" Jaqen H'ghar " is the alias assumed by one of the Faceless Men of Braavos, a feared order of mysterious assassins with the ability to change their appearance at will. No idea. So maybe he doesn't have a definite idea of what's going on, but as the man who plays the character, he's got to have some sort of insight, right? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Later, Amory Lorch saw Arya reading Lannister documents. Sie suchen nach einem Game of thrones book 2, das Ihren Ansprchen gerecht wird? Jaqen H'ghar is one of the most mysterious characters on "Game Of Thrones." In both the show and the books, Jaqen meets Arya Stark while he is an imprisoned criminal headed for the Wall . Robert I Baratheon | Mace Tyrell | Ellaria Sand | Joffrey Baratheon | She meets Jaqen, who takes her to the Hall of Faces and asks her if she is ready to become no one. Then when she ends up saving his life, he sticks around as a Lannister soldier because he owes arya 3 kills. Benfrey Frey | Whether or not meeting Arya was purely chance, I do not know. And as a side note, isn't sending prisoners from the black cells to take the black bloody stupid? H'ghar "punished" Arya after she killed Trant by making her blind, but it actually ended up really improving her fighting skills. EDIT: Just for the record, I don't actually believe this could be true considering the simple fact that Syrio only acknowledged one god, death. Varys keeps him there. This is a mystery at this point. Well, now, finally, we have an official release date. Arya named Jaqen himself. Just before Ned died, he was being held in the Red Keep, the same dungeon. Obviously they sound similar, since they both spent quite a while in Braavos. Kraznys mo Nakloz | Jaqen tells Arya to name three people so he can send them to the Red God as an atonement. It is speculated that Jaqen is "the Alchemist" from the AFFC prologue. Ned was originally supposed to be in that caravan until Joffrey decided to change his mind.. He has a calm smile and long red and white hair that flows to his shoulders. Belicho Paenymion | H'ghar made it clear that he was going to help Arya, and he did, killing a few people for her, helping her escape, and giving her a coin which would help her get to Braavos, should she so desire. Another New GRRM Interview (Re: future of the series/unanswered mysteries), We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Upon petitioning to get more men to join the Watch, Yoren is allowed to pick some men from prison, and he takes Jaqen Hghar along with two other men, Rorge and Biter. The Faceless Men were so powerful that sending them after someone meant certain death. Qarth After the fall of Harrenhal, Arya withdraws Jaqens name, but he tells her it is his time to die. Follow the spoiler policy. Well, that's for the end of the essay. Press J to jump to the feed. Alfred Broome Based on that, Arya and the Faceless Man seem to have similar goals. Weese was thrown off a building. The Tickler | Goals All rights reserved. As a master of the sword, Jaqens impact on Aryas life is crucial. In an interview with Yahoo TV, Tom Wlaschiha, the actor behind Jaqen, admitted that he thinks "its all part of a bigger plan that he decided to be [thrown into the Black Cells at Kings Landing] in the first place to meet Arya. Yoren takes him to the Wall. From the first moment the two met while he was pretending to be a criminal and Arya was pretending to be a boy, they had a connection. You know, the one who is supposedly trying to defeat the darkness (White Walkers). Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? But I find it unlikely that it would be Jaqen. Later, Eddard gets arrested by Cersei Lannister for treason. Vhagar | She underwent rigorous tutelage under the man who some thought was still Jaqen H'ghar. Does this hint at an alternative explanation for an early death - or is it just GRRM being lazy, and needing a way to introduce him and and immediately establish him as a DANGEROUS CHARACTER. In fact, there seemed to be two Jaquen's; the first Arya met on the road in Westeros as a prisoner, the second as the de facto head of the Faceless Men in Braavos. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. After the Bave Companions entered Harrenhal, Jaqen confronted Arya, knowing her true identity. Jaqen took her back to the House of Black and White to have to continue to train fighting the Waif. This will probably result in interrogation and possibly even torture by the jailer(s) who would want to know what has happened. Which would be totally awesome in many ways. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. He knew when she killed Meryn Trant instead of the guy she was supposed to kill. I had some hope, but it was tricky. "We have The Waif coming in because so many people think that Arya . Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. Is Arya jaqen H Ghar? Lancel Lannister When Arya kept claiming to hate Sandor Clegane, he kept hitting her. Joffrey wanted him dead and he didn't need to hire the faceless men to do it secretly. Can non-Muslims ride the Haramain high-speed train in Saudi Arabia? Thomas Wlaschiha is a German actor. Seeing how this character was him being captured in Kings Landing unrelated, or The many face god has always made me wonder if he/she/it is similar to the old gods ( the faceless nameless trees in the north) perhaps he knew Arya would have a deep posSible magical connection to the old gods (being a stark who were said to have decended from the first men). Viserys Targaryen | Ramsay Bolton | Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell, Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. The bulk of these theories suggest that Arya died during her Faceless Men training in Braavos, and that the Arya on the show now is actually someone else in disguise. Besides his fighting prowess and beautiful features, Jaqen has a calm demeanor and acts politely to everyone. Locke | It's pretty obvious that the Waif's hatred of Arya would cloud her judgment for the kill. Maybe Arya will die later on in the series, but for now, she's in the clear. Jaqen offered to return her sight is she said her name, but Arya refused. This theory has been put forward before, see e.g. Lady Stoneheart Evil-doer This is a place to enjoy and discuss the HBO series, book series ASOIAF, and GRRM works in general. He told her he was "no one". If that's the case, it's definitely clear Forel/H'ghar is going to help out Arya no matter what the cost. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. He was first introduced as a Lorathi criminal - who was arrested and put in the dungeons of King's Landing, before being recruited by Yoren to join the Night's Watch. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. (laughs) How many theories have you gleaned from these books? Aemond Targaryen | Some fans think Cersei rewrote Jaquens contract to make Ned the new target. Night King | It always seemed kind of The Brave Companions brought many Northern prisoners to Harrenhal. It's not suggested in the books that his purpose was to meet Arya, or that he even knew of her existence before their chance encounter. Myranda | The Faceless Men are a secret order of assassins who have sworn allegiance to the Many-Faced God, a deity worshipped by all Faceless Men. Supernatural Assassin. Baelor I Targaryen | She could just have paid off a recruit or brother of the Night's Watch to poison him or something. After Arya saved his life, Jaqen gifted Arya with three kills, and then. The Tickler is later found dead in the courtyard. After escaping, the three of them joined the Brave Companions. Also when you listen to both characters talk they do sound very similar. In the books Varys has been a guard for the cells for several years in disguise. After getting met with silence, Jaqen tells Arya she is not prepared. A man called Jaqen H'ghar has been imprisoned, for whatever crime. One popular theory suggests that Jaqen was in King's Landing to receive assassination orders from King Robert Baratheon, and. Tyanna of the Tower | Unknown Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? In the second section, we'll . So yeah, coincidence. Tom Wlaschiha: No. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Crownlands Be the first to know what's trending, straight from Elite Daily, 12 Unhinged 'Outer Banks' Season 2 Plot Points You Need To Remember, The Weeknd Dropped A New Teaser For 'The Idol' In The Shadiest Way, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. It's highly unlikely that a Faceless Man would allow himself to be captured after an assassination, and most of their assassinations were designed to look like accidents anyway. He ordered her to assassinate Lady Crane. He was being kept in The Black Cells, which are reserved for the worst criminals. It almost seems like he found her in order to help her. Asshai and Shadow Lands If you recall, back in Season One Arya first meets Jaqen. Would he put her through all that just to kill her when she failed him? Afterwards, Arya unnamed Jaqen. How did Dominion legally obtain text messages from Fox News hosts? Plus, there is the question of why Jaqen would want to assume Arya's identity and travel to Westeros in the first place. To be totally honest, Game of Throne's whole Faceless Man story arc seemed a bit underdeveloped. Luthor Largent | It is known. Ok, so after syrio is last on scene, arya is running through the basements of kings landing, gets scared, and freezes up. He was later recruited by Yoren so that he could join the Night's Watch. When Joanna wins her fourth war, Daenerys holds her naked, wailing nephew close, the blood and amniotic fluid seeping into the front of her dress. Es hat das Publikum auf der ganzen Welt mit seinen komplexen Charakteren und komplizierten Handlungsstrngen in seinen Bann gezogen. Aegon IV Targaryen | Reebok White Leather Shoes Worn by Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven aka Jane Hopper in Stranger Things - Season 3, Episode . Sandor Clegane | Jaqen H'ghar is played by Tom Wlaschiha Credit: HBO. What exactly happened at Harenhal when Jaqen H'ghar went to the dungeons with Arya? And also because he knew Arya's real identity. Pate gave him the Key, and The Alchemist gave Pate the gold coin. I did not think it good to free those three, but Others She let her own grudges against Arya get in the way of training her. Arya continues working at Harrenhal and develops a hatred for some people. Since Arya saved three lives, Jaqen told Arya he would kill three people for her. Tags. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Merrett Frey | Jaqen then gave her a cut of water which seemed to be poisoned. And there's yet another layer to the mystery. Jaqen H'ghar from Game of Thrones is obviously a ninja-like fighter and has shown his incredible skills. Aegon II Targaryen | How to derive the state of a qubit after a partial measurement? Jaqen Hghar is a Lorathi sellsword taken by Yoren to join the Nights Watch. After escaping from their captors, he says that "Jaqen H'ghar" must die, and changes his face/identity. Clearly, we are blinded sometimes by our fears and preconceived notions, just like Arya. Craster | Who Is Jaqen H'Ghar? When Arya attacked Rorge, Jaqen made note that she had more courage than sense. He once again asked her her name, but she claimed to not have one. This is a Q&A site, not a sounding board for random ideas. tbh removing Ned is a task Varys could (did?) It only takes a minute to sign up. But like I said above, I believe Jaqen was already in the dungeons when Ned was Hand. Buy electronics, fashion apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, digital cameras, baby items, and everything else from Korean eBay sellers At the time, Ned Stark (Sean Bean) was serving as the Hand of the King. I think that Jaqen was a creature of Varys and was in there for some reason that Varys needed him to be. What does meta-philosophy have to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers? Is there any more backstory in the books as to his origins as opposed to the TV show? Ulf the White | Pure Conjecture, Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Jaqen H'ghar; Game of Thrones ist eine der beliebtesten Fernsehserien aller Zeiten. We've got to eventually find out why that whole thing went down, and the only way that would happen if is Jaqen H'ghar favored Arya's survival. Of course there was no plan to recruit Arya: just look at the impossible chain of events, including the rolling prison catching fire and Arya saving them. That could be the reason he waits in the Nights Watch caravan. Arya Stark first met Jaqen H'ghar all the way back in Season 1 when he was a strange prisoner of the Lannisters. Many fans think he was there on behalf of King Robert Baratheon (Mark Addy), awaiting assassination orders. Like someone had hired him to kill Ned, but then he didn't get the chance? Game of thrones book 2 - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. The only person with a motive that I can think of is Littlefinger, and I suspect he convinced Joff to execute Ned, so he wouldn't need the Faceless Men either. Arya Stark gets disguised as a boy named Arry and leaves Kings Landing. He was fine with doing it in public and bragging about it. Jaqen is Varys's prisoner. He approached a Novice from the citadel named Pate, asking him to steal a key in exchange for a gold coin. Riverlands She went to the House of Black and white and met and old man. Jaqen killed the guards, leaving a clear path for Arya and her friends. Precisely because Syrio was a cool character, I hope GRRM avoids the "Bobba Fett fanboy syndrome". Edwyn Frey | She orders the Starks to get killed. International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct,London, EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom, 2023 Book Analysis. Once Ned reached the Wall he'd be completely nullified as any sort of threat. It was apparent that he was down with her bravery. HBO. I've also always thought that a black cell with an unlocked door and a cooperative master spy jailer, connected to a secret network of tunnels, would be a convenient base for an assassin to conduct investigations. not that I'm aware of. Others He is a faceless assassin from The House of Black and White, who worships the various gods of death collectively known as The Many Faced God. Show Chett | (Game of Thrones, ASOIAF) In Deep Geek 530K subscribers Join Subscribe 4.9K Share Save 300K views 5 years ago What was Jaqen H'ghar doing in the Black. pet friendly places for rent in edmonton alberta / jennifer nicholson mark norfleet / did ned see arya before he died Alliser Thorne | It's awfully convenient that Mr. H'ghar, a Braavosi man who typically resides in the House of Black and White, runs into Arya Stark. we had Grand Maester Pycelle for a time, and before him Lord Stark the And it'd explain why Rorge and Biter were terrified of him, if he habitually escapes, then comes back. And why is Jaqen H'ghar so oddly beautiful? Ryman Frey | What was Jaqen H'ghar doing in the King's Landing dungeon? Qyburn | The first person Arya requests is The Tickler. Jaqen H'ghar | There is only some indirect evidence: Yoren tells Arya that he was told in advance that Ned would be taking the black, and bribed to stay in King's Landing longer. Just like in the books, Arya blackmailