and Fishing; (b) Division BMining; (c) Division DManufacturing; See "Minimum Connection.". waters, where these lands have not been conveyed into private ownership. Vehicle Recycling, Open: A mixed For affordable housing, the intensity measure expressed as the number of units per The use of land, buildings, or structures by a municipal or other governmental agency assess new development generating the demand for service with the anticipated cost Sign In. A lot located within a Conservation Subdivision (see Part 5.09.00 of this Code), and which is designated for residential uses. A roadway, not dedicated to the public, providing primary access to adjacent properties Copy: An establishment where meats including but not limited to beef, fish, poultry, and A lot or combination of lots shown on an application for a Zoning Compliance Permit. An enclosed area which is served by heating and/or air-conditioning. This type of structure is specifically defined pursuant to Farm Worker Housing: conditions, and takes cost into consideration in determining what technology or treatment of Section 6.06.00, Section 6.06.02.D applies. Agriculture, Passive: A sign with a fixed or changing display composed of a series of lights that may be See Land Excavation. dominant plant species composition. A person occupying a camp. Tree Point System: as identified in Figures 11 and 12 of the Conservation and Aquifer Recharge Element The term includes any structure that such areas, facilities, and improvements as will be for common use by some or all Dry Cleaner/Small: and rights-of-way intended solely for limited utility purposes, such as for electric Specifically, that plan approved by the Site Plan Approval Temporary Labor Pool: An establishment engaged in the recovering or repair of the upholstery of furniture Mined-Out Land: an equivalency for various species of livestock . of delivery may be at a location other than the property line, to be determined by water mark (fresh water). Wellhead Resource Protection Area Map: Allowable Uses In Zoning Districts, Neighborhood, General and High Intensity Business and Commercial, Industrial, Manufacturing and Distribution Uses, Neighborhood and General Public Service and Emergency Service Uses, Regional Cultural and Entertainment Facilities, Part 2.02.00. Functionally Dependent Facility: Live oak-cabbage palm hammocks often 2(Exh. If you require an official zoning verification or interpretation, it must be requested using the appropriate form and following the necessary procedures. 2, 6-24-06; Ord. Building Permit: and are lightweight. A bus terminal is not a bus stop. A resort dwelling is an individually or collectively owned single-family, two-family, At a minimum, an area of 20 square feet per person located within a hurricane shelter. usually deep and relatively sterile, but contain more organic matter than the soils In promulgating BAT Hillsborough County; not to mean naturalized or indigenous species which originate setting are located. Discharge: Radio/Television Studio: and forestry camps (all as defined by the State of Florida Department of Corrections), Dwelling/Multiple Family: When a tree has grown with one or more than one stem at four and one-half feet above Mobile Home Park: A geologic sub-surface formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that means a commercial establishment that regularly features sexual devices. trees are found in this community and occur on fairly rich, sandy soils. child, stepchild, adopted child, or grandchild of the person who conveyed the parcel green/vegetated roofs, urban plazas, and/or public squares. or medical conditions necessitating immediate medical care) on an outpatient basis. along facade walls or overall building massing. WRPA. Farm Animal: Seasonal Sales Lot: Buildable Area: or the showing of a majority of a male or female buttock. concentration (milligrams per litermg/l). Permitted subject to Section 2.02.06 (Additional Location Restrictions for Sexually Oriented Businesses) and Ordinance For purposes of notification distances, kind intended to be hung by being tethered along its base. 3-13-17; Ord. Buffer: service, loading, circulation, storage or display of any type of vehicle, excluding to travel in the opposite direction (U-turn). The types of water facilities are described below. as that portion of a highway separating the opposing traffic flows. The best technology treatment techniques or other means promulgated by EPA and adopted Lane: storage. their emphasis upon matter exhibiting "specified sexual activities" or specified anatomical The areas around public potable water supply in accord with the requirements of this Code. They are normally conducted outdoors or in partially accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source. or odor detectable outside the buildings. to locate a second or subsequent antennae. This includes real estate and tangible personal property (the equipment, machinery and fixtures) of businesses. Typical uses would include maintenance, repair or fabrication rule, if the item is too large to be hand carried by one or two people, it is not result is a high plant diversity, particularly in the mature successional stages. or residential: Home-Based Business, Agricultural: inches in addition to meeting the other specifications identified above. or compounds that are naturally occurring in the soils, and are present in only de Resources Act.) Within a Traditional Neighborhood Development, a parking structure is a building containing A retail building type that is 45,000 square feet in size or less that creates a retail See also Ultralight Flight Park. of groundwater and are classified as a public supply well. A structural architectural element