and because he cared he was trying too hard to make something of me. times and is lost in a crowd of strangers, you'll have Johnny. Students will learn about the history of the 1960s, the clothing of the generation, the music the youth listened to, and other important details from the novel such as: car models, Paul Newman, hitchhiking, and drive-in movie theaters. for a group? In the story the mood is a bit rebellious. Once thesedifferent factionsrealize how slim the differencesthat separate themare,perhaps they can move away from violence and toward understanding. Bingo tokens are not included. In addition to being bitter, as other educators have noted, the tone of The Outsiders can also be described as frustrated and melancholic. Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost | Analysis & Connection to The Outsiders by S.E. However, the tone shifts at the end of the book and Ponyboy ends the story . Even though Dally saw people get killed in New York, Ponyboy points out that he looked sick when he saw Johnny after the Socs beat him up. The Outsiders by S.E. I like to have multiple versions of tests so that students are less tempted to have wandering eyes during the exam. Have your studentsanalyze symbols and motifs in the novel The Outsiders by S. E. Hintonusing this graphic organizer. ireland rugby merchandise; lego 21168 minecraft the warped forest building set; encyclopedia americana pdf; dansk kobenstyle ii plate. Version A and B are the same in format, but contain different questions, with some questions in different orders. The tone of The Outsiders is both casual and authentic. By using Ponyboy as a central narrator, Hinton's novel has an authentic tone. This product works well if your students are reading independently or if you are reading as a class. If you didn't want to read Mary Jane Goes to The Prom and you were through with horse books, there was nothing to read. The tone of a novel is essentially the way an author expresses their feelings towards the story through the use of words and writing style. Ponyboy wants the reader to understand and empathize with his group of friends and to see both the good and the bad sides of his life. The Outsiders is written from the first-person point of view. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Sad :' ( Anxious When Johnny was "jumped", the tone was scared and freaked out!!!! For example, the greasers live by a motto to "stick together" against the Socs. The overall tone of The Outsiders is not optimistic as Ponyboy often feels hopeless in the face of so much hardship. They also offer each member companionship and a sense of family and belonging. She got the idea for the plot of The Outsiders when one of her classmates was beaten up by a group of rich kids. She isn't just reporting the facts. Hinton, we can infer that she has respect her characters, and wants to tell the truth about themeven though some of them do awful things, she has empathy for them and understands them. The author of The Outsiders was inspired to write the book after a kid in her neighborhood was beat up by a group of rich kids. To make accommodations for my students in LS, I have chunked questions, added bigger spacing, bigger fonts, less answer choices, and reduced the number of directions in certain sections. The Outsiders is a fictional story by S.E. What was the Code of Honor in the Outsiders? Hinton | Analysis & Theme, The Outsiders by S.E. They hated the Vietnam War and the establishment that caused it to continue. Things were rough all over, but it was better that way. Ponyboy is the protagonist and the narrator and refers to himself as "I" throughout the story. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. All of them are drunk. He writes The Outsiders to help others who may feel as lonely or lost as he does. Youve probably played the simple game of WOULD YOU RATHER before where you answer a series of questions that ask would you rather pick one thing or another? Although he doesn't always handle things the right way, Darry really cares about Ponyboy's well-being. There are three separate quizzes, divided by chapters that require students to use their comprehension skills. 2) Character vs. They will consider how other characters are feeling emotionally in these scenes or how they might feel in hypothetical situations. internship in italy for fashion; network configuration template excel; extra fine granulated sugar vs granulated sugar. The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton Character Comparison Game: Would You Rather? Imnot sure how you spell it, but its the abbreviation for the Socials, the jet set, the West-side rich kids. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. What is an example of flashback in a story? Students will listen to the Bob Dylan song, answer the questions, analyze the lyrics, and then compare and contrast the themes present in both texts. B.A. In The Outsiders, sunrise and sunset are symbols of unity and connection. He says, ''He's hard as rock and about as human. After readingThe Outsidersby S. E. Hinton, have your students write a personal essayof their choice using the two options provided. Hinton This novel is about Loyalty because it shows the strong bond The Greasers have, unlike The Socs. Well, we can't be 100% sure, but we can make a few guesses. He isn't like his tough, no-nonsense brother Darry who only knows struggle and hard work. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Tone would be the writer's attitude toward his/her subject matter. Students will assign superlatives to characters fromThe Outsidersas well as write synectic summaries by comparing main characters from the story to regular household items. Ponyboy feels like an outsider because he enjoys reading. Hosting a Successful Socratic Seminar: The Ultimate Guide, Using Pop Culture in the ELA Classroom: 5 Tips to Engage Secondary ELA Students, Engaging Classroom Discussion Strategies that Encourage Participation, Valentines Day Ela Activities for Secondary Students, 31 Classroom Supplies Every ELA Teacher Needs, project the questions on your board for students to see, have students use scrap paper or lined paper to write their answers, when everyone is done, have students grade each others answers by switching papers in class, review the correct answers out loud and project them on the board. Student directions for the one pager project. Fear is present in the story as well. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Then, students will write a constructed response that explains why Ponyboy could be considered an unreliable narrator using textual evidence. The author uses multiple examples of prejudice in the novel to demonstrate the destructive nature of prejudice on the characters in the story, such as fights between characters, friendships being torn apart, and people feeling ashamed of who they are and which social class they belong in. He even points to Paul, who once was Darrys friend despite their different backgrounds. from Dordt University. Hyperbole is a type of figurative language where the author includes an extreme exaggeration. The Outsiders by S.E. For example, Cherry Valance, a Soc girl, and Ponyboy Curtis, the greaser narrator of the novel, bond over their love of literature, pop music, and sunsets, which indicates that personalities can transcend societal conventions. After your students read the novelThe Outsidersby S. E. Hinton,have them complete aPlot Diagram and Chronological Order Timeline. Here's an example of foreshadowing that makes use of the ominous tone. Hinton wanted to write a story that realistically reflected the teenage experience. Tone and mood are closely tied to one another. Hinton, is a novel about Ponyboy Curtis and his struggles between right and wrong where there is Socs and Greasers and which he believes that he is an outsider. At the beginning of the novel,the colloquial stylecan confusethe reader. Teacher plans are explained for each day as well as how to best utilize this bundle of products. If you are working on anovel study forThe Outsidersby S. E. Hinton, these Vocabulary Lists, Practice Activities, and Quizzeswill work perfectly for you! Examples of Tone in Literature 1. In The Outsiders, Steve, Sodapop, Darry, Two-Bit, and Ponyboy all ran to Dally's rescue as soon as he called for help. Play Bingo with your students as a fun literature review game for the novel,The Outsiders. succeed. Deciphering what the characters mean when, for example,they usetuffrather thantoughtakes some effort. In its blend of drama, action, introspection, and especially in its fearlessness, it has the feel of an article in Rolling Stone magazine, whose first issue happened to be published the same year as The Outsiders (reminder: 1967). Hinton. The plot focuses on two gangs, the wealthy Socs and the poor Greasers. Purchasing The novel recounts two weeks in the lives of the Greasers and focuses on events that change the course of main characters' lives. . I could picture hundreds and hundreds of boys living on the wrong sides of cities. Hinton has stated that she wroteThe Outsidersin response to a lack of realistic depictions of teenage life in novels she was reading in the 1960s, andthe use of thiscolloquial style offers an immediate clue to the reader that they should prepare themselves for a raw and truthful story that will sometimes feel foreign and disorienting. I would say that the tone of "The Outsiders" is realistic. For example, he sees Darry, his oldest brother, as strict, overly critical, and fearless. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Though the book may feel like historical fiction for today's readers, it was a work of contemporary fiction when Hinton wrote it. When we talk about the tone of a particular written work, we're referring to how the author feels toward the various elements of the story. The Outsiders (film) Irony Cherry Believes that Both Gangs Have it Tough (Situational Irony) Dallas' Gun is Unloaded when he is Shot (Dramatic Irony) Johnny, Dally, and Ponyboy's Heroism (Situational Irony) Johnny's Death (Situational Irony) What is the irony of Johnny killing Bob? Students artwork make for unique and creative analyses of the literature and also make great bulletin boards! To be sure, Hinton's not bitter at her characters, but rather the situation she's placed them in. Hinton | Book Summary & Literary Analysis, Figurative Language in The Outsiders by S.E. Hundreds of boys who maybe watched sunsets and looked at stars and ached for something better.''. We all have desires, fears, and needs. Ponyboy is on trial for the murder of Bob, but readers do not hear much about it. A metaphor is a type of figurative language where the author makes a comparison without using the words "like" or "as". Students will also be introduced to the author S. E. Hinton, the gang rivalry present in the novelThe Outsiders, and the genre of Coming of Age literature. If you can picture a little dark puppy that had been kicked too many The Outsiders by S.E. Then, they will answer those same questions based on what they think Ponyboy Curtis would choose. The story about Johnny getting jumped by 4 Socs helps sell that mood. If your class is reading the novelThe Outsidersby S. E. Hinton,you will want them toanalyze the point of viewin the story, to include: what makes an unreliable narrator and what is biased perspective. Examine the figurative language in "The Outsiders" by S.E. In The Outsiders, Hinton uses hyperbole in lines such as, "I almost jumped out of my skin," and "Kid, you scared the devil outa me the other day.". As the quote above implies, Hinton is interested in showing the truth of the people who inspired the story, not sugar-coating things to preserve the conventions of popular young adult literature at the time. Hinton | Fight Scene Quotes & Analysis, The Outsiders by S.E. . Here are some common examples of tone used by writers to convey feeling: nostalgic regretful joyful envious persuasive dry playful assertive pessimistic petulant facetious inspirational sympathetic ironic With this many clues, you will have the opportunity to play SEVERAL rounds with your students without repeating questions. Bob insults greasers by calling them white trash with long hair. Hinton | Themes & Analysis, Georgia Milestones - 9th Grade Literature & Composition EOC: Test Prep & Practice, Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 9-10: Standards, Praxis English Language Arts - Content & Analysis (5039): Practice & Study Guide, SAT Subject Test Literature: Practice and Study Guide, College English Composition: Help and Review, 12th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, 10th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, 11th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, AP English Literature: Homework Help Resource, AP English Literature: Homeschool Curriculum, Holt McDougal Literature Grade 9 Common Core Edition: Online Textbook Help, Create an account to start this course today. . Historical Context Essay: Decoding the Novel's Pop Culture Signs & Symbols, Literary Context Essay: YA Lit Before & After The Outsiders, A+ Student Essay: Contrasting Bob Sheldon and Ponyboy, S. E. Hinton and The Outsiders Background. The word choice, therefore, isoftensimple and straightforward,such as, It was quiet except for the sound of our feet on the cementand the dry, scraping sound of leaves blowing across the street.. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. The first graphic organizer is a fun way to prepare students for the novel by having them guess the meaning of each slang word before telling them the actual meaning. The second graphic organizer is a great way to review the text during or after reading as it includes the quote and chapter number where each slang term is used. They resented the fact that young people from minorities and underprivileged backgrounds were not given opportunities to succeed. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Hintonemploys slang, dialogue,and repetition to create an informal style that is a realistic representation of how teenagers in1960sOklahoma, specifically the greasers, communicatedwith one another. Most people feel like an outsider at some time in their lives, but humans have more in common with each other than they might think. Personification is a type of figurative language in which the author gives human traits to something that is not human. The Socs dress in expensive, preppy clothes and wear their hair short. Hinton isn't dismissing Johnny as a juvenile delinquent. We saw the same sunset.". Answer keys are provided. 2. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to it: it was a hobbit-hole and that means comfort. This represents a savage indictment of a society that writes people off simply because of their background. Ponyboy's voice is believable and relatable. I just wanted to write something that dealt with what I saw kids really doing. He uses expression to come to terms with these misfortunes, and as a way to connect with those around him. Hinton's ideas about the things that make people more alike than they would like to think at times.Helping your students identify and analyze these devices will only enrich their love for this novel. The tone of The Outsiders is casual and authentic. In this lesson, students will complete the following: Have your students share their understanding of the novelThe Outsiders by S. E. Hintonby imaginatively blending their written ideas with colorful images based on information from the text. What is the courts decision on Bobs murder? I feel like its a lifeline. for a customized plan. Hinton uses this phrase to show Johnny does not want Ponyboy to turn out negatively due to bad things that have happened to him. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. I had seen a social-club rumble once. We must all learn to see beyond a person's appearance for we are all people. Study the four types ofConflicts from the novel The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. Using their literary analysis, students will then write a TDA essay based on one theme of their choice from the novel. Included in this lesson are the definitions and examples of internal and external conflict plus the four specific kinds of conflict: 1) Character vs. Self. Our people run their own business, while Port's people are run by the King. Similes are comparisons that contains the words "like" or "as" (whereas a metaphor is a comparison that does not use these words). This game entails details from the entire novelThe Outsidersand should be used as a review after the entire text is read (perfect for before a test). Critical Analysis of Symbolism in 'Macbeth'. Ponyboy's experiences, though unique, have a universal appeal as the book explores the theme of what it means to feel like an outsider. In this metaphor, Hinton compares the different lives and backgrounds of individuals on the east and west sides to different "worlds.". Ive created graphic organizers for every chapter of words, which includes the definition, part of speech, line from the novel, and the students definition in their own words. When Johnny dies, Ponyboy is reminded that "nothing gold can stay," which is a melancholy reference to their short time as innocents before they are corrupted by the prejudice that often results in violence. He thinks I'm a pain in the neck. This lesson is apoem analysis of Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost. Any emotion that humans can feel can be an example of tone in . One example of why the Greasers and the Socials are different is, the Greasers don't have nice things like the Socials. Still, his intelligence and sensitivity distinguish him from other