P1594 Charging Sys Voltage Too Hi P0653 Sens Ref Voltage 2 Circ Hi I used the Bosch scan tool and began to sequentially disconnect a number of EV ECUs in order to determine their titles as listed in the vehicle scan report. P2A01 O2 Sens Circ Range/Perf Bank1 Sens2 P2163 Throttle/Pedal Pos Sens A Maximum Stop Perf P2097 Post Catalyst Fuel Trim Sys Too Rich Bank1 P1683 Speed Ctrl Power Relay; or S/C 12v Driver CKT P2669 Actuator Supply Voltage B Circ /Open The following case study is one such example. P2339 Cylinder #4 Above Knock Threshold P0732 Gear 2 Incorrect Ratio U0305 Software Incompatibility with Cruise Ctrl Mod P2522 A/C Request B Circ P0139 1/2 O2S Slow Response P0666 PCM/ECM/TCM Internal Temp Sens Circ P0087 Fuel Rail/Sys Press-Too Low P1031 ECU Sees Closed Throttle P2404 EVAP Emission Sys Leak Detection Pump Sense Circ Range/Perf P0909 Gate Select Ctrl Error P1291 No Temp Rise Seen From Intake Heaters P0363 Misfire Detected-Fueling Disabled P2168 Throttle/Pedal Pos Sens F Maximum Stop Perf For the Vauxhall Vivaro engine Autostop to occur when the vehicle is at low speed or at a standstill: depress the clutch pedal. P0045 T/Super Charger Boost Ctrl Solenoid Circ/Open The Opel/Vauxhall Vivaro went out of production in 2018, when Opel/Vauxhall was acquired by Groupe PSA; it was replaced by a new generation Vivaro which was a rebadged Citron Jumpy for the model year of 2019. P2016 Intake Manif Runner Pos Sens/Switch Circ Low Bank1 P2442 Sec Air Inj Sys Switching Valve Stuck Open Bank2 P0382 Intake Air Heater Relay No. P0107 Map Sens Voltage Too Low Well that's what your ECU thinks it should be doing every time your engine stalls, even if your engine stalls and re-starts very fast, hence sudden loss of power and flashing glow plug light. P3436 Cylinder 5 Deactivation/Intake Valve Ctrl Circ Hi An electronic system failure. P2640 Torque Management Feedback Signal A Hi P0967 Press Ctrl Solenoid B Ctrl Circ Hi P2038 Reductant Inj Air Press Sens Circ Range/Perf P2076 IMT Valve Pos Sens/Switch Circ Range/Perf P0242 T/Super Charger Boost Sens B Circ Hi P0939 Hydraulic Oil Temp Sens Circ Low U0215 Lost Comm with Door Switch A P0168 Decreased Engine Perf Due to Hi Inj Pump Fuel Temp P0576 Cruise Ctrl Input Circ Low U0424 Invalid Data Received From HVAC Ctrl Mod P2299 Brake Pedal Pos / Accelerator Pedal Pos Incompatible P2702 Trans Friction Element C Apply Time Range/Perf P2263 T/Super Charger Boost Sys Perf My old alternator got sent for testing and no fault was found so it got refitted. P0757 Shift Solenoid B Stuck On P0260 Inj Pump Fuel Metering Ctrl B Interm (Cam/Rotor/Injector) Engine will randomly stop, dash goes a bit crazy. P2100 Throttle Actuator Ctrl Motor Circ/Open P0265 Cylinder 2 Injector Circ Hi We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Px4xx additional emission control P0592 Cruise Ctrl Multi-Function Input B Circ Low P0315 Crank Pos Sys Variation Not Learned U0044 Vehicle Comm Bus B Hi P1285 Fuel Inj Pump Ctrller Always On or P2531 Ignition Switch Run Pos Circ Low P1639 5V Ref ( Circ P2195 O2 Sens Signal Stuck Lean Bank1 Sens1 P1694 No BUS Message Received from ECM Mod P2283 Injector Ctrl Press Sens Circ P2704 Trans Friction Element E Apply Time Range/Perf P2253 O2 Sens Negative Current Ctrl Circ Hi Bank1 Sens1 P2278 O2 Sens Signals Swapped Bank1 Sens3 / Bank2 Sens3 U0307 Software Incompatibility with Glow Plug Ctrl Mod P2443 Sec Air Inj Sys Switching Valve Stuck Closed Bank2 P0480 Cooling Fan1 Ctrl Circ Open(Low speed