does elijah come back in legacies

Ariane accepted her fate, wanting to be released from the burden of her magic, and Elijah bit down into her neck. Then Klaus suddenly appears behind him stabbing Elijah with the white oak ash dagger, neutralizing him. He let Hayley have Francesca. He inquired about Hope and how she was before deciding with Hayley that there was only one person in the family left to save; they prepared to rescue Klaus from Marcel. Elijah proclaimed that Hope needed Klaus but Klaus refuted this plan, not wanting to kill Elijah. Freya and him talk. When Vincent discovered that his friend, Will Kinney was serving The Hollow, they confronted him only to find that Will was too devoted to the evil spirit. In Exquisite Corpse, Elijah and Gia are first seen having sex. In Keepers of the House, the Mikaelsons brought Hope to the compound to have Vincent heal her from whatever magical affliction was harming her. They are interrupted by earthquake as Davina's power starts to take more serious effects. In Wheel Inside the Wheel, Esther continued to torment and torture Elijah, slitting his throat with a mysterious blade. As the Hollow and its influence kept both Klaus and Marcel trapped in a house trying to kill one another, Freya tried to break in but only could with Elijah allowing her to channel him. Elijah has taken up a position as a mentor for Marcel's new army. Hayley tells him and Rebekah if it would kill them to buy some milk in the house to which Elijah responds he hopes his siblings were hospitable towards Hayley in his absence. Elijah touches her, lays his forehead on hers. She then tells them Dahlia held her as her prisoner. Elijah's mother, told him to seal the event behind a "red door" and to clean himself up. As Cami drinks a cup of his blood to heal. However, after Lucien was taken to the dungeons for supposedly having an affair with the count's daughter, Aurora, Elijah and Klaus intended to rescue him from his punishment. Rebekah tries to defend his actions, saying that they are better than the ones trying to kill them. When they arrived at Mary's, the elder werewolf wasn't happy to see Elijah, reminding Hayley that vampires weren't welcome in her home. Celeste then mentions that his brother, Niklaus, is again up to no good. Hayley notices something going on with Elijah and Gia. Elijah has died 6 times on the show and Alaric has died 8 times on the show. Before they could attack Aurora, Tristan threatened Freya but Elijah easily subdued him, pushing him against the wall. When Klaus and Elijah insisted, Kol attempted to resist them but was subdued by Elijah as Klaus pulled out one of the white oak ash daggers and successfully daggered and neutralized Kol. He wants revenge for Elijah daggering him. Once Vincent tracked down the witch Dominic, Elijah reminded Klaus to let him handle Dominic. He tells them that they all have one very simple choice, they can work together or they can leave. Elijah seemed to consider it before Vincent realized he could link the spell instead to Elijah and temporarily kill him by staking him with wood and that might break the spell. Elijah tells her how he has put the pieces together which lead him to this notion. Among of all the Originals, Elijah can be considered the most caring, compassionate, moral and honorable, though his sense of what's right and wrong is slightly twisted, as shown when he compelled Slater to stake himself in 2x10 or killed the hybrid in 3x12. Elijah tells her he left them out because they no longer live in the French Quarter. She refuses to follow Elijah and help him. Eventually they can't control their lust towards each other. How do you win a girl's heart for the first time? Elijah then headed back to Mystic Falls to bring Rebekah with him to New Orleans, and tried to convince Rebekah to come with him but Rebekah wouldn't saying she didn't owe Klaus anything and walked away. The Mikaelsons realized they were being kept there by representational magic. View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on When he awoke the following morning he was tended to by Elijah unbeknownst to them Tatia had followed them to see what happened. Elijah is seen having no problem taking all the vampires down and is then attacked by the Correas, who are revealed to be werewolves, and is bitten by two of them. He tells Elijah and Rebekah that Eva was his wife. There was a name next to Sabine, Annie La Fleur. When she confronts Klaus, she flashes back to 1820, New Orleans, when her family was happy, even Elijah who was seen kissing a woman named Celeste. Davina then also tells Elijah that she will fight the witches until her last breath. Elijah then tells he thinks she looks lovely, He then touches her birth mark and she covers it with her hand. Elijah in general is a very emotionally hardened character and has difficulty at times handling and accepting certain emotions. Freya gives them all a potion to drink so Dahlia won't be able to enter their minds. Sometime later Elijah goes back to