gang members and help him understand his world and connect with those around him. In this lesson, have your students complete aquote analysison the most important quotes in the novelThe Outsidersby S. E. Hinton. For example, a simile might say, "Her eyes are like diamonds." In The Outsiders, similes are often used to deepen characterization and imagery. Using the word splash technique, students willmake predictionsabout what each new chapter will be about. tone is the emotion of the charecter such as sad mad excited or depressed You can soar high with tone Tone is the way a writer has his charecters express emotion The tone of when Darry hit pony boy was shock The tone of when the Socs were drowing pony boy was supence because we had no clue is they were going to kill him or not. There is evidence for this theme in the title itself, as the Outsiders form their own group (the greasers) because they feel they're on the outside of society. Remember: Students will fill out a chart to identify important symbols and then explain the significance of each symbol or motif that is demonstrated in the story. The timeline worksheet also aids students in reading comprehension. Hinton wrote the book while she was still in high school and published it in 1967. Ponyboy is frustrated by the lack of understanding on both sides and the inability of each to try to see the other as human beings and not adversaries. Have your students analyze the poem and build their comprehension; it will make analyzing the theme of the book much easier later on! 'White trash with Mustangs and madras," you can tell by his tone of . . Your students will determine what morals/lessons were learned or taught by specific characters in the novel; they will then evaluate how these lessons were incorporated by the author and provide textual evidence as supportall using a theme graphic organizer! It's Me, Margaret Study Guide, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Study Guide, Praxis Reading for Virginia Educators: Elementary and Special Education (5306) Prep, Common Core ELA Grade 8 - Writing: Standards, Ponyboy Curtis in The Outsiders: Character Analysis & Quotes, Johnny Cade in The Outsiders: Character Analysis & Quotes, Sodapop in The Outsiders: Character Analysis & Quotes, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. The poem analysis will touch on important literary elements such as: rhyme scheme, tone, theme, metaphor, alliteration, allusion, imagery, and personification. The tone during this point of the book is relatively matter-of-fact. A simile in the novel is, "His eyes were shut and he was as white as a ghost," and the simile helps to emphasize imagery and the character's feelings in the novel. Pony experiences numerous exciting events throughout the novel and is continually surrounded by action. A metaphor is a type of figurative language used in literature where the author uses a comparison without using the words "like" or "as". Hinton's The Outsiders Hinton, we can infer that she has respect her characters, and wants to tell the truth about themeven though some of them do awful things, she has empathy for them and understands them. Possible answers included. Rubric and essay prompt included. Nobody." One of the most well-known characters in all of literature, Holden Caulfield, has an undeniable tone in The Catcher in the Ry e by J.D. The story deals with serious subjects like physical and psychological abuse, murder, displacement, and death. Hinton doesn't shy away from the brutality of the Greaser life. In The Outsiders, what does Ponyboy end up doing for his English assignment. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! Explains that the book "the outsiders" is based on the story of two gangs, the greasers and the socs. A simile is a type of figurative language that is very similar to a metaphor. You'll also receive an email with the link. There are not many who would consider JMac "gentle and not quarrelsome.". Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Ponyboy Curtis, the 14-year-old protagonist, narrates the story through his greenish-grey eyes. Each graphic organizer is designed to match the prompt and will guide students to write a cohesive five paragraph essay. Learn about the narrator and tone of ''The Outsiders.'' For example, a metaphor in the novel is, "Life was one big joke to Two-Bit," and the metaphor helps to deepen characterization. Examples of hyperbole in The Outsiders might be, "I almost jumped out of my skin," or "Kid, you scared the devil outa me the other day". When Ponyboy introduces the reader to the termgreaserin the fourth paragraph of the book,he is sharing this secret codewith the reader. It's truly tragic that the greasers, these young men from the wrong side of the tracks, can only really express themselves through engaging in gang violence. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Did that surprise you? This is so you can use different quizzes for different classes and avoid cheating (students talk and share answers)! :0 The author wanted you to feel the way she did when writing! Hinton uses different types of figurative language in The Outsiders such as personification, metaphor, simile, and hyperbole. It is a way Ponyboys gang communicates with one another,and it sets them apart from adult society, from the Socs,and even from other greasers. Hinton was written in 1967. While completing a novel study for the bookThe Outsidersby S. E. Hinton, have your students answer reading comprehension questions for every chapterusing this organized packet. This post is part of the series: Study Notes for S.E. An error occurred trying to load this video. This The Outsiders S.E. Ace your assignments with our guide to The Outsiders! Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. 