fan) P1045 Shift Lamp Circ Open P0411 Sec Air Inj Sys Incorrect Flow Detected P1288 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens3 Hi Voltage U0172 Lost Comm with Restraints Sys Sens C P1652 J1850 Comms Bus The downside, this model involves its complex twin-turbo system that usually produces a whining sound signalling a problem. P2047 Reductant Injector Circ/Open Bank1 Unit 1 P0203 Injector #3 Ctrl Circ P0380 Glow Plug Circ Perf P0524 Oil Press Too Low This is the result of 2 possible faults. P0826 Up and Down Shift Switch Circ P0588 Cruise Ctrl Vent Ctrl Circ Hi P0478 Exhaust Press Ctrl Relay Hi P0953 Auto Shift Manual Ctrl Circ Hi The Vauxhall Vivaro service, spanner / wrench warning light illuminates briefly in yellow when the ignition is switched on. P2539 Low Press Fuel Sys Sens Circ P0096 Intake Air Temp Sens2 Circ Range/Perf P0589 Cruise Ctrl Multi-Function Input B Circ P0558 Brake Booster Press Sens Circ Hi Input Real-life case studies show how the professionals use PicoScope to diagnose vehicle faults. RenaultNissan Alliance partner Nissan sold a rebadged Trafic II (X83) as the Primastar. The good news is that automakers usually provide unlimited time to correct such defects for free. P2157 Fuel Injector Group D Supply Voltage Circ Hi P0518 Idle Air Ctrl Circ Interm U0018 Medium Speed CAN Comm Bus shorted to Bus + P2433 Sec Air Inj Sys Air Flow/Press Sens Circ Hi Bank1 Bosch claimed P0512 = HV System . P2727 Press Ctrl Solenoid E Ctrl Circ / Open P2174 Throttle Actuator Ctrl Sys-Sudden Low Airflow Detected P2405 EVAP Emission Sys Leak Detection Pump Sense Circ Low P0924 Gear Shift Reverse Actuator Circ/Open P0103 MAF Sens Hi frequency P1762 Gov Press Sens Offset Volts Too Low or Hi P0170 Fuel Trim Bank1 P0836 Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Switch Circ For more information on the repair, service and troubleshooting consider downloading the official Opel / Vauxhall Vivaro workshop manual, but clicking this link or download directly by clicking the below button. When the ignition is switched on, it briefly illuminates red then turns blue. P0286 Cylinder 9 Injector Circ Hi We could not use the battery test procedure in PicoDiagnostics, as it requires that the 12 V battery is under load using the starter motor in order to determine the characteristics of the battery. P2513 Event Data Recorder Request Circ Low P2040 Reductant Inj Air Press Sens Circ Hi Input P3435 Cylinder 5 Deactivation/Intake Valve Ctrl Circ Low 2022. 2 Ctrl Circ P2731 Press Ctrl Solenoid F You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Click a link to learn more about each one. P0328 Knock Sens1 Circ Hi Bank1 or Single Sens P2610 ECM/PCM Internal Engine Off Timer Perf P0841 Trans Fluid Press Sens/Switch A Circ Range/Perf U0419 Invalid Data Received From Steering Effort Ctrl Mod P2261 T/Super Charger Bypass Valve-Mechanical U0209 Lost Comm with Seat Ctrl Mod B P0997 Shift Solenoid F Ctrl Circ Range/Perf P1441 Evap Emissions Flow During Non-Purge P1336 Crank Pos Sys Variation Not Learned Px8xx transmission We shifted our focus to the specific/descriptive codes. P0532 A/C Press Sens Low P2549 Torque Management Request Input Signal B Range/Perf The regular software and driver updates are a real bonus. P0275 Cylinder 5 Balance Sys P2347 Cylinder #12 Above Knock Threshold P0883 TCM Power Input Signal Hi ( Source ), Other Related Articles : Remove A Vauxhall Vivaro Front Bumper, What are the most common problems with Peugeot Boxers, The