled by a king who rebelled with the four others of the District after 12 years of domination by Chedorlaomer, only to be defeated by the Elamite monarch and his three allies. Well, that's sort of the issue. M. Kyle, led an expedition to explore the region around the southern end of the Dead Sea. Lot and family flee south to Zoar instead. Of whose This provided a walkable shelf-like shoreline as a relatively easy route between the two. There is insufficient data available to precisely ascertain the year, month, and day on which Sodom, Gomorrah, and the other cities of the plain were destroyed, but there is sufficient data available to estimate the approximate time of day at which the destruction event occurred. The biblical geography alone as described in Genesis 13 should give enough credence to believe that Sodom may very well be located on the northern end of the Dead Sea and not the southeastern end. In Deuteronomy 34:3, Moses is said to have viewed "the Plain of the valley of Jericho the city of palm trees, unto Zoar," while in Isaiah 15:5 and Jeremiah 48:4 (where the Septuagint reads unto "Zoar," instead of "her little ones") it is said to be a city of Moab. All agree that Sodom existed in the Early Bronze age (Gen 10) the Question of importance is when was it destroyed (Middle Bronze Age Gen 13). Your email address will not be published. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I am the Subject Matter Expert for Archaeology and Assistant Professor at Liberty University and have been a square and field supervisor at Tall el-Hammam for over 10 years. His statement that I fail to realize that the territory of Moab forbidden to Israel was in the heights above the Rift Valley, and that the Rift Valley and the Dead Sea are distinct regions, which were not forbidden, to Israel as far as Zoar is just wishful thinking. Your email address will not be published. Perspective at which we see things differ. The maps index can help you locate a particular place on the maps. Deuteronomy 34:3 and the South, and the Plain of the valley of Jericho the city of palm trees, to Zoar. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? (161 kilometers) further north that is a short distance from Damascus (Genesis 14:15 . Steven Collins is director of the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project and dean of the College of Archaeology and Biblical History at Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he also serves as curator of its ancient Near East collections. I appreciate the labors of so many professional archaeologists today and the recent past, that are finding artifacts and writings which harmonize with the Biblical Scriptures. [] read more, visit: http://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-sites-places/biblical-archaeology-sites/where-is-s and [], Your email address will not be published. For Tall el-Hammam as the location of Sodom I have relied upon rigorous textual, geographical, archaeological, and other avenues of scientific analysis, wherein harebrained ideas devoid of actual scientific content have no place. Such an outstanding and picturesque tongue-like shore would not have been overlooked by the artist-cartographer of that map. They further state that Postures of two cargo vessels portrayed on the Madaba Map imply that the main traffic was between Zoar, port at the southeast corner of the north basin, and the north coast as close as possible to Jericho, the gate to Judea. Furthermore, radio-carbon dating isnt the only method we use to date things back beyond lets say 50,000 years. Lot's Flight from Sodom. The stories of Sodom and its destruction,.. whether historical or not, were clearly understood to have occurred near the Dead Sea,. Have any professional archaeologists investigated the ashen remains of Sodom & Gomorrah (as promoted by Ron Wyatt)? Josephus, Eusebius and Madaba map place Zoar at the south east end. Valley means that the river Jordan was flowing there Gen. 13:10 BEFORE the LORD destroyed the four cities. Thanks. I think BAR has moderated its position over the years, becoming less biased against Scripture and opening the door to work done by those who presuppose the veracity of Scripture. http://www.amazon.com/review/R3RYEFE6CD7HQA/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=061590999X, My 11-part response to Dr. Collins comments on Biblical Problems with Zoar was very close to Sodom. Link here: Ur of the Chaldees was a . Bible Book Code: 0101902401a. passage [Gen. 19:15]: And as the morning dawn arose, the angels urged I am willing to hear from you as we are the body of the Messiah and I need your suggestions (Jeremiah 31:31-33 cf. Zoara, the biblical Zoar, previously called Bela (Genesis 14:8), was one of the five "cities of the plain" - a pentapolis at that time of Abram or Abraham named later, it was a highly fertile valley apparently located along the lower Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea plain and mentioned in the Book of Genesis.It was said to have been spared the "brimstone and fire" which destroyed Sodom and . For its many sins, God destroyed Sodom and all the inhabitants of the cities of the plain in an intense conflagration, but not before allowing Abrahams nephew Lot and his family to flee to safety. . 24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah - from the Lord out of the heavens. "Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar . See the discussion in Shea 1983 . In Genesis 14:3 it is explained that the location of the cities was called valley of Siddim. 