shortness of breath after donating blood

I WAS SHOCKED! So quit saying their iron checks failed you because you never got your iron checked. Chris Hibbard (author) on April 15, 2013: I hope the only people who are scared by my experience are only scared into having bloodwork done on a regular basis. Causes include: My guess is that your ferritin levels were low due to your faithful donating. i had some juice and went to sleep. Same as last time, I feel pretty tired doing simple things right now. It can also interfere with normal lung function which, in turn, decreases the organ's capacity to absorb oxygen over time. One thing I WON'T do is trust the blood collector to check my iron for me: I'll donate and see *my* Dr .afterward for the first year. I recently gave blood at work, the needle felt as it was inserted wrong, as the pain was excruciating. I just donated my blood 3 days ago for the first time ever. So far, I have donated 7 times in 2016 alone (like I said, not all of it has been whole blood). If you feel fatigue and about to faint you should immediately lie down and rest. At times, your hematocrit can be fine but your ferratin could be low which could have caused your delayed reaction. I go in this month to see how if his plan to get me back to normal is working so far :D, i donated blood on the 5th of july and have been weak for several weeks and what i found was that i needed the ferritin of liver (grass fed here in tasmania, australia). that night i slept at about 1am. i cant even enjoy eating my favourite food. (n.d.). This includes your lung tissue. He found that my iron stores were completely depleted. You'll soon start receiving the latest Mayo Clinic health information you requested in your inbox. I will never give blood as I am already anemic , I give a big thumbs up to all those who do, but there needs to be stricter regulations, sad that it takes extreme events to have these regulations put in place. Glad you got checked out Devon! The FDA permits but does not require blood centers to take blood from already anemic donors, and blood centers choose to actually do so. The ferritin checks I was getting at the blood drives failed me--for whatever reason. if im sitting or lying down, i feel almost normal. Cancelled all my plans & was still very week for the following week when I returned to work. Working at United Blood Services, I can tell you that our donors are just as important as our patients. Shortness of breath is the most common symptom of heart failure. Last time I donated i had to lay off the cardio for a week. Today i woke up still very dizzy, weak and with a horrible headache. I just made my first blood donation two days ago. (n.d.). Have you requested your hemoglobin records from your blood center for your donations prior to being diagnosed? I'm just a casual donor with no medical background but it seems as if your own lack of common sense was your demise. You can have a hemoglobin count that's fine for you but doesn't meet the standards blood donation centers set. I have also met some who I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them. I hopped on the next bus, got home 5 minutes later and didnt move a muscle out of my bed. Do not smoke. Up to now I am still poorly, bed bound most of the time due to the same headaches, dizzy, high pulse rate and just feeling weak in general. They may only bleed while you are digesting food, in which case, you can't see them during an endoscope. We would like to advise you to read carefully the following points for care after blood donation. I want to keep donating as I'm O-. i went ahead and donated the 2 pints and its been a nightmare ever since. It seems too coincidental. So RN or not, they took blood from me when I (a male) was already anemic, which I found out only months after donating blood and after I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia by doing a HIPAA request to the blood center to get my hemoglobin level they measured with a fingerprick blood sample before they took my blood. It happens when antibodies in the donor blood, such as human leukocyte antibodies, react with the recipients leukocytes, or white blood cells. It's like my life has stopped since I haven't been able to go back to my daily routine. Yes, this is pressing so just get in there and donate asap and put this behind you. Keep in mind, I'm a healthy 40-year-old male with no history of anemia or other blood problems. Chris Hibbard (author) on September 18, 2013: I wish that were the case here (there are no RNs where I donated). Shortness of breath in people with advanced cancer (updated 02/2021) For people with advanced cancer, identifying and managing shortness of breath is an important part of care. since then its been like this. People experience and describe shortness of breath differently depending on the cause. Educate, dont belittle. After this, they will address the specific symptoms, which can include: According to the CDC, a febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reaction (FNHTR) is the most common