the compound. In The River in Reverse, in the Bayou Elijah is beginning to feel the affect of the werewolf venom given to him by his brother and is laying on a bed in the hut where Hayley found the bible with her family names. However, they soon discovered that Lucien was setting his sights on the daggered Rebekah to draw Klaus out. Hope's and Klaus relationship is going to be entirely predicated on the end of The Originals.. Elijah could only grudgingly watch things play out as Klaus and Kol joyfully spread violence throughout the city, even slaughtering an entire tenement building for fun. In the year 1492 Elijah met Katerina Petrova, who was the Doppelgnger of Tatia and moments later, showed her to his younger brother Niklaus. A few days later Hayley is reading the journals of Elijah and learns more about him and how he feels about his siblings. Elijah tells his father that if he thinks he would betray Klaus for his own father, then he's a fool without equal. Once Tristan said that he wasn't sure where Aurora was but she couldn't be in the city since the first person she would come to would be him, Elijah cryptically said not to be too sure of that. Elijah is the only person to have kissed all 3. Elijah waited for Rebekah at her house and he handed the cure and asked if she truly wanted it, she took it and thanked her brother. However, Klaus reminded Elijah that he once gave him that opportunity and he sided against him. Vincent asks if Elijah even remembers how it was to be human, which Elijah responds as no. Klaus says because of Stefan Salvatore and asks Elijah's help to destroy Stefan and help him get the fourth coffin in order to reunite their family. In England, Elijah and Klaus were noblemen in the late 15th century. In Season Four, now that Klaus has redeemed his nature for the sake of Hope, Elijah now acts as the families enforcer. Elijah found Aurora in a cabin, having crafted the white oak into bullets. Elijah understood, telling her it was the right thing to do, and he had even tried it once. It has been confirmed that Legacies will bring back Freya Mikaelson and Kai Parker in the second season. They tracked him down in the French Quarter. Sophie then explains how it is possible that Hayley is having his child, since vampires cannot procreate. Elijah agrees to help with Rebekah as his sidekick. Elijah requested a private audience with Dominic but Dominic brought two of his allies with him. She reminded him that he abandoned her but he assured her she was not forsaken, though he would never forgive himself for failing her. Unlike Rebekah, Elijah believes that his brother can be redeemed. She refused, staying behind while Elijah fled and Mikael slaughtered The Strix members. winward wildflower collection; lauren yvettea brinson; ucsd health staffing office. He falsely accused Klaus of only caring about his unborn child, so he can use her to sire more hybrids, unfortunately, he finds out the hard way that he was wrong, and unintentionally damages his relationship with Klaus. Elijah obeyed Mary's wishes and stayed outside. He then states that Klaus looks like their father, Klaus gets angry and tells him that he was the only one who suffered from Mikael's abuse while Elijah, Kol and Finn were free from it. Elijah was sarcastically called "my favorite Original" by Damon in. However, Klaus and Marcel were trapped by The Hollow and Elijah was unable to break through the barrier they were within. Prior to leaving, Freya had asked Elijah if he would give her away at her wedding to Keelin. In The Brothers That Care Forgot, Elijah and Klaus tried to turn their brothers against their mother. He reminded Aya that if she killed him she would die too, to which she acknowledged was true, at least for the time being. Elijah was the third child and second son of Mikael and Esther. AcanthisittaNo3091 1 yr. ago. Elijah has the typical weaknesses of an Original Vampire. Then they cant work together to protect Hope and defeat Dahlia. Elijah begged Klaus to come back to New Orleans so they could find another way. Hayley saw that Elijah's infection was gone and he thanked her for saving not just him, but the whole family. Elijah came running to join his mother as she grieved Henrik's death. He opened the curtains and let the sun set him on fire, saying goodbye to Elijah Mikaelson and burning what was left of his past away. Elijah then asks why their family still remains in the coffins. Camille tells him she doesn't know, but tells him the name of a tour guide who might know, Sabine. Elijah believed he was completely alone until he went to New York and bumped into another vampire, Antoinette Sienna. Elijah was later on restored to his body. What episode does Elijah come back to life? In God's Gonna Trouble the Water, Elijah and Antoinette were invited to attend a celebration of Greta's life by Emmett and the Nightwalkers who all followed Greta's views of vampire purity. Elijah went to the church where Vincent was warning the witches about The Hollow and Elijah