57 But now everyone has learned how wicked you really are. It's not a good thing to be ignorant of the things one professes to believe in. (Note: This is an updated and reformatted version from what was . How are we to take the fact that Lot offered his daughters for rape? Zoar is located south of the mouth of the Zered River. Anson F. Rainey was the late (2011) Professor Emeritus of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures and Semitic Linguistics at Tel Aviv University. Zoar was close to Sodom (Genesis 19:20) - as are these ruins. Disagreeing is not an end all. Perhaps youll never quite look at things the same way again. As Neev and Emery state: As Zoar of the first century A.D. was a seaport, it had to be on the shore and must have been north of [the paved Roman road traversing the Lisan] or near the head of the Bay of Mazraa [at the south end of the north basin]. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OAnA00FnjmZcm1BuKfb-sjsnTivus0Gq. From studying external sources, such as the Sumerian Kings list, we can see clearly that long lifespans were meant as honorific terms and not actual lengths of life. . a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie. You can hear what he had to say here: Pt. Sorry Dennis, but you dont make any argument or show any evidence as to WHY fitting archeological sites to the Middle East biblical sites is not objective. Escape there Based on numerous data-sets dealing with ancient Dead Sea levels, its clear that during the Roman and Byzantine Period the level of the Dead Sea was even lower than todayabout -440m. This is my map of the area in Southern Israel where the cities of Sodom, Admah, Gomorrah and Zeboiim were likely to have been situated. Was it the action of the men of Sodom that precipitated its destruction in Genesis 19? In conclusion, the best location for Zoar is not on the southeast corner of the Dead Sea's shallow . Archaeology has positively identified Zoar south of the Dead Sea. And he said to him, Behold, I will grant this favor as well; that I Arioch, the king of Ellasar, Kedorlaomer, the king of Elam, and Tidal, As a result, on April 19, 1819, the group formed the Society of . From the passage [Gen. 19:15]: "And as the morning dawn arose, the angels urged Lot," etc. If sodom is not historic why look for it? Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Bible Reference & Map Description. Dr. Collins has never given any official answer to the evidences I present, and that can only mean the arguments are air-tight. Therefore, it is not surprising that many cities could have disappeared under the rising level of water, only to appear again a few centuries later. From the Arnon mouth to Tall-Hammam, where he wants to place Sodom, is still over 40 miles. Not a BAS Library member yet? I will go with Him on that. Its hard reading the descriptions of various old names from rivers and features without annotated maps? 17 . I don't doubt that God had full control to destroy or not destroy cities as He fully sees fit so their isn't anything about the size of the city of Zoar that spared it. Albuquerque, N.M.: TSU Press, 2015. small, a town on the east or south-east of the Dead Sea, to which Lot and his daughters fled from Sodom ( Genesis 19:22 Genesis 19:23).It was originally called Bela ( Genesis 14:2 Genesis 14:8).It is referred to by the prophets ( Isaiah 15:5) and ( Jeremiah 48:34).Its ruins are still seen at the opening of the ravine of Kerak, the Kir-Moab referred to in 2 Kings 3, the modern Tell esh . Nathanael, I appreciate your posting of material that challenges the author and airs your thoughts on the matter. It is commonly mentioned in connection with Gomorrah, but also with Admah and Zeboim, and on one occasion -- (Genesis 14:1) . Her nobles flee to Zoar, to Eglath Shelishiyah; for they go up by the ascent of Luhith with weeping; for in the way of Horonaim, they raise up a cry of destruction. Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? Note how cleverly this . (Ref: Moses, Ref. Moreover, its not surprising to find out that the earthquakes were severe and that they could have wiped out an entire city the infrastructure of which wasnt up to modern code. Not even if a dead relative comes back State/Province level distance calculator: Access to 50+ curated Special Collections. I believe Dr. Collins is right on this one. Where Were the Old Testament Kings of Ancient Jerusalem Buried? Steven Collins response to Shirley S. Reed. The so-called cities of the plain were Sodom, Gomorrah, Zoar, Admah, and Zeboiim. But if one has his mind Analysis and Interpretation of Scripture 1. I'm not sure what we can make of Zoar other than the role it played (eventually, perhaps in an ark-like preservation way) in the lineage of Jesus. We believe in Jesus, and assumedly have put our trust in Him, and try to follow Gods Pure Word. Ellen White stated it best: "Whatever contradicts God's word, we may be . Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? It says that all the men of Sodom, young and old, had gathered outside Lot's house. Shalom! The truth will be apparent over time, as history shows. A city gate found there may be the one where Lot, Abraham's nephew, "sat" ( Genesis 19:1 ). Amahai Mazar is the Professor at the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Bethel and Ai are located near Jericho which is located directly across from the northern end of the Dead Sea. It is much better to interpret these lifespans authentically, i.e., the way the original readers would have. A myth, according to the dictionary, is a commonly-held but false belief, a common misconception; a fictitious or imaginary person or thing; a popular conception about a real person or event which exaggerates or idealizes reality. The name Zoar means "little" or "insignificant.". will not overthrow the city of which you have spoken. He spoke at a recent conference we hosted on the topic. Then, when asked for evidence of their assertion, they will either claim that, a) the burden of proof is not on them, but on those who claim the account is true, and/or, b) you cant prove a negative. Based on apparently where Abraham and Lot were located as they both viewed the well watered Jordan valley, they would have been viewing the north end of the Dead Sea. Bill Schlegel. According to Smith's Bible Dictionary, Sodom was one of the most ancient cities of Syria. The site is so large that is can now be called a city state (62 acres, while Jerusalem and Jericho at the time were only 10 acres). The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. The first most important source for locating Sodom and Gomorrah is the location of Zoar ( see more) and Lot's cave and is from the mosaic map on the floor of a church in Madaba, Jordan, known as the Madaba map and as shown in Fig 1 below. ?And Samaria. Read responses by scholars Bill Schlegel and Todd Bolen regarding the location of Sodom. Imagine a week after the event, Lot is walking around a field somewhere and someone recognizes him as one of the 'mayors' of Sodom (go with me on this). Magnesium is the stuff that makes some fireworks burn with intense white light and as it can reach temperature over 5000Fahreheit it has no difficulty melting rock and fusing it into the same glassy material found at atom bomb test sites. Link here: Surely weve heard of tells. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. continues to come out that corroborates the historic accounts in the Bible. Both statements are asinine & not logical. In this section, there is a leitwort that appears seven times: Tzaddik. Read about Lot and his family, along with the pending destruction (c. 2000 BC) of the kingdoms of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the three associated cities of Admah, Zeboim, and Zoar, 2 in Genesis, chapter 19, but start first, a little before that, in Genesis 18 to get the full context of the events. This man Lot was a close member of Abraham's family (Genesis 11:31, Genesis 13:8-9, Genesis 14:16.) For centuries people knew exactly where Sodom and Gomorrah once stood. In 1973 solid archaeological evidence was found for locating the Cities of the Plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah, . And Abraham sojourned in Gerar Which belonged to the Philistines. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. The two foremost theories for the genesis of the Universe are chance and God, and since chance does NOT meet these requirements, and God does, then obviously God is the best possible explanation for the genesis of all things. There are several major holes in the theory and myth that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of homosexuality. After Lot and his daughters escaped from Sodom, they lived in a cave in the hills near Zoar. If Tall el-Hammam is Sodom, then Zoar is too far away (~65 miles) for Lot and his daughters to have reached in the amount of time the Bible allots for their journey. BTW Bolen places the Patriarchs in the Early Bronze Age which few conservative archaeologist do. Israelis didnt keep 70 Land Sabbaths strictly from 1099 BCE to 609 BCE (5th year of the king, Solomon to the 10th year of the king, Zedekiah = 490 Luni Solar Years) according to Yahwehs Luni Solar Calendar Formula (Lev. Other than Israel, no country has as many Biblical sites and associations as Jordan: Mount Nebo, from where Moses gazed at the Promised Land; Bethany beyond the Jordan, where John baptized Jesus; Lots Cave, where Lot and his daughters sought refuge after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah; and many more. Was it this eventwhich destroyed Hammam and the other cities of the kikkarthat was remembered by the Biblical writers in their telling of the story of Sodom? (stumbleupon). from the fire which fell down upon the five cities. Such evidence suggests the city and its environs were catastrophically destroyed in a sudden and extreme conflagration. I quote the following from the article: The narrative belongs solely during MB2 on every line of evidence available. The location of Sodom and Gomorrah has intrigued readers of the Bible for centuries. In 1924 W. F. Albright, in association with Rev. But in this case, the holy book (Bible) has given us an understanding and an idea about the place called Sodom and Gomorah thousand years before archaeologists now gave us the exact location Thus, the reverse is the case with myth. Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! Their strategy is to lure the enemy into battle at the valley of Siddim (south of the Dead Sea). Given that the Madaba Map shows only the deep north basin, the large river representation to the north of Zoar is none other than the Wadi Mujib (Biblical Arnon River/Gorge). Lot was Abraham's nephew. So many things Steven Collins, Director, Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project, Jordan both for the fruits it bore and the riches of its cities, although it extension of Darwins theories and propped up beliefs in slavery. @krissy and others: The Dead Sea? I believe in finding things that are said in the Bible, but this might need to be just not find. The time recorded for the fleeing by Lot and his family would then be critical for they would have to travel further than 25 km. Answer (1 of 20): I know many who will read this do not take the Bible's story of Sodom and Gomorrah seriously, but I hope you will investigate what I am about to say for yourself to see if it is true. Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. Sign up today! Now that objective is beginning to shift toward a more thoughtful exploration into what actually happened whether it backs up a bible story or offers a better insight into the actual history of the region. Link to first part below, scroll down to read further: Trinity Southwest University 7600 Jefferson NE, Suite 28 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109, USA (505) 332-4253 The epicenter of the ACTUAL blast that destroyed Sodom is found at the SOUTHERN end of the Dead Sea at Gawr al-Mazraah. What is the significance of Gen 46:10 "Shaul the son of a Canaanitish woman"? The city was being run by thugs. These were all in the fertile Jordan valley and were slated for destruction due to their (common) wickedness. The 5th "city" in the list, Bela (aka Zoar) was really a village, Zoar means "little". Todd Bolen responds to Where is Sodom, Lots Cave Museum at Ancient Zoar (Zoora). to Lot, "Escape for thy life; look not behind thee . (There are countless other examples of negative assertions that can be logically proven or disproven; you can even make a list of many yourself.). Zoar - Bela was here. be now all burnt up. [] Thanks994 Originally Posted by WYRD OF GAWD As a self-professed Bible believer you should really read your favorite ethnocentric religious fairy tale. The truth, however, is that they may have disappeared much later than our translations suggest. That is helpful. Maybe youll decide to become an atheist in the end. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? The Babylonian Talmud: Original Text, Edited, Corrected, Formulated, and Translated into English (Vol. David Neev and K.O. Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction happened in the time of Abraham and involved his nephew Lot. This must be done via historical synchronisms and elements of cultural specificity. What does seem apparent is that the angels are annoyed by Lot's request (Gen 19:15-22)-- which is another example of Lot not quite coloring between the lines in God's plan. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 54 Then you will be ashamed of how youve acted, and Sodom and Samaria will be relieved that they werent as sinful as you. Lot, etc. Author Steven Collins in a field large with standing stones, stone circles and dolmens near Tall el-Hammam, a site he associates with Biblical Sodom. The debate and research continues but people should not be so quick to dismiss this amazing site. AAAThe Bible is more believed than this article. For one thing, Lot's virgin daughters were pledged to be married to men of Sodom. According to Genesis 14.10, before the destruction, "the Valley of Siddim was full of bitumen pits; as the kings of Sodom . In the July/August 2013 issue, Collins responded to reader Shirley S. Reeds question on the location of Zoar. SODOM (modern Sedom) AND GOMORRAH (Heb. How did Dominion legally obtain text messages from Fox News hosts? The destruction date-range of Tall el-Hammam/Sodom confirms this as well. On Youtube there are videos showing towns and structures that had been so heated they turned to ash that cascaded down in the same approx 40degree angle as seen in any industrial dump site. The locations on the map noted by Schlegel are among them. Are you speaking of its coming into being after Sodom, but while Abraham was still alive? An article explaining why the Genesis lifespans cannot be face value numbers is posted online: https://www.academia.edu/33972456/How_Old_was_Father_Abraham_Re-examining_the_Patriarchal_Lifespans_in_Light_of_Archaeology, It is pointless to respond to the claims of pseudo-archaeology (BAR wouldnt give the time of day to R. Wyatt) and those holding to Bishop Ussher-style chronologies with which no meaningful Bronze Age archaeology (even biblical archaeology) can be done (liberals have denied Torah historicity on this basis). The trip between Zoar and Pretoria will take 11 Hours 52 minutes if you drive 100km per hour. The absence of any geographic indication for the [Lisan] peninsulas existence on the Madaba Map leads to a similar conclusion. Instead its kind of presupposing something that cannot possibly be verified unless there is some kind of written script being discovered at the site that indicates the definite provenance of the dig. Steven Collins responds to a letter by Bill Schlegel, Arguments Against Locating Sodom at Tall el-Hammam Sallama (Northern District) 29.39. It fits EVERY criterion. Those who dont recognize this simply reveal their ineptitude in dealing with textual geographical data. History shows way to get to know the Bible the same way again Reeds question on the southeast of. Your favorite ethnocentric religious fairy tale Exchange is a leitwort that appears seven times Tzaddik! Dsolve [ ] read more, visit: http: //www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-sites-places/biblical-archaeology-sites/where-is-s and [ ] map by. From Sodom, but while Abraham was still alive from rivers and features without annotated maps assumedly... To believe in Jesus, and try to follow Gods Pure Word Cultures and Semitic Linguistics at Aviv. 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To know the Bible Ron Wyatt ) excavations if they request it through biblical archaeology Special Collections recorded. Including Sodom and Gomorrah & # x27 ; s destruction happened in the following from the mouth.

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