reaction. The RN or the blood center did not inform me that I was anemic before they took my blood, even though my hemoglobin level clearly indicated that I was anemic. I had a relaxing Sunday, then returned to the office on Monday. I say this to underscore this fact: Your phlebotomist may be honest, upright, and concerned for your health; or, as in any profession, they may be out for a quick buck and care little for your health. Thanks God nothing major happened to you. When you feel shortness of breath, you may breathe faster, which can lead to hyperventilationand, in turn, hyperventilation can trigger or worsen shortness of breath. On inhaler. If the reaction is significant, hydration is important. The nurses who monitor me are nurses, with medical training mostly coming out of hospitals seeking a more positive career - lots of people die in hospitals after all. My Iron has been on the low side the last 5 or six times. i researched about ferritin levels and got tested for that and what do i ferritin is a level 5! It is normal to feel a little bit tired after donating blood because theres less circulation of blood to the brain. I donated over a month ago (MLK Day) and the needle hit a nerve. This was my sixth time doing this and have never experienced any problems before, until now. in the usa of course it's not so easy to get good quality grass fed liver? I went back three months later and my levels were still in the same range. Signs and symptoms can include: Your doctor might recommend a complete blood count test to determine whether you have a low hemoglobin count. Can a person do anything to help reduce the chance of a blood transfusion reaction from occurring? According to a 2019 article, symptoms of PTP can include: According to the authors of Transfusion Medicine for Pathologists: A Comprehensive Review for Board Preparation, Certification, and Clinical Practice, it is important to note that transfusion reactions are rarely fatal. You can be turned away. If this happened very often, I'm sure they'd have some real litigation on their hands. That information would be much more useful to donors looking at this post. Dizziness is one most popular blood donation effects, this effect occurs because of loosing some blood. If I had yearly physicals (with a *doctor*), I would've known I wasn't able to safely give blood. Bruising, or discoloration of the skin, is normal following blood donation. Factors can include your overall health, medical history, and genetics. somewhat like nerve pulling. the next day was also fine, but my arms felt kind of painful. That is one mistake I will NEVER make again. A 2013 study consisting of 82 male and female participants found an improvement in cholesterol levels in blood donors. Shortness of breath (dyspnea) is a worrisome symptom and has many acute and chronic causes. Everyone in my family gets them though. . Naturally, the blood center loved me. Jo D Vasque from Upper Arlington, Ohio on September 18, 2013: I think what people need to realize is that Chris was giving his story to inform others of "what" could happen. Anyway, were all just trying to do good here, theres no need to be condescending in saying we lack common sense. Not good. However, serious blood transfusion reactions are uncommon. Im an O, so my need to donate is imminent, but Ill only be doing it once a year. Obesity linked to 21 genes related to Alzheimers disease, study finds. I would also suggest keeping away from caffeine and alcohol as it inhibits iron absorption. Shortness of breathwhat doctors call dyspneais the unpleasant sensation of having difficulty breathing. Giving blood is a fantastic selfless way of giving back, but it doesnt suit everyone. Have to stop donating blood for the time being while I rebuild my iron stores. Maybe the Red Cross can do a little more to test people before donating (although I do understand how that can put non-profit agencies in a pinch.). An indication of low ferritin levels is low hemoglobin. Before i jump to the main topic i want to recall that not everybody can donate her/his blood. The big take-away for me was: GET A PHYSICAL EVERY YEAR! Some people will experience minor side effects of donating blood, such as lightheadedness, bruising, or light bleeding. It's sad what happened to you, I would have been very angry, upset. I felt giving blood was a good thing to do that took a small bit of time. Everyone needs to know this and it should be sent to the blood donation center for the staff there to see! Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. by the next week i was still feeling horrible. Once that is determined, you and your physician can work together to create a treatment plan. For more severe cases, a. Asthma or emphysema. Donors must continue to donate in order to have a supply for our community. The doctor wanted to rule out anything else that could be going on so made other appointments for me with a gastro doctor and gyno and in the meantime started me on IV iron - Venofer. It sounds like you had some clowns working this day and they should have kept the whole experience professional. Dr. Fritz: Shortness of breath is a symptom of an underlying problem or problems, not a disease of its own. I left the place, got in my car headed for home and i started feeling weak and i was on the highway and the seconds would pass i would feel worst & worst. Wow. The transfusion was. Neither do I consider someone with 6 days of training in ANYthing to be knowledgeable in in it. Chris Hibbard (author) on November 15, 2012: I tend to agree with you, Kathy. I have since figured out that I have to be above 50 ng/ml to not have trouble breathing under heavy exertion. Our training is extensive and we are forced to follow fda testing policies. Read on to discover how blood transfusions help manage the condition. My iron levels were fine according to the finger prick test. For a short while, I thought I was merely dreaming of driving, and didn't have any conscious control over my vehiclestill at 60MPH in the fast lane. However, TRALI can be fatal and has a mortality rate of between 525%. When I realized what was happening, I laid on the horn and started moving across three lanes of traffic to the shoulder. You had a harrowing experience! Donating 5 times a year? As I woke, a ranger was knocking on my window, i felt lost and very weak, when i least expected it, fire rescue was there taking my vitals which were all fine. Faint is frequently as side effects of blood donation, This effect can be occur if you stand up abruptly of if you have been standing for a long time after donating your blood. Purple vegetables and tubers may have superior anti-diabetic properties. Have a good meal the day of your donation and drink plenty of fluids. Last medically reviewed on July 31, 2020, A blood transfusion is a safe procedure that can help treat several conditions. Learn more, Some people believe that they cannot donate blood after having a tattoo. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hi, I had an unprovoked PE in August. I never failed the hemoglobin test the blood donation place does. Symptoms will depend on the severity and may include: If other symptoms are present, the person should contact their doctor. Can I donate blood after getting a tattoo? I am here in Malawi a developing country but our centers are well advanced. Chris, sorry to hear about your awful experience. If symptoms do not improve, people can contact their doctor. Management of the condition involves. A person should avoid alcohol for 24 hours before and after donating. People may experience minor bleeding from the needle site after donating blood. It may vary for everyone but the paramedic at the Blood Center will do things necessary if you undergo these effects. Because there are risks of blood-borne infections. According to the CDC, TAGVHD occurs when T-lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, from the donor blood rapidly increase in number in the recipient. Okay assuming that you were not experiencing consistent breathing problems when you were still smoking and this has only started to happen on your quit then yeah this can be a symptom when quitting. Using irradiation can help prevent the chance of a person developing TAGVHD. Ferritin levels are not measured on blood donors. This effect is commonly occur to donors after donating their blood. Thanks for sharing. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. It's disturbing to know you were so low in iron and got accepted for donation. He did the drop test and after shacking it a while he said it was fine and rushed me through. Altruism and wellbeing in an age of austerity. When do you need a blood transfusion? still working on getting my ferritin back up. I will not give blood ever again. In the early years i too could and would go for a run on the same day i donated just to test myself. A small number of people will have these effect. That being said, I think if you have OBVIOUS symptoms of anemia, you should have blood work done to test your hemoglobin and hematocrit at the very least, if not your transferrin sat and ferritin (stored iron). In the UK the minimum wait between donations is 12 weeks for men and 16 weeks for women. I wish I had known before, it's not very pleasant and I need my energy right now. Iron supplement overdose is the LEADING CAUSE of FATAL POISONINGs for children under 6. How can blood transfusions treat anemia? We also look at how to treat these side effects. It's not horrible, but it feels like having a cold or being sick. Donating blood helps supply hospitals and other settings with blood for those who need it during their treatment. This type of reaction occurs if a person has received the wrong blood type. "There's no way you could have been in a healthy iron range four days ago, and lost only a pint of blood!" I believe the blood drive centers have no real regard to my health. Acute Shortness of Breath After Transfusion A 74-year-old man with a three-month history of worsening anemia was admitted for a transfusion of two units of packed red blood cells, I had shortness of breath, heart palpitations, continue to drink water and eat, shortness of breath on exertion (SOBOE It is odorless, colorless, and easily induces mortality in massive doses when it takes oxygen in the blood. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. What happened in your case is rare and has nothing to do with the phlebotomist. This means I've been donating almost a gallon of my blood each year. They work closely with a range of fully qualified doctors. A larger scale 2019 study looked at the effects on heart health in 159,934 people who were regular blood donors. If your test reveals that you have a low hemoglobin count, you'll likely need more testing to determine the cause. Took my doc years to find the cause. I even had to be bathed the first few days. That said, I usually have shortness of breath a day or two after donating, if I'm doing something strenuous. Plus, I aced physiology when I was in nursing school.). Shortness of breath can be a symptom of many conditions that affect the heart or lungs. Stoke is the major concern due to the normal pooling of the blood.= due to FIB. Chest pain that gets worse. Let me begin by saying that giving bloodand helping others in generalis both noble and honorable. Additionally, we will not take a donor without their iron being at a healthy 12.5. (1) Numerous diseases present with shortness of breath, including pneumonia . Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? My hemoglobin level was 13.7. If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? They get our blood free, why can't they provide this necessary test ? Yes, I would do it as soon as possible as you are already experiencing symptoms. I had decided to start giving more blood after I learned my DNA results showed Hemochromatosis, that I could have a build up of iron in my system. The people running the Blood Centers in our country need to be motivated to collect enough blood to meet our needs, but it must be balanced with donor health as well. This can occur as a result of a heart attack, a stroke, or other heart problems. and now 2 days after donating blood im also having my periods. when i woke up i tried to stand i felt like i was about to fall. This will help prevent bruising, help the needle site heal, and allow your body to readjust to the blood loss. It's every 12 weeks for men in the uk and every 16 for women. Heart damage (congestive heart failure). You can pay attention on this information and be more prepare before you donate your blood. And I already booked the next appointment July 2018. Flushed skin, itching, hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, wheezing, blue lips, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, IV epinephrine, antihistamines, IV steroids, bronchodilators, Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction, Rise in temperature by at least 1% and chills, Fever, flank pain, low blood pressure, renal failure, and difficulty breathing, Supportive therapy using IV fluids, dialysis if necessary, and management of bleeding, Antibiotic therapy, fluid management, respiratory support, Difficulty breathing, fever, and high blood pressure, Shortness of breath, rapid breathing, or cough, Person needs to sit upright and diuretics, Delayed hemolytic or delayed serologic transfusion reaction, Fever, jaundice, dark urine, stomach pain, labored breathing, high blood pressure, Exact prevalence is unknown, but the reaction is, Rash, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and bone marrow failure, Prevention: Irradiation of blood products, Supportive using IV immunoglobin an steroids, the donor blood containing specific plasma proteins that the recipients blood sees as allergens, the donor blood containing food allergens, such as peanut or gluten, antibodies in donor blood react with antibodies in the recipients blood, taking an antihistamine to help treat an allergic reaction, investigating all cases of fever as it may indicate a more severe cause. Don't trust the blood center to save your life; they almost took mine away. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. You may feel shortness of breath for many reasons. Hemolytic transfusion reaction. Low energy and tire easily. Blood banks are regulated by the FDA. If you feel nausea it is usually follow by vomiting. i felt really fatigued. Sudden onset of shortness of . I am a very active person who used to do a lot of cleaning after workday, but now all I want to do after I get home is lay on the couch. Sudden shortness of breath. I get migraines too and I'm a healthy female. Took a few years off, then decided a few days ago I missed it, and donated. One waved to me walking on by and I responded "who are you?". Being turned down for blood donation isn't necessarily a cause for concern. Cheryl Meril from San Francisco, CA USA on May 13, 2016: Thanks for the article. The recipients anti-IgA antibodies can react with the IgA antibodies in the donor blood. This training lasts approximately 3 months before they are considered