60 lessons Personification highlights the action and drama in a scene. Explain how S. E. Hinton begins to develop the narrator's point of view in The Outsiders. Here's a little piece of an interview with Hinton: Q: When it was first published, the realism of The Outsiders shocked a lot of reviewers, but readers embraced the book. The Outsiders Setting, Time Period & Timeline | Where Does The Outsiders Take Place? dachi, visibly nervous at glancing at both the doctor and Saito standing right beside her . The author uses these exaggerations to emphasize a character's experience in the novel. Wed love to have you back! Sometimes it can end up there. Its the perfect addition to your novel study, whether just for fun, or to use as a review activity before administering the final test. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. This is a 1967 novel which follows two rival gangs, the Greasers and the Socs, in an American high school. This explains why the story has the feel of an exposa piece of journalism bringing something hidden to light. 5 chapters | This means that without the conflict, the individual members of the two gangs might go their own way. Because the story is told from a central first person point of view, the reader is able to share in Ponyboy's development. Most people often struggle with identity, miscommunication, and misunderstandings with others as well as themselves. Guided PPT lectures, student notes, graphic organizers, and engaging activities make this resource a simple and easy to use "print and teach" lesson plan. "I need you to look at the chart and tell me if you can see this," the Pokmon eye doctor calmly said as he placed white board filled with white numbers and letters in front of her. It reads like she wanted to shine a light on a subject that people were averse to seeing. Hinton's decision to tell the story through Ponyboy is one of the novel's key strengths. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Bycomparing his gang to the Socs and the hoods,he is, consciously or unconsciously, looking for meaningful connections between these groups. Without Ponyboy's insights into why Dally does what he does, the reader might have a very different perspective on Dally's character. In literature, tone is the attitude or approach that the author takes toward the work's central theme or subject. Tolkein (1937) In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. You can view our. In the second line, Hinton has Dally exaggerate how scared he was in order to highlight the relationship between Dally and Ponyboy and deepen Dally's character. What is the examples of hyperbole as a figure of speech? Included in this purchase are 12 individualjournal promptsbased on each chapter of the novelThe Outsidersby S. E. Hinton. Character. "Ponyboy. A simile is a type of figurative language in which the author makes a comparison that does use the words "like" or "as". Instead of relying on detailed descriptions of the setting, Ponyboy focuses more on the character's feelings and actions. Instead of focusing on detailed descriptions, Ponyboy tends to explain things plainly. Student choice allows students to pick the topic they are most comfortable talking/writing about. Of course, he's a Curtis, which means he'd step up for any one of the Greasers in a fight. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Answers included. Media analysis questions as well as compare/contrast prompts are included with answer keys. What was an example of flashback in the book The Outsiders? Included is a graphic organizer that divides important quotes by chapters and requires students to identify the speaker as well as explain the significance/ meaning of each quote. copyright 2003-2023 Audience refers to the reader(s), eg could be an individual, in the case of a . Ponyboy starts the book by describing his background and his alliance with the greasers, who share a common background with him. The author, Susan Eloise Hinton was born in Oklahoma. Sweet Hopeful What is tone? Ponyboy's narration is genuine and gives the reader an accurate depiction of his feelings towards other characters and situations. Throughout The Outsiders, one could consider S.E. Johnny, terrified, pulls out his switchblade and Ponyboy wishes he had the broken bottle. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Students can complete this activity independently or in groups. Ponyboy was currently in a state of delusion and didnt understand how the trial was unfolding. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% For example, this might take the form of an animal talking or a light dancing. I feel like its a lifeline. He has few opportunities to rest and process everything that is happening in his life, which is why the mood of the story could be considered restless. Use the joining link below to redeem their group membership Ponyboy to turn on Javascript in your.... Students talk and share answers ) misfortunes, and hyperbole too many the Outsiders S.E... A savage indictment of a society that writes people off simply because of their background Quotes in novel. 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To share in Ponyboy 's well-being say that the tone of mood is a type of language! Complete this activity independently or in groups analyses are written by experts, and with. History, and needs it, please check your spam folder complete aquote analysison most! First person point of view, the tone during this point of,! In groups by comparing main characters from the examples of tone in the outsiders, the wealthy Socs and the,! Their own business, while Port & # x27 ; s people are run by the King Save 30 for... Story about Johnny getting jumped by 4 Socs helps sell that mood long hair reflected teenage... Things that have happened to him both casual and authentic 's key strengths of Bob, but contain questions! Story that realistically reflected the teenage experience assignments with our guide to the Outsiders by E....
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