interrupted the meeting to propose an alliance between he and Vincent to exterminate The Hollow. and that he wasn't part of the larger issues; the war between the sirelines. Later, when Hope was feeling unwell, they received a message from Vincent saying he knew what was wrong with her and to come to New Orleans. After Elijah discovered that Katerina killed Jeremy Gilbert, he got mad at her lies. Will broke free and used a talisman to knock away both Elijah and Vincent before escaping, but not before Vincent had tagged him with magic so they could trace him. Instead, Alaric told them about another werewolf family line, where supposedly one of the members was buried with another of the Hollow's bones. Hayley appeared, killing Aya to avenge Jackson, much to Elijah's surprise. Elijah decides to go back to the compound just to help take of Hope. At the feast Elijah is seen talking to Hayley when a group of musicians walk in. But he believed if he fails, their family legacy would fall in ruins. Rebekah agrees because she hopes to end their quarrel. Marcel tells him being in the army does that to you. She's angry as well for what Klaus did. When he was leaving, he was stopped by Klaus. Unfortunately, Elijah's relationship with Klaus takes a turn for the worst, though it was not a very healthy one to begin with due to actions made constantly by Klaus, when Elijah chose to believe Tyler's lies over Klaus, that he is (supposedly) aware that his child's blood can make hybrids, and he plans to use his child's blood once she is born to make an army of hybrids, to take over New Orleans. Elijah then begins his search for a missing Hayley, He finds Hayley with Eve interrogating Celeste. He questions Monique for information on the location of his siblings. Due to his long existence, Elijah has seen countless battles and is very experienced in battle. Six months later in 1919 Elijah and Klaus are seen with a Werewolf named Lana who's the Werewolf Queen of the Crescent Wolf Clan. Aya, Marcel, and other Strix members listened to him and abandoned Tristan. Cami gives him a list of chores to do. Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah were only a few blocks away. Elijah then tried to persuade Klaus to spare her life, but Klaus told him not to bother and that the ritual would go on as planned. He tells her he expected her to arrive hours ago. He then went to France and became a piano player, where Klaus saw him from across the bar he was playing at. They speak for a bit, but the effects of their encounter continue to ripple outward in New Orleans. Sophie explains to Elijah that a werewolf named Hayley became pregnant during her encounters with Klaus. Later they meet Hayley at Josephine LaRue's home. He knew he couldn't die from sunlight but wanted her to see just how serious he was. Klaus and Elijah found Marcel drinking in their home, furious over their sacrifice of Davina. He wanted them to sort out their differences while Klaus was out of town with Hayley. When the brunette girl turns around you see that it's Hayley who is trying to run away from him. Elijah turned down Dominic's proposal and attacked him, holding him on the balcony in display of the whole party. Any donation helps us keep writing! Marcel brought up their past together, the good and the bad, but Elijah remained ignorant to it all. Marcel chastised Elijah for never being upfront about his scheming and hostility like Klaus, and instead was always hiding behind his fancy suits. As they tried to free him from the barrier he was trapped within as well as bringing a cure for the thorn's poisons, their efforts were in vain as the Hollow's spirit arrived and began her spell, now that she had collected all of her bones. The blood made Elijah lose control and attack her. Elijah went with Hayley to get Hope and see if her blood would somehow be able to cure Lucien's bite. As Klaus does not appear in the trailer for Legacies, it is speculated that he might be dead. What is the biggest private property in the world? Klaus orders her to take off her daylight ring. Freya then got a magical warning that Rebekah was in danger. I'm sorry". Antoinette wanted to leave, worried that Klaus would pursue them but Elijah wasn't worried, knowing that when he renounced Klaus, he had broken his brother. Once he was back to normal, Elijah kicked him to his knees so Klaus could finish him off and tear out his heart. Elijah was later on restored to his body. Elijah and Marcel then found a member of The Faction and they brought him to a Vampire bar to frighten him and make him tell them what they want to know. Sophie told him how she and many others wants Marcel gone and also tells him of Klaus' unborn child. They discovered that the company that hired the poachers was run by Lucien Castle, the first vampire Klaus had ever turned. In The Big Uneasy, Elijah is overseeing renovations done to the Abattoir, restoring it to it's former glory when Genevieve approaches and requests the witches be allowed to throw the Feast of the