competent to be on their own. I do my own blood testing at LabCorp through Wnlk-In-Lab and used for my RAW DNA data results I plugged into a third party online analysis software system (Livewello, etc.). Call 911 if you think you could be having a heart attack. If a person feels faint,. Last ferritin level was 19. Long story short: I've been giving blood for years. This allows them to receive help straight away if they have any adverse side effects. I bike to and from blood drives and run the next day. Perhaps doing it every 8 weeks was the problem? Also, participants with a high frequency of donation had a lower chance of cardiovascular disease compared with low frequency donors. You can lie down and rest if you feel dizzy. Despite health benefits of blood donationI mention above, blood donation also have side effects you should know before you go and generously donating your blood. The scientific term for anxiety-related shortness of breath is psychogenic dyspnea, Richard Castriotta, M.D., pulmonary critical care specialist at Keck Medicine of USC, tells SELF. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. The most common causes of short-term dyspnea are: Anxiety disorders. My hospital's lower limit for Ferritin is 22 ng/ml. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. This is because of the temporary lowering of blood pressure. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. Your blood and urine will be tested for signs of kidney failure or destroyed red blood cells. Go figure. I had a full blood count down at my doctor's just a month ago (for a check up) and my hemoglobin and hematocrit were fine. Chris Hibbard (author) on April 30, 2012: @Dreamer, I omitted my location and the name of my blood center for legal reasons. A person may feel faint or dizzy after donating plasma. How in the heck did you or none of your doctors realize that blood donations DO NOT CHECK OR TEST FOR IRON. My state is almost entirely serviced by donors; I believe there are only 2 blood banks left who purchase blood. I have been donating blood for years. since the day i gave my blood i have already lost around 3 pounds. I decided to go to one more meeting and see if I felt better. There is a whole spectrum of things that can cause people to be short of breath, but it frequently stems from a problem that's pulmonary (related to the lungs) or cardiovascular (related to the heart). I wrote it off to the marathon heat wave we were going through, and never thought there was a medical reason. Yes, the hospital did call me anemic, I think "acute anemia". These checks may highlight any underlying conditions people are not aware of and help them seek treatment sooner. If a person feels faint, they can sit down and put their head between the knees so that it is lower than the heart. It's a bit unusual for a man to have low stored iron (or serum iron) short of an occult bleed, so I hope they're investigating what the cause of that is. Please also report your symptoms to Canadian Blood Services by calling 1 888 2 DONATE. or will it pass soon? Use muscle tensing any time you feel anxious, dizzy, or faint. This is because of the temporary lowering of blood pressure. The center may provide a snack and drink for people to have afterward. Blood centers block the FDA from doing so by lobbying the FDA to let blood centers self-regulate and then fail to self-regulate. I am 37, in good shape, and feel that I have a pretty healthy diet, but it does sting me that I loved donating blood and helping my fellow man but know it's in my best interest to not donate blood until further notice.. i only had donated once in my life and that was many years ago. It can makes you feel chills and sweating beside dizzy and weak. Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. A phlebotomist certainly didn't follow procedures in the article above, if it's to be believed. As always, broccoli, red meats, figs, raisins All great aids in raising your iron levels. Average adult has 4.5 5-5 liters blood in their body. Low red blood cell counts (anemia). Shortness of breath is a common symptom of allergy, infection, inflammation, injury, or certain metabolic conditions. Was immediately taken to the ER where they ran various tests but apparently everything came out normal. Was it ever discovered? Many blood donation centers disqualify you from giving blood if you've experienced symptoms of COVID-19 or have had to self-quarantine in the 14 days prior to your appointment. Shortness of breath, clinically known as dyspnea, is sometimes described as difficulty catching your breath, wheezing, or breathlessness. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of donating blood, plus how it affects the body, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. Weeks for women i laid on the cause donations prior to being diagnosed way giving! Limit for ferritin is a fantastic selfless way of giving back, but my arms felt kind painful... 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shortness of breath after donating blood