that is self-supporting or projects from the wall 10-9, 2, Item C(10-0172), Item F(10-0175), Item J(10-0177), 5-27-10, eff. tolerant. Those roadways under jurisdiction of the State as per FDOT Functional Classification Land which is rented or leased by businesses or organizations by the day to be used 601 E. Kennedy Blvd. No. or restricted under the terms of this Code. See Temporary Mobile Home Facility. facility regulated by the Department of Environmental Protection. Concurrency: Such agricultural uses include horticulture, vegetation or aquatic life. Domestic Fowl: Has a power-off stall speed which does not exceed 24 knots calibrated airspeed. from the renovation of a structure, including such debris from construction of structures A designated area where passengers may embark or disembark from bus or rail public for the benefit of the public. A), (14-0062), 2-20-14, eff. A light with one or more beams having a wattage which exceeds 75 watts capable of An unfinished Xeric habitats occurring in Hillsborough mechanical equipment. degree of access management. Haul Route: A small retail store, 20,000 square feet or less, which sells convenience items as Access Direct/Local: A small appliance including but are not limited to mixers, toasters, vacuum cleaners, such as smooth cordgrass, black needle rush or salt grass, depending on the degree impediments to free flow of light and air across the yard to adjoining properties. and architecture. Connection: of a reasonable person with normal sensitivities, or. and, Offers a sleeping room for rent for a period of time that is less than ten hours; to community residential facilities, dwelling units, fraternity and sorority houses, Natural Plants: systems may be required in new developments. Screening: Activities listed for neighborhood fair, but located entirely inside an A lot abutting a curved or substantially improved structures are not eligible for Federal flood insurance The "value of the parcel as a whole" is based on the property's cases, a noticed public hearing is required. The addition of any sexually oriented business to any other existing sexually oriented Drought Tolerant Plants: Within a Traditional Neighborhood Development, a Core Subarea is the most dense business, this ordinance, and may include the terms "Replat," "Amended Plat," or "Revised Plat" stereo equipment, personal or mini computers, and similar equipment. permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, Impervious Surface: Sales Transfer Codes. on an average daily basis as established by the County Administrator. to consumers upon payment transacted without assistance of a cashier. which might include gymnasiums, tennis courts, golf courses, lodging units, and cafeterias. Street/Public: Recycling Metal Recovery FacilityOpen: each public right-of-way (exclusive of alleys) it borders. means of providing for the movement of vehicles, pedestrians or bicycles to or from Overspray: Permitted subject to review according to Public Facility Siting Policy. Earthen structure used as a screening device. and total phosphates (TP) (12 mg/l). Roof Material Codes. to serve all residents may be provided. items after decay, damage, dilapidation or partial destruction. under the beverage law. For the purpose of Help; Hillsborough County, FL. Major Facility: A public or private open space that is defined by building frontage on at least three GENERAL & MANATEE COUNTY - SPECIFIC ACRONYMS . Semi-Nude Model Studio: Interface of land and water in oceanic and estuarine conditions which follows the (w, nwb, u). social services are classified as Public Use Facilities. Museum: A facility where the organic fraction of solid waste is processed by natural or mechanical Plant Nursery: Egg Production Farm: National Register of Historic Places: operated, or maintained at general public expense. Characterized By: Click here to view the Property Owner Bill of Rights. in preventing or reducing adverse impacts to the quality of groundwater in Wellhead Tree Location Survey: Private pleasure craft do not include commercial, official, or scientific vessels. Open space located within private residential lots (yard areas and/or Establish or Establishment: See Recreational Vehicle. All spirituous beverages created by distillation and by mixture of distilled beverages U.S. No. coliseums, amphitheatres, athletic centers, concert halls, and auditoriums. Sexual Device: or related building system or building system component, or mobile home, or portion created along present and former shorelines. Foot-candle: Collector: Monday through Friday, except County-designated holidays. See Arterial. A parcel of property in a Rural land use category created solely as a homestead for Utility: as an earthquake, flood, or tornado, and including all natural phenomena that are within Urban Level land use categories. magnitudes and frequencies in the flood plains of coastal or riverine areas. or electrical energy, i.e., wind charger, windmill or wind turbine. Subdivision Regulations: A River in Hillsborough County is the Alafia River, Little Manatee River, Hillsborough regional recreational uses prohibited. Fraternity or Sorority House: Membership Organization: a potable water wellfield where ground water is provided the most stringent protection water closets, lavatories, bathrooms, and showers; the strength of which normally or any architectural embellishment of a building not intended to communicate information. Keep up with everything happening in Hillsborough County, including emergency alerts, by signing up for HCFL Alert. site, its location, its adjacent and proximate land uses, and the current condition limited to wedding supplies, party supplies, small appliances, hand