my boyfriend is getting fat and i like it

People will skinny fat are at risk of the same medical health conditions as obese people, except it becomes more dangerous for them since it is not easy to notice from the outside. My wife has been more aggressive in her encouragement of me eating. We have two extremes in America, a diet culture and an obesity culture. And the gain has been all over, so its not like it looks odd to be 20 pounds heavier. All rights reserved. The moobs were first. He likes me real fat and say that i can keep eating what i wants. I don't know if he's testing me for my reaction or what. He has put on nearly 250 pounds, and I intend to keep getting him even fatter! 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. WE HAVE IT HERE. He always puts us first and works really hard. F uck that! My boyfriend and I have been dating about 3 almost 4 months now. He is most likely into it but cares more about your happiness. At 20 I loved my boyfriends hard body. At that height, you have to be 180 pounds to be on the cusp of obesity. I used to suffer from anorexia about 10 years ago. YOUR KILLING YOUR HUSBANDS!!! The weight symbolizes a lack of effort to maintain the relationship, lack of sexual connection, failure to prioritize health or simply a growing apart. He is supportive, intelligent, has a great sense of humor this list goes on and on. Small changes are better than nothing after all. I upsized hubby's pants two sizes for the three week honeymoon and made sure he had plenty of food close by at all times. Can you imagine your hubby as a 500 pounder? At 709 pounds she still says she wants to get fatter for me and she has regular doctors checkups and so far all is good. now the simple sight of her naked huge body turns me on so much it drives me nuts! Im really liking it. . I purposely dont go to the doctor so he leaves me alone, and when I shows up in my 9th month, i f ucking nearly pass out when he sees me. To be even clearer: I AM NOT CONCERNED ABOUT HIS WEIGHT IN TERMS OF HIS HEALTH. I tried this, thinking I would be sneaky and get him just a little fat. Consider stepping away and saying, "I need a moment after what you just said." Avoid engaging in further conversation until you've stepped away and had some space. My wife is very fat with big bum and belly and I love it . If hes defensive, thats understandable, if frustrating. The doctor is concerned about their weight so we are trying to limit the junk food. Plenty of fit people are unhealthy. My girlfriend LOVES my fat, too, and it makes it hard to resist her treats, her attention and her obvious obsession with my fat. If it doesnt mean as much to you, maybe you do it for him. 15 signs your husband or wife wants a divorce. I think he has fetish for big woman . Just before I had my baby, I was 416. they weighs me then cuz they say i might need c section. His legs and arms are still quite lean. - and is a participant in some affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. 20 years later she has passed 325 pounds and still slowly gaining, we both love her size. Being around him is never fun. I've blown past every milestone we've set, she has a heavy hand when it comes to feeding. She seems to finally be accepting that shes just going to be a little more matronly. Fat people | My Husband makes comments about my weight. My wife is very fat now I love the curves saggy belly think she is around 380 pounds. A TikTok creator revealed that after having her chin fat dissolved, she was so swollen that she ended up looking like a "frog.". And why? Yes, custom clothes definitely help us out, too. In high school my jeans were 30/30. December 25, 2018. Just because you like it doesnt mean being fat is healthy for your body. Lucky man. This is so adorable:"but I've made sure my husband got really fat. My life is sooo ******* sad, ask me anything. Keep up the snacks and you might be there someday! What Im concerned about is his mental health. I just kept saying how lovely and sexy she looked and the more I'd say more she seemed to gain she has a sweet tooth and likes takeaway, My wife is a bbw 350 pounds love her rolls of fat that hang over her fat p**** and huge saggy t*** 44Ddd, My wife lisa is the same way 365 pounds she has fat rolls that hang over fat hairy p**** she also has huge saggy 44 DD t*** with big pink nipples, Any tips on getting my wife fatter? Now we are very happy and healthy and s** is amazing. I feed him well, he likes to snack and his fat . She thinks she likes it like that. According to a new survey, he is. After we gots married, I must admit I kinda porked cuz I kinda din't feel like I had to watch my weight that much any more. He's probably gained about 2/3 stone since then and now it's getting to the point where he is visibly fat and there are rolls. Too fat to exercise, but with a big belly thats constantly hungry and needs to be filled up. Now she saggy and I'm kinda lost interest. Both mom and baby came through with flying colors. I have found tremendous stress reduction from adopting a foodie/feeder lifestyle.Now that I am obviously obese, I am very humble and nonjudgmental around the growing numbers of similarly configured men and women I encounter. Among these, BIA Scales and Devices give you the most accurate estimation, which is very important. He says not to worry, he loves my THICCCCC body. Also, put melted butter on everything including pizza (it tastes great!) Healthy diet ( FREE ) chart for you to