do libras hide their sadness

Yet when she encountered these same people "in person" she would put on her "sweet" voice and was all Libra "charm" and compliments. she is to this day. They will go to great lengths to achieve it, but those lengths depend on that particular Libra. We don't use emotions to figure things out, we don't use tactile sensory to figure things out, it's about all that is mental and the air signs are especially built for this. They often hide whatever thoughts they have in their minds because they want the people around them to accept and like them. My mother, grandmothers, two former female managers. Very well. When sadness tips that balance, they can fall over. Lets not forget Vladimir putin ffs! She is conniving, manipulative and a backstabber. Lol, so true. Mr. Libra 2 was buying me gifts, showing up at my house (uninvited) and sent me a message saying he "Loved me with every fiber of his being"! im a libra 10/6/1992, and I loved this article because it is accurate. I had a friend (we are both libras) she was a thieth she stole a couple of pens and a notebook in school and when i asked her why she did that she told me infrond of my face that ive stolen from her too (witch i did not) she said such big lies for her grades that i cant stand it any more . This may cause her to re-evaluate the goals and ideologies that she maintains. When in discussion about this libra others who think they know her well will defend her and say she is gracious and unselfish. He was also court ordered counseling he got out of it too. Especially those of you who have been in relationships with 2 or 3 Libras in a row, are you crazy or just looking to make yourself miserable. theyre usually really calm but i noticed how they cant tolerate stupidity if no ones watching theyll lash out probably useing really hurtful remarks. Mr. Libra 2 was so sly and subtle that it took me several months to figure out he was an abusive controoling person. They will compensate for with food (especially fats, alcohol, and sweets) and urge others to overindulge along with them. RELATED: The Negative Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology. We crave beauty and an ethereal, gossamer rythm to the world around us..and the people in our lives.but we never demand anything that those around us are incapable of providing. i can tell you my mother is a libra and this fits her to a t. she made my life a living hell. The ones i know are just crazy,they put other's in danger with their pseudo judgements,cool you don't like drama,then think better if you don't like to see people suffer,no wonder aries is the opposite,you have to be ignorant and strong like an aries to let go so easy of so much bull a libra can ask for. Thinking nothing of it as that's how she is, she started laying it on thick, changing her tone in her texts and emojis (I only mention that bc they seem fascinated with the damn things). This can make it difficult for them to express themselves and may cause them to avoid conflict at all costs. They seem cool, and often emotionless but often there's a storm of feelings inside. I let her Stew in her own poop made it worst. Who knows. Scorpio Ascendant, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio conjunct his Pluto in Scorpio which was in his 1st House. I DO think everyone else has a brain and feelings. Libra guy 2 met me and my husband "TOGETHER" at a college Christmas party. Hello, I'm one of Libras you guys are hating on. Libra people are charming and very easy to attract you. So that could be their another dark, sick and spiteful dark sides to add into the ones mentioned in this article. Sat there listening in while this self righteous weirdo was really out of line! Pretty damn true. The little trick Libra's use is saying "I heard that" when in fact they did NOT hear anything, they are the ones FALSELY promoting some "theory" (in their head} as if it is an "eye-witness" account. Libra: Don't leave them alone What they need is reaffirmation of their faith in love and to be in touch with their loving, sentimental side. They're fairly intolerable to sadness and dissociate from their feelings when possible. With their vast stores of charm, intelligence, frankness, persuasion, and seamless connectivity, they are well-equipped to do so. When they do express themselves, they tend to be very passionate and open-minded. Libra men are so controlling and a manipulative person Im a Scorpio so that didnt last long with me. Friendship and respect are a two-way street. It might sound detrimental to others, but a Libra would rather put others' feelings first before their own. Sadness is an important emotion and part of the human spectrum. The stereotype that portrays us like a sweet candy floss and charming lucky charms is so misleading. After more than four decades, I have realized that II much more prefer the company and friendship of other fellow Librans. And to think I still stood by her EVEN when I was admitted and discharged till her demented form comes devouring me inside out again!!! I do whatever makes my lover happy just to keep the harmony and passion between us. I invited her to be part of a group, and they made fun of her "opening monologue" behind her back. They will REFUSE to listen to what you have to say if you are very outspoken person. But disagreements. hi, i would like to know which one is more accurate sun sign or moon sign. We are the angel and the demon in one and we are enthralled with both sides equallythough we have a secret love and a secret draw towards the power of our darkness. The realest women in the zodiac I love their tell it like it is ways. I am a lion. I honestly say right here and right now that i cant stand people under the sign of Libra (at least the ones i met)because they are fake, manipulative, major gossip. I eventually had enough of Libra guy. Most people are made of many layers, and can exhibit any set of traits associated with a various signs at any given time. They are experts at reading people and can usually tell when someone is not ready to hear what they have to say. Often, the question "Why?" Did i learn a lot! he is a great father and husband. If I screw up I own up. Not even the same first letter. when i say spiritual abuse, she was always in to some different religion even witchcraft at one point. Spot on Abbas- "They say Librans hate conflict and that we shy away from them, that's what others see, but what they don't realize is that we're fighting not to open our mouths out of psychologically, emotionally and spiritually dismantling you on the spot". Am I going to take out all my frustrations on my wife and kids even???? They're so charming, and appear to be understanding at first. Libra is one of the most balanced signs, but when depressed, they tend to have feelings of instability and moodiness, with a reduced urge to socialize. I am taurus with a highly aries dominance,and i just want to puke thinking about libras utterly shameful fakeness. The other libra I know, is charming also. This article was accurate about "some" of my dark traits. she abused me because she didnt know any better. Nobody tells scorpios what to do. They need someone to talk to about their problems, in order to help them navigate life. Munay, I am a Libra and I have to disagree on every aspects lol for me personally I do good until Im messed over as soon as you mess over me its over with. So good luck living. I have hit that point in life where the realization of who I truly am is so upsetting that I despise myself. But he would always appear out of the blue and say things like everything happens for a reason. K so i love every other sign. It was an extremely difficult task. My children I mentioned earlier just so happen to be a gemini girl and a sagittarian boy. Theyre the perfect acquintance. We read articles books and stuff that interests us to gain a better understanding about ourselves and others, so we can become good at observing people and have a fair (that's a questionable statement) judgement in situations. They hate themselves most times and only thru relarionships do they function on a higher level and learn about themselves. The scorpio made me feel like i ruined his life and he made me out to be schizo when it was always his dilusional paranoid psycho/bipolar thoughts.The libra man im with now is fun and by all means crazy in a good way, he is way more calm like doesnt have the "im all psycho or crazy im gonna kill u" or wielding a weapon for that reason. With that infinite patience also come a storm brewing inside that once boils over will look something like the Dark Phoenix rising to burn the earth to nothing. They thrive on making things orderly and aesthetically pleasing. 10/17 libra seeking balance on September 06, 2016: I am a Libra male and lately I have been feeling disconnected from myself(sign). She was very kind, gracious and loving when she met my children, giving them a few minutes and taking time to talk with them, and she remembered them when meeting her again the following year. I avoid it like the plague. controlling. I am leaving him in God's hands because I know one day he will pay for all these sick acts he's committed. Libra women, when sad or upset, often find that their behaviors betray their emotional turmoil. Loyalty well basically they have none. Try doing that for a day lol. I avoid confrontations and drama if at all possible. If you think libras like the fine things and fancy clothes, they want the best public image as well. )are NOT COMPATIBLE? I much rather have Libra friends, lovers, co-workers, or acquaintances than any other sign. yes, avoiding confrontation is not a tenable objective and will lead to outbursts (what's term in the title- yes, repressed); people born in October avoid confrontation, no = can't be proven. (I made Mr. Libra 2 look good in photos). Look: This is a very typical attitude for a Libra man. But again, these are the negative ones I'm talking about, of course. My ruling element is air, ruling sign Gemini and as a Gemini, I can't stand Librans in general. They can be extremely sensitive creatures at times and some things just affect them more than they would other signs. This was a great and successful political move and also true to his sign. Personally, I've been single for my whole life except for a year when I was in a relationship with another Libra, what is the worst combination on the whole planet earth, especially if the both Libras haven't had a chance to learn and stabilise themselves. All of them gossiped and spoke negatively about others behind their backs and were the source of untrue rumors. Don't interact. Hello, i am a libra woman Oct 16th, so kinda right there in the middle and i wont lie and say i wasnt offended by this article bc yes! Most things are always flowery in tone. She uses people and shes a know it all. When I meet new people, I always try and find a way of getting through the backdoor to their psyche - Astrology being my usual tool. I can agree with some of the second parts of statements: e.g. Users and liars thats what the majority of librans have been to my knowledge. It is certain that she will make the decision to think about herself, as she is dealing with stresses that concern her. Very nice guy. Having to explain why you're feeling blue, especially when it feels like it's all piling up on you, can end up making you feel worse. I can't with him I just like his attractiveness. ), I want to add something. She seems to create alot of drama, does not have a good word to say about people, compains. This is very interesting; my mother is Libra and her vacillation between kind and cruel has kept me confused and emotionally bleeding for my entire almost 58 years on this earth. My best advice for anybody is know thyself it is OK to not care or like people and not be friendly. I hate quarrels. That said, they can still become wound up like they're on the brink of a nervous breakdown, meaning their emotions are much bigger than what you see on the surface. My behavior is actually a slight reflection of yours. Every single thing you confided in the libra will thrown back at you as a weapon to hurt you. They will, only and only if it's required. Libra's born with out an earth sign to ground them.are doomed to wander their life trying to find meaning and purpose while taking in the entire universe and not knowing what to do with any of it. Cancer: Cancers can not hide their emotions and really cannot control them (for the most part that is). Every sign is capable of this but ive only seen it with the Scorpio sign. Cancer. Cancerians are the mommas of the friend group, regardless of gender. Woo hoo party & thats about all theyre good for. I am spiritual and often pray for guidance, when I start to second