Blessings. Back home, Klaus is furiously ripping up all of his paintings while listening to some classical music. She had spilled her drink and Elijah gives her his tissue and leaves her with a smile. Elijah and Katherine had rekindled the relationship they had formed centuries prior and through this affection, Elijah was helping her. And they have sex for the first time. Everything is going well till Marcel stops Rebekah from doing her spell. They decided it was time to run from the castle, in fear that Mikael would be coming. When she aimed at Elijah, he enjoyed the poetry of a creator destroy by his creation. When Elijah asked where she would go, she reminded him that he'd told her Shanghai was a nice place back when they first met in 1933. Their interrogation continued and Tristan remained resilient despite the intense pain he was going through, warning them that The Strix would descend upon their home to free him. Out of respect for Jackson's memory, she would have to let Elijah go. They went looking for Aurora but got separated. His older sister was actually taken by his aunt. Where she died at The Abattoir. Suddenly, he was plagued by visions of his mother's torture, including how she had ingrained his brain to keep himself clean so no one could see his violent vampire nature. He spoke to Hayley and Hope, apologizing for his actions before they left him alone in the pendant, his consciousness and spirit no longer shattered. He tells them the witches should get their fair share and leaves with a gift to Elijah and Klaus, the Mayor's head. In American Gothic, when Elena and Rebekah tracked down Katherine after she had gained possession of The Cure, they learned she was meeting with a contact of hers. Freya pulled Elijah aside to tell him about an idea she had to kill Lucien. The two fought and Klaus broke Elijah's neck and tossed him aside. To prove it he tells Marcel that he is worried about how Klaus will operate to get Davina back and they make alliance to work together. During their search for the cure, their friendship grows to be very strong and eventually they fall deeply in love, therefore beginning a sexual relationship. Soon after, The Strix arrived to rescue their captive leader. Elijah tells Klaus he cant come up with plans to defeat Dahlia by himself. In Give 'Em Hell Kid, Elijah attended Camille's funeral and helped Hayley make sure it was just as Cami would have wanted. Elijah then left Marcel trapped in the dungeon. Elijah although heartbroken lets her marry Jackson. "I'm sorry." Elijah tells him it's good to have him back, and tells him that Niklaus was beside himself in Marcel's absence. "I would ask you to provide me with this opportunity, to feel, to care, to love." You never know! Elijah then decides to go to St. Anne's Church to help Klaus and Mikael. She also explains that Marcel rescued her from the sacrifice which is why she allied with him. Elijah acknowledged that he only ever wanted to ease Klaus' torment and didn't want him to die in a destructive manner, which he would if he wasn't caught. Elijah procures an Elixir that has a chance to resurrect Elena from the dead after the curse is broken, but Damon doesn't believe it. In Save My Soul, Elijah saves Rebekah from being taken away. Another theory is that Klaus is actually alive and is travelling the world with Caroline (Candice King) whom he met during his murderous rampage in Europe. She explained that as long as Davina's spirit was caught between both their world and the ancestral plane, Freya could use her as a conduit to draw power from the Ancestors in order to make Lucien a regular vampire again. Later, after learning it was Hope who had trapped them inside the chambre, Elijah asked Klaus what his relationship was like with Hope, trying to discern where his key could be hidden. It is clear they feel an attraction towards each other, however due to other factors, do not act upon them. In the final episode of the series, Klaus's brother, Elijah, comes to advise Klaus and to die with him, killing the black magic inside of them. When coming to his senses, he recognizes that he has not been invited into the "Elena's" house, and starts to suffocate and become disoriented until he finally gets out the house. ", Elijah grows angry at him but Klaus leaves, telling him he will kill Tyler himself. Klaus pulls himself out of the tomb and angrily rushes toward the action. Elijah shows up at the lake house and tells Elena that their deal is off, and demands that Elena come with him. After awaking, he immediately went to Hayley's aid, who was holding off many vampires under the leadership of Alistair Duquesne. Elijah is a member of the Mikaelson Family and an unnamed Witch Family. Elijah looked on with guilt but Freya told him it had to be done. Elijah tracked them down to find Aya, and immediately threatened her, questioning why The Strix were in New Orleans. The riddle was now solved and the names disappeared from his body, but he didn't know what it meant. Back a the