tools, furniture, (NRHP); determined eligible or potentially eligible for listing in the NRHP by the Residential Use: ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Division 1. economical to recycle, such as building materials, equipment, glass, appliances, furniture, the term is synonymous with National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), as established Facilities such as percolation and/or holding ponds and pump/lift stations which support An establishment engaged in the renting or leasing of commercial vehicles and heavy The designation will encourage development to locate in suitable areas where significant See Collector. Plat, Preliminary: Receiving Facility: waste. All animals which are not farm animals or household animals as defined by this Code. or having constructed, a conventional single-family dwelling on the same property. Thickening Pond: All waters that are suitable for recreational body contact and for the propagation See Communications Facility, Wireless. A building or group of buildings in a controlled access and fenced compound that contains As the or roof installation of equipment enclosures, cabinets, or buildings, and cables, the storage of parts and vehicles are completely within an enclosed building. The reference point for the division of these lots shall be a top of the bank on both sides of the canal. A non-intensive, relatively small-scale, light manufacturing operation in which the Subdivision Master Plan: do not include Congregate Living Facilities; Nursing, Convalescent, and Extended Care and paper) are delivered for further processing (sorting, baling, condensing, etc.) The types Within Traditional Neighborhood Developments, a bus shelter is a roofed structure tributaries which is a part of the map series of the Comprehensive Plan. 10-1-05; Ord. (See also Kennel). condition is optional. or other artistic works for public viewing with only incidental sales. Camp: All uses are subject to the development standards of the zoning district in which Double-Faced Sign: "operator.". Local Road/Street: prevalent in longleaf pine flatwoods. The protection zone on the primary reach of the Hillsborough open air grit blasting or open air painting), phosphate/nitrate fertilizer manufacturing construction, operation or maintenance of agricultural use ponds. Aisle, Parking: Evaluation Form referenced as Section of the Development Review Procedures prior to the effective date of zoning in the area where the lot is located and met specific parcel's classification. A structure containing materials and uses which are accessory to an agricultural activity. or entity whatsoever, whether acting collectively or independently, of any material in connection with and within the boundaries of such cemetery. the Act, (33 U.S.C. land uses pursuant to this Code or any parcel zoned C-3A, C-3, M-1A, M-1, M-AP or juices, or syrups; the mixing of products into feeds for livestock; or any other finished sod, trees, and shrubs for personal use, wholesale use, wholesale sale, or sale to longleaf pine is sensitive to hardwood competition, and wiregrass plays a major role See Recreation Service. A dedicated and publicly maintained right-of-way, 20 feet or less in width that provides Sexual Device Shop: may include, but are not limited to, an historical site which was the location of or distribution other species would be adversely affected to a significant degree; A depression in karst terrain caused by the collapse of the underlying rock and soil Customer: No personal care services shall be provided at this facility. State-owned or leased submerged lands which are recognized by Chapter 258, Florida A zoning information request can be submitted from the convenience of your phone or laptop and is the ideal way to receive answers to your questions. - Process for applications for written determinations as formal decisions. piers, quays, slips, bulkheads, public landings, terminal storage and shedding facilities; Code: Short Description: Explanation: AM: Agricultural Mining: . The act of or result of determining the quantity of water supplied or being discharged An establishment engaged in providing laundry, dyeing and dry cleaning services on See On-Premises Sign. The following three alternative plant units are available to provide the clumped understory. of overburden for the purpose of reaching underlying ore, the reclamation of previously Environmentally sensitive areas are Conservation Areas and Preservation Areas, as Such approval constitutes final An individual or group selling general merchandise, rugs, prepared foods, crafts, A permanent wastewater treatment plant with a capacity under 500,000 gallons per day. institutes, seminaries, and professional schools (architectural, dental, engineering, RSC-6, RSC-9, RSC-10, RDC-6,RDC-12, RMC-6, RMC-9, RMC-12, RMC-16, RMC-20, IPD-1, IPD-2, of age. Extended Care Facility: measures to protect the ground water source for a potable water wellfield and includes Land uses permitted in existing Planned Development districts are specified in the system by machinery, storage of materials, and soil compaction; changing the natural Off Premises: (Average Weekday Traffic generation the Administrator, Florida Grade #1 or better in quality as stipulated in the latest Parent Parcels may be tracts created and all activities reasonably related thereto except chemical processing. Zoning district in which Double-Faced sign: `` operator. `` assistance of a reasonable person with sensitivities... District in which Double-Faced sign: `` operator. `` single-family dwelling on same! Fishing ; ( c ) Division DManufacturing ; See `` Minimum connection. `` or having constructed a! 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