guess decisions or blame myself endlessly for my mistakes. Its a constant battle. RELATED: What Taurus Is Like In Relationships. I get along with Virgos and Scorpios just fine. The Libra emoji depicts the sign of Libra, a constellation and one of the 12 zodiac signs in astrology. Like every other sign they have a bright side, but that's not the subject of this article. Librans are extroverted, cosy, and friendly people. Break out of your shell and be the life of the party. I am no drama queen though. I will deny there is a problem all the while working frantically to justify or make it work, whatever it is. Manipulators bring nothing but pain and headaches according to any Libra. It's one way to alert someone that you're angry with them and get them to give you some attention without having to ask for it in a direct way. Wow! Yes, lazyness is something theyll admit to. If Libra is raised by more stabile signs, especially if one of the parents are under the earth sign, they can help then learn to identify the emotions, so even when they don't actually feel the emotion they will understand it. How can two people who are different yet the same say the same thing about me? One of them that you should really fear about my dark side are my games that I put you in (you are my pawn and will always be until I get my revenge or I hear an apology if not you'll never be out of my loop until you're gone or I am). She is the most flaky and fake person i know. I, love helping people and animals and LOVE them. Due to all that sugar and junk they regulary eat. (Of course I'm born in October hahaI happen to be controlling indeed toward those who get closer to me; in the work-social arenaa combination of practicality- choosing your battles- and impracticality - picking battles you can't win, just to make a point, I do that too. As an aquarius, I usually like some time for peace and space, but she keeps getting in my business and always knows how to aggravate me. I will admit that. now i am questioning my whole life and the somewhat form of a self image i may have had at one point even more now lol but its okay bc God knows who i truly am and now others will know. Damn straight go right out of my life. I. Do Libras hide their emotions? This can be dangerous for Libra when it comes to relationships, as they tend to put the needs of their partner above their own, especially Libra men. nothing was her fault. The word baddie was created because of them. I feel I am always there, I mean daily, to boost her up, just to not have her there when I need her or to even respond to a text in a decent amount of time. One of the typical tactic of abusers things he did was try to "isolate" me from my friends and family. But as anyone who has dated Libras will know, they can also be very jealous and possessive. They become oppositional, but with less enthusiasm, making it seem like little things don't really matter anymore. I have really pulled back and we have gotten into some fights where then she won't stop the damn apologizing. I don't even let libras or those with venus or mars in libra close to me. No. S-so libras stuff i didnt know. im sorry libras act like thisi havent acted like that but i guess that comes when you grow up im sorry AChandler78 Interesting and winded monologue just not sure if you believe your bs or just working tirelessly to convince us? My mom is a libra and she is exactly like that. Like the diet sodas they love, negative Librans are artificially sweet. I am a libra male born on September 23rd. I pride myself on being truthful beyond anything. we only give excuses on purpose even we can cry or beg to make you belive %100. Ive been so bad to you all this time. The more articulate Libras will quote Gandhi: Hate the sin but love the sinner., George Zimmerman, killer of Trayvon Martin (Oct. 5). i can not even begin to describe the hell she put me through. They said that the raven people were feared in the tribes because they always new what was going on without hearing a word, they always knew. And I know that Libra's have dark side, and how deep it truly goes. This helped. Both can be very friendly, sweet, helpfulbut then they seem to turn on a dime. Yes I do get angry and yes I get angry a lot sometimes. the least balanced sign. It may be expected that she will behave in a manner that reveals that she is not quite herself. Wants two men at one time, expecting both to remain while she decides, but they better not find another woman while the libra is deciding. In fact she spent a good time saying she expected to speak to my partner, but in a very roundabout way! We'd take up for a stranger in a minute if their being treated unfairly no matter color, race, sex, or religion if its unfair it brings the rage out in us. Hm. Scorpio Man Not Texting Back: What Do I Do? Really a Pisces dreamworld is the realest compared to it. This just says a lot. Warning signs. im prayin she would find a bf to get a distraction. My partner and her don't have a friendship. We were staying in a very beautiful hotel and this was Christmas Eve. ( baring in mind her parents live 5 minutes from her home and she's close to them, she alledges to have 2 childhood friends who live near her too.. she didn't turn to them.) How on earth can a libra lie so long,bring up drama and then pretend to be a peace maker. Libras Are Trusting & Trustworthy Because they're all about trust. Or so I thought. So.. (how do I express myself without sounding like a total Libra) I would love to discuss some of the points of this article just to shine light from the PERSONAL perspective not to justify our behaviour, not to disrespect other points of views, but just to try and explain. He had tons of pornographic magazines when a teenager. Following your star sign kind of feels like a guide into the real you. (2) I didn't have to work (I had investment income). Just fine star sign kind of feels like a sweet candy floss and charming lucky charms is so misleading pain. Happy just to keep the harmony and passion between us, making it seem like little things do n't a... Is air, ruling sign Gemini and as a weapon to hurt you emotional turmoil will behave in a that... Fact she spent a good word to say about people, compains to! Libra, a constellation and one of the 12 zodiac signs in Astrology about me often! 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do libras hide their sadness