copy. THIS IS GOING TO KILL YOU!!! 2. I've had real arguments with my friends about it. Take 5 deep breaths. If it bothers you, you will always be mad atHim for encouraging you to pack on some pounds. he might actually be suffering from serious health issues. How much weight has he gained? Cookie Notice In comparison to what he looked like before (~150 pounds on that frame) of course he looks fat, but now he seems average like any guy his height. I should be able to push her way up over 600lbs in the next year. Hes stopped caring for a pet! Sophie-X. Its only been 20 pounds. Thats some dedicated stuffing. In comparison to what he looked like before (~150 pounds on that frame) of course he looks fat, but now he seems average like any guy his height. The fatter he gets, the less you have to convince yourself. Do they like men with huge sagging bellies? My hubs says he will get me an aide for me. If she likes to snack, have lots of them around. All the best to you and your beauitful, round woman. She needs a scooter to get around and our vehicle is a van with a handicap lift and she is fine with all of it. 1. Shell order a big dish herself then casually slide her remaining portion my way. Both my x was bbw.After my divorce I found thick girlfriend not yet bbw. This is frustrating. Gastric bypass is a hurdle- I wanted a huge fat whale with a massive belly roll and have been cheated. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. So I just started to make larger and larger plates for him, and he started gaining weight, and most of it went to his belly. Cant even fake it - Im a tub o lard. There is only one issue that has become increasingly difficult to deal with: he is rapidly gaining weight. I got back into my seat, sat up straight, and looked directly at Jonathan. Nobody f****** asked you. It's pretty clear he is sending the message of his likes by suggesting you gain more. Then snuggle him and let him crush you with his pounds while, you knowfat boy s**! Bloated belly rubs are amazing, both for the person with the chubby belly and the person getting to love and rub on it. I am that fat wife. It turns me on to think that I have doubled his weight. I weighed 250 pounds when I married. Id guess 30 pounds? Well, if you dont mind how he physically looks or feels (although part of you sounds jealous because you have stayed in shape for him), then I would suggest telling him that he is still attractive and you dont mind his extra weight, but that you want him to start trying to be more active and healthy (not necessarily lose weight) and say you can work on it together. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? How much did you weigh when you got married? His greatest pleasure seems to come from eating junk food, and lots of it. What justification do people have for imposing that type of stress on someone? My wife loves it! Raised her eyebrows like she was disgusted in your suggestion or raised her eyebrows like shes interested in you getting fatter for her? How much weight has she gained so far? After 5 years of marriage, he now weighs 360 pounds with a 60 inch waistline. Plus, people have divorced for far, far less. He's about 6'1 or 6'2" I think. And yeah I love it when it happens to me. Saying words like "fat and ugly, or fat and lazy" may be a bit harsh, but the truth is, we really do want to be attracted to our partners. As I stated, life is interesting and I wouldn't change a single thing for all the money in the world. My husband is fattening up even without my help. When we were dating, he was 170 pounds. My favorite part is when my wife is winded on the stairs and needs to stop to catch her breath. I have stuff around the apartment, like sodas and sugary juices and snacks I know he'll enjoy. YOUR KILLING YOUR HUSBANDS!!! On top of that, healthiness is not better than unhealthiness. His wife asked why considering how he love food. She just wasn't comfortable with her weight and did it anyway. We's got preggo 2 years ago when I's 400 an I put on about 85 pounds. His messed-up mind tells him, "Nobody will want a fat . Anonymous confessions, stories and advice. This I took as my opening to tell her why I was attracted to her in the first place. Being open and honest is what worked for us. If you try again and he continues to be defensive about this or wont take any steps to care for himself, then, OK, you have a new problem. Have you always been fat? A fat body can (but does not always) imply laziness, short-sightedness, and a kind of disregard for one's holistic well-being." "A woman who is fat clearly just doesn't care about herself." "Being . 1,500 calories in fatty fast food is much different than 1500 calories of lean protein and vegetables. The cold, crummy, thrilling, miraculous truth of the matter is that attraction changes over time. In Covid I gained 51 pounds. It's a challenge that many of us don't meet. I have always felt fat, but by America's standards, I am very underweight. So since Ive been with my husband Ive gained about 50lbs. SoI am walking around with all this weight. It has ruined a lot of marriages which I thought about. Me married to a fat lazy guy. It makes a lot of sense for your attraction to have dipped. Dear Wendy: "My Boyfriend's Getting Fat". Having an obscenely fat gorgeous wife is truely one of life's extreme pleasures. There are people that look. She agreed to gain weight when we met and today she wants to add more pounds for me. Have been almost this heavy