Nissan Juke Workshop Manual Instant PDF Download, The Official Fiat Croma Repair Manual | Instant PDF Download, The Official VW T-Roc Workshop Manual | Official PDF, The Official Citron Relay PDF Workshop Manual | Instant Download, The Official VW Caddy Workshop Manual | Instant PDF Download, The Official Fiat Scudo Repair Manual Instant PDF Download, Yamaha SZR 660 95 Repair Manual | The Official PDF| Instant Download, Ducati Monster 1100 EVO ABS Repair Manual Instant PDF Download, The Official BMW R1200RS Repair Manual Repair Manual | Instant Download. P0318 Rough Road Sens A Signal Circ U0197 Lost Comm with Telephone Ctrl Mod P0946 Hydraulic Pump Relay Circ Range/Perf P2319 Ignition Coil G Primary Ctrl Circ Hi P2507 ECM/PCM Power Input Signal Low P2017 Intake Manif Runner Pos Sens/Switch Circ Hi Bank1 Sat & Sun: Closed, 179-185 Hollins Road, P0341 CMP Sens Signal P0357 Ignition Coil # 7 Primary Circ P3476 Cylinder 10 Deactivation/Intake Valve Ctrl Circ Hi P1032 ECU Does Not See Closed Throttle Thank you again for taking the time out to read and view this study, I sincerely hope it helps. P3454 Cylinder 7 Exhaust Valve Ctrl Perf P0058 HO2S Heater Ctrl Circ Hi Bank2 Sens2 P2085 Exhaust Gas Temp Sens Circ Interm Bank1 Sens2 U0013 Medium Speed CAN Comm Bus + Low If during the diagnosis, insulation damage or a conductor fracture was detected, then the electrical circuit changes. P2268 Water in Fuel Sens Circ Interm P2265 Water in Fuel Sens Circ Range/Perf P0072 Ambient Temp Sens Low To find out if the starter motor is working properly you can connect a voltmeter to the small terminal on the starter solenoid. P2561 A/C Ctrl Mod Requested MIL Illumination Green symbol: A green symbol is a good sign, it means something is on and working. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. 2015 Vauxhall Vivaro 1.6 cdti 2014 vivaro 1.6 cdti intermittent cut out while driving,no warning lights coming on dash but dash lights and gauges all go out for split second then fires back up again. P1380 Electronic Brake Ctrl Rough Road Data Unusable P1216 Fuel Solenoid Response Time Too Short P0034 Turbo Charger Bypass Valve Ctrl Circ Low P2102 Throttle Actuator Ctrl Motor Circ Low P0284 Cylinder 8 Balance Sys P1597 Speed Ctrl Switch Always Low P0016 Crank/Camshaft Mis-align/sync P3400 Cylinder Deactivation Sys Bank1 U0219 Lost Comm with Door Switch E P0915 Gear Shift Pos Circ Range/Perf P2401 EVAP Emission Sys Leak Detection Pump Ctrl Circ Low Approx 70 + Airbag light is probably a fault with the seatbelt . 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P0290 Cylinder 10 Contribution/Balance P0839 4WD Switch Circ Hi P0696 Fan 3 Ctrl Circ Hi P0637 Power Steering Ctrl Circ Hi P1282 Accelerator Pedal Pos Sens2 Low Voltage P2234 O2 Sens Signal Circ Shorted to Heater Circ Bank2 Sens1 U0066 Vehicle Comm Bus E + Open P0990 Trans Fluid Press Sens/Switch E Circ Hi In addition, it became apparent the battery did not have the right specifications for this vehicle. P1049 A/T Vehicle Configuration P2716 Press Ctrl Solenoid D Electrical P2660 B Rocker Arm Actuator Ctrl Circ/Open Bank2 U0316 Software Incompatibility with Vehicle Dynamics Ctrl Mod P0479 Exhaust Press Ctrl Valve Interm P0207 Injector #7 Ctrl Circ P0429 Catalyst Heater Ctrl Circ Bank1 Based on the vehicle history and symptoms we couldmove on to possible causes. Above, we have the results of the conductance test, revealing the SOH as low for a SOC of 100%. 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