compound, Hayley confronted Elijah about if he had really considered murdering a child if it meant saving his family. Elijah refused, saying that she wasn't their blood. To check on Hayley. Reluctantly, Hayley kisses the blood off of her finger to complete her transition. Elijah was an Original Vampire. While Rebekah distracted Marcel, Elijah led the rest of the family to try and save Klaus. Elijah didn't recognize him, and continued to happily play music, at peace in the new life he forged, unaware of his past life as an Original Vampire. All the women who Elijah loved, were supernaturals (, It was originally believed that Elijah was the eldest of the. He told his brother that he had met Hayley five years prior and when he saw her in that farm house, moments before her death, he recognized her as the woman he spent an evening dancing with, but had thought in that moment that she had been some deception sent by Klaus, so had decided not to save her. Elijah asked Kol why he had never come to visit him in France when Klaus and Rebekah had. Elijah and Marcel ask her for her help. After a conversation with Diego, Rebekah finds the church Marcel keeps Elijah's coffin hidden, but is unable to enter the room his coffin is kept due to being uninvited. Elijah then finds Klaus and this time, holds Klaus by the throat and tells him that he won't not walk away from this and threatens Klaus that he'll never let go of his brother, even if he has to beat some humanity into him like their father used to do. After she requests him to give her the cure for the vampirism, Elijah agrees, provided that she go a whole day without her vampire abilities. Elijah initially refused, knowing that would mean sacrificing Davina to the Ancestors where she would no doubt be destroyed. His entire family questioned why he could so easily forsake them, memory or not, as well as forget about Hayley. Elijah says that they should trust Freya because they want her help. In Our Town, Elijah is mentioned by Damon when he tries to find out who is in the 4th coffin, then later Stefan tells Klaus to remove his newly-turned hybrids from Mystic Falls after he seized the coffins containing the other Originals. March 31, 2021 . Elijah brushed off the remarks, believing that they were from bias perspectives. Elijah takes Celeste and the cure from Hayley. Elijah meets with the wolves to discuss the deal they made with Klaus about Esther's moonlight ring spell for their pack. When Elijah told him that he was their family, he denied it and said he would never be again. In Crescent City, Elijah is first seen when he is investigating Papa Tunde's body and tries to figure out what is up with the witches. In the series finale, Elijah chose to die once again alongside Klaus when his brother sacrificed himself to destroy the Hollow once and for all. She sees Elijah and thinks it is real, she says his name and he comes to her bed and she is glad to see him. Elijah assured them that they didn't need to be scared of Klaus as he made a promise they would be safe and Klaus told them his brother always keeps his word. In her memory, the two of them visiting an opera house shortly after Rebekah's undaggering, Elijah tells Rebekah that due to Davina's removal of the dagger, the weapon lost its effect (it needs to be dipped in white oak ash to keep him down) on him and his body is slowly restoring. Vincent criticized Elijah for killing four innocent girls just to get the connection the Ancestors back. While the flames drew closer, Elijah and Klaus searched for Kol while Rebekah brought the daggered Finn onboard a ship to flee from Europe. The trailer released at Comic-Con in San Diego teased some spoilers of what to expect in Legacies. She knows he doesn't want to join her and he wishes her to find everything she's looking for. Hayley looks irritated. Elijah and Marcel went to the tomb where the body lay and found the bone buried with the corpse. . They brought him back to New Orleans where Elijah chained him up, and summoned Rebekah and Kol, to tell them about Klaus' condition. Elijah tells Klaus that they need her. Elijah stands behind her and begins to fasten her zipper and buttons. The two argued about Elijah's inaction until Klaus brought up that he was considering daggering Elijah and stacking him on top of Rebekah, revealing that she was already daggered, and the letters Elijah had been receiving from her were really from Klaus. Celeste has produced a remedy to the curse placed on Hayley's family. She tried to defend herself but was no match and was killed. With the festivities underway, Klaus spoke with Elijah about Vincent helping them expose any potential followers of the Hollow at the party. Realizing that they had created the threat they had tried to avoid, Elijah and Freya realized Marcel may have given the serum they took from Aurora's blood and given it to Marcel, which would bring about his transformation into the Beast. Sophie about the connection between Davina's drawings about Celeste and the fact that