previously, and was really stressed about it. Have you been gaining any weight? She battles enjoying the effect on me with self confidence, but if thats not an issue, let go. Thats totally fine. Avoid having serious conversations with him. I'm retired! You are allowed to feel this way. She currently weighed in last week at 417. She got diabetes of pregnancy right toward the end, but still kept pigging out. Liver is one of the key organs in the body which removes toxins and helps break down fats to make them digestible. I said I didn't want her to have it that she looked beautiful. I guess because it came from someone else. Its not just the physical appearance that bugs me, its the difference in lifestyle that's getting to me. No. Oh yes. She might not want to say something because she doesnt want to hurt your feelings (if shes not into it). That's a pretty dangerous road to go down. She says she feel perfectly fine, and won't go back to the doctor unless she doesn't feel well. I had finally reached my goal weight of 98 pounds. Not true in real life. Well, she knew I wouldn't mind at all if she gained weight, so she soon was eating anything she wanted, and the fat piled on. I'm a happy size 18 and I've always been a big girl at heart. It isn't an uncontrollable . Am I a terrible, shallow person? This time, if the subject comes up about weight, I just pat my belly and own the moment. By the way I'm also attractive for men, I'm a slim tonified girl with a nice ass. Im no longer physically attracted to him, and I feel horrible about it. They read something about being fat helps you think better or something like that. Two years later, we have both put on weight. You mean like metaphorically or like physically because we are bigger than skinny people? Id be humiliated. Her OB was alarmed! My life changed - for the better - one Saturday evening when my dad asked if I'd go with him on one of his all-you-can-eat buffet outings. She's really putting away the chocolates, cakes, pies, Oreos, and ice cream. poke his belly! Nice try attempting to identify with the population of heavier women, but you arent there yet, babe. I dont know if he is aware of or concerned about his habit changes, but if he isnt seeing a therapist or hasnt talked to a doctor, heres what I would say: Babe, I love you so much, but Ive noticed that a lot of your hobbies have kind of fallen to the wayside recently and Im taking care of Gingerbread (Im guessing your dogs name) a lot more than I used to. Grammar and punctuation are obviously not your strong suit. No way jose! She loves to tease me with saying I think I need to gain a few 100 pounds and it's an honest statement because she says please feed me some more. Here are 9 signs that you should keep swiping. How does she feel about it? I realized I started finding this to be very attractive because now I get obsessed about what he eats. Funny how an average american woman life packs on the pounds ha. If you do not receive your email shortly, please check your spam folder. You are allowed to feel like it sucks. Its just part of life. FWIW, he was pretty thin before, and he's now a few pounds shy of 200, apparently. So far she doesn't seem affected but who knows for the future. In the past few months my boyfriend gained weigh, a feeeeew kilos actually. Obviously he loves you getting fatter! TWO: GET STRONG. When we start dating we share gym sessions, but after the wedding he was getting lazy and said me so often that he must work at home or so on. I think it is kind of interesting that my oldest who is 5. weighs almost as much as your 10 year old. Fatness isnt the only measure of health. Nice! Different body type now and I find it extremely alluring and sexy. Most of their friends are fat themselves, but my girls are still the fattest. I asked him why and he said I am getting bigger and bigger, and soon I will not be able to sit in his car. Im always happy to hear about folks like us. Copyright 20052023 Copyright 20052023 He has an actual ass. I love grabbing a handful of flesh when we've having sex, and seeing that big round hairy mountain when I look up at him when I'm giving him a BJ. It's so uncharacteristic of me, especially since my last boyfriend was a total sports buff. In a way, it was nice to hear that hes always been attracted to bigger girls. He complained about the new size, so I walked over to him, patted his bulging tummy, grabbed his love handles and told him how attractive he is to me. I am 5'7 and, as of this morning, 294 pounds. But her subtle encouragement has spoken volumes. Has anyone discussed it with their partner and how do you approach the conversation? Same woman. He loves to look after me . More TV. Moreover, many people dont take action even after knowing because they think its fine as long as they look good, though its not. Is your husband or boyfriend fat? Follow us for the best, hand picked confessions. Huffing and puffing getting dressed while I massage her fat side rolls. I dont think she wanted a portly husband. It's.. everything about his growing body that drives me wild. LOL. There are many different types of pill and many other forms of contraceptive, and even the Practice Nurse will be willing to give you advice on what may be better for you. Tease him! Become a Forum Helper for Life and Style! He wonders why idon't want sex anymore. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Its actually been a lot of fun to just eat whatever I want whenever I want. I smokes weed to keep the morning sickness under control, tho i didnt really have any, but i likes to smoke weed, so i had a excuse! Dont worry about it, baby! Not super tall, but a tallish guy. He has stopped doing things he previously loved or at least liked. Can you take walks with the dog together? Applying to multiple unis with this course. Allowing a child to become super obese is parental negligence. Feeling that my pants dont fit anymore is a turn on. I try my best to still have fun but I feel like I been betrayed. Shes definitely into me - been married 20 years! Im the bloated one. God it's fun when your wife gets fat! I am around 400lb now and my husband loves me I've away been on big side . Lucky man fatten her more. With you - my 340 pound jelly girl had gastric surgery and now we are down to 260, I understand that. There are some advantages to living life with a little extra weight. My wife says I look 8 months pregnant, loland I've got a new pair of b****. Im a big fat pig and getting fatter! Hes always trying to get me touching his belly or squeezing it. I am one too. My boyfriend's body looks like the body of the guy in the picture above. B**** and Butt super small now too (F cup to large D). Be honest with yourself and him as to what you desire as well. I think you should bring it up to her. This is a very sexy post! Im over 300 pounds now and feel an affinity to any fatty I see. I keep myself in shape as I have to take care of my gorgeous huge wife and my plump little darlings. Both are active healthy little clubbettes who take after their mom. Health is not moral. I put on weight for him and he likes to talk about it am his big girl. With you at what weight will you or would you stop letting your husband keep getting fatter, is the a upper limit or just see where it goes? Or should I just let go and let the inner fatty out/let the seems pop? This is going to take effort, time, and patience, which very much sucks. My boyfriend is like the complete physical opposite of me. So since then it's been eat, eat, eat and it's been wonderful so far. She was maybe 120and has gained maybe 15 or so. We have been married for 16 years and we have 2 children, 14 and 12. But what can be expected when you don't even have enough self respect to keep your own weight under control? He was not the same guy that he used to be when I met him and I don't know if that's what caused him to be fat, of if he became fat because of who he was becoming. Sometimes I would require him to keep eating in the bedroom. Hauling all that fat around and struggling with daily chores is a joy to watch. Her thighs had gotten skinny, from being very fat before, and the skin was all wrinkly and flabby. Because of the excess weight, I worry about her long term physical health but I probably worry about her emotional health even more. She probably also gets turned on by seeing your fat butt waddle around her house. Her goal is now to continue gaining to 400! i couldnt push her outta me. My gal and I teased each other to 300. Maybe your boyfriend likes it as much as you do, so he is not particularly worried about it. It turns him on but Im just tolerating it. Probably just living the life of an average American woman at this point and the pounds have just come on. I'll start off by saying that I am madly in love with my boyfriend. Also, you might consider not posting in all capitals. Give the gift of exercise. I love to eat until I'm stuffed, wait awhile and feed my gut more as I grow into a 300 lb fat slob. Here's the thing. But more skinny than fat. am going with it. People who have chronic illnesses who will not recover from them are not lesser than healthy people. I spent enough time growing it! Fat people | My Husband makes comments about my weight. To be honest while I would support him if he wanted to lose the weight I dont think he would look good at his age back to his skinny old self. My boyfriend is getting fat and I like it. Ensure that your husband has at least a 10% of caloric surplus, which means he should take in more calories than what he burns in a day, which will lead to more muscle mass and fat gain. Then she "might think about restraining herself, unless I decide not too", she said with a naughty smile. She's no longer purposely packing on the pounds, but just slowly getting fatter from her normal eating habits. I'm turned on just thinking about it. I consider the two of us extremely lucky guys. Honestly, I didnt notice it before. I LOVE it when people ask me about my weight gain, I saw an old friend earlier this week that I haven't seen in a few years and she was SHOCKED at how much weight I've put on. In those 7 years, I've managed to get him 350 pounds or so and am still feeding him lots of calories. When we got married, my 5'5" wife was chubby at 175 lbs. Me too. Its been Thanksgiving almost every day since. I love getting fatter and fatter for my husband. Here's the best solution: Make his weight-loss . When Having An Affair Is An Act Of Self-Care, Karly & Deb Found A Simple Way Of Making Long Distance Work, Caroline & Nat First Met At A House Party Over A Decade Ago, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. So please, help me. How big are you willing to get? She never discouraged me from dieting before, but I never heard an encouraging word either. She has insisted that my brother get fat as well. Plus he carries most of his weight in his tummy and face. Yes, looking good is definitely important, but whats more important is to be healthy and have a long life. He jokingly calls me fat but I don't let it bother me. I love him and he still provides well. There are three main ways to determine body composition-. When we were dating, he was 170 pounds. I'm going to sit on my fat ass and eat until I can barely walk. My husband is getting fat. How much ice cream can you eat at one sitting? It really hurt my feelings. He is fully aware, Im sure, that his body has changed. This should be obvious. My family keeps worrying about my health but i feel great and i'm young so i don't see why i should spend money going to the doctor who'll just tell me to like, go on a diet. I think they're crazy and completely insensitive. Does she know you love her fatter from the beginning or did she start gaining and you always seems to appreciate her figure?With stocking the freezer and pantry is she aware that you want her to keep gaining or does she mention it to you?How big do you think she will get or want her to get? I am now a massive 550 pounds. Now super SAGY all over. Nothing like a big hanging fat bag. Awww, does someone need their bloated belly rubbed? Its not like he doesnt know hes gained weight. My gf compares me to Thiccollegegirl, especially cause my belly sticks out so much. Have fun! Surround him with food and encourage him. And I have!. If you feel unhappy or unhealthy when you gain weight, don't gain weight. Huge sagging belly and t***. For more information, please see our The world seems to be headed in that direction anyway. My wife is plump, almost obese, I started to get a bit of a roll, as of late, she reached over, a few days ago, grabbed my baby bulge and said How cute, must be the mud pie and other deserts, I am proud of you. Now, I am very fit, or was, in the last year, still workout hard, but the bulge is growing. Is finding clothes for them a challenge? When we got married she told me she wanted me to become massively fat so No other woman would want me. Can you touch each other more (gross sentence, sorry)? Ugh, I feel dirty and guilty for enjoying it so much and doing sneaky things to encourage him to consume more. Fat is where it's at in that family and I love it. I thought I was the only one with a wife like that. She never verbally discussed it with me but the bigger I kept getting the lovemaking and bigger fattening meals just kept coming. and "You're shrinking down there!" What size were you when you met each other? After a while I realized she won't change and now am just enjoying the ride with her. Is this something new she has been doing? It might be a hard process of bulking up and then cutting down. I have always dreamed of growing a big, round, huge belly my whole life. than similar people who are thin. I try to counter this overwhelming guilt by making healthier foods or encouraging him to go out to the gym with me, but he never commits. Ironically enough, I met my boyfriend during the thinnest month of my life. Whenever I observe how fat Ive gotten, my wife just raises her eyebrows and smiles seductively. It took me a while to get over the fact that I'm helping to harm this girl's health, but she insists on gaining and eating what she wants, starting with 8 Krispy Kreme donuts every morning. I'm afraid he'll think I've been up to something to no good this whole time, when it's mostly just me appreciating his body. She has slowly thickened but its nothing compared to me. I'm enjoying this immensely of course, with the added bonus that he has started to become affected by his own cooking and add some pounds himself. Just because you like it doesnt mean being skinny and fat is healthy for your body. my GF lost 100lb from gastric bypass I was against her doing it. It might be a temporary plumping but Ill take what I can get. I think hes noticed that Im rarely in the mood to have sex anymore, but he hasnt said anything and neither have I. He used to run, but now he hardly exercises at all, he barely even walks the dog (it's his dog and now I do almost all of the walking). He was (and for me still is) like a God on Earth. ---> Please note that whether or not you choose to order anything from our affiliates, this site is intended to help you achieve a healthier you! Last week at the doc's I was 271, so I'm still growing. Im pleased that my girls have been accepted by their peers. I love his growing cute little (for now) belly. The reason why skinny fat is so dangerous is that its hard to determine until its too late because the person looks completely healthy from the outside, even if they have a bad fat buildup inside. The good news about this is that even though youre less attracted to your boyfriend right now (fine, valid, morally neutral), there is opportunity for that to change, for your attraction to him to grow again. As for safely backing out, avoid your place for the hookups. His body is alive! Fatten him up and race him to 300. I am (28F) a short girl so any extra weight makes me look heavy. Down to 260, I feel horrible about it have enough self respect to keep your own weight under?! To consume more about their weight so we are down to 260, I am 28F! Little ( for now ) belly when I 's 400 an I put on weight yet bbw jokingly me. You desire as well is amazing belly think she is around 380 pounds eat. Of her naked huge body turns me on so much cares more about your happiness x27 ; ll off. 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my boyfriend is getting fat and i like it