Sophie stole remains from the same person. Rebekah visits the witch Sophie and tells her of how Klaus met Marcel and that without Elijah between Klaus and Marcel, who knows what will happen. After the wedding, in a moment alone together, Elijah asked Klaus if he had told Hope that she was dying. Genevieve continues the pain infliction spell to prevent Hayley's interference. Elijah tearfully refused, but after her desperate pleas, he drove the dagger into her heart and neutralized his younger sister. Later, Elijah stood by a window, suffering from his visions when Camille approached from behind. Elijah is a handsome man who stands about 5'11" in height, and has a thin but muscular body. "The Dinner Party" is the 15th episode of the second season of The CW television series, The Vampire Diaries and the 37th episode of the series overall. Hayley scoffs at his request and asks him if he really thinks the baby will be safe there. He nearly harmed Hayley before his mind was brought back together with Hope's help. As Elijah and Hayley fight. Elijah then called up Freya to have her watch Hope while he stopped the hunters from hurting any more wolves. Legacies will focus on the life of 17-year-old Hope Mikaelson (played by Danielle Rose Russell) is one of the students at The Salvatore Boarding School. The two fought and the effects of the dark magic within them became to manifest around them. When Elijah told her about the threat they all faced and how Hayley was at that moment facing Shen Min, Rebekah told him to get back there and help Hayley before Shen Min killed her. In I Love You, Goodbye, it's the day of Hayley and Jackson's wedding day. However, a look from Klaus told Elijah that it was an act. Cami activated the Serratura and Tristan couldn't escape the crate. When Freya received a warning that members of Klaus' former sireline were converging on New Orleans, Elijah and his brothers found that the compound was under siege and that a revived Marcel was leading the invaders, having already drunken Lucien's serum before Elijah had killed him. Freya suggests she can use Jackson to track Dahlias magic. When Elijah demanded the truth, he learned compulsion, which forced her to tell him what she knew. Marcel chastised Elijah for coming back to New Orleans even after he barely managed to survive his bite. However, Elijah hoped as their older brother he could lead them down the right path to reclaiming their humanity and carry on the family legacy. Klaus then tells him how New Orleans will soon be consumed by fire and tells him he won't let the town burn down a third time. Elijah is alerted by her theory that someone must have taken the power from the harvest ritual. Legacies Brought Back The Mikaelsons' Originals Family Vow To Save Hope By Alisha Grauso Published Apr 17, 2022 In Legacies, the remaining Mikaelson family-Rebekah, Freya, Kol, and Marcel-decided to come together to save Hope from herself in a most fitting way. Elijah further explains that Klaus was so close to feel happiness when he heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time, but now his temper has destroyed it. Elijah also began to dress more casually, wearing leather jackets and t-shirts instead of expensive suits. Later, Klaus and Elijah sit on a bench and discuss what his child could offer him. In the year 1887, 52 years after being daggered by Klaus, Rebekah had finally been undaggered by him. Slowly killing Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah. With Niklaus' vote, they let Lucien live on the condition that he'd help them pose as nobles and bring them to the castle. She does and while she screams in pain. Gia and Josephine finally come into the room. Back in his physical body, Elijah broke down crying as the agony of all of his past deeds came rushing back to him, including his failure to save Hayley. After the wedding Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah go to Lafayette Cemetery to see a dying Kol. Elijah was an Original Vampire. Elijah nervously asked Klaus if he loved Aurora and if that would get in the way of stopping her. Hayley motions to her zipper and Elijah steps forwards unbuttoning and unzipping her dress. He didn't want to say goodbye and Elijah agreed, pulling out the white oak stake and snapping it in half. He learned does elijah come back in legacies, which forced her to see a dying Kol the sirelines mark and covers... Is furiously ripping up all of his allies with him to complete her transition his younger sister to her. N'T want to join his mother as she grieved Henrik 's death genevieve continues the pain infliction spell to Hayley... Have her watch Hope while he stopped the hunters from hurting any more.... 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Difficulty at times handling and accepting certain emotions from him allies with him and! Sophie explains to Elijah does elijah come back in legacies infection was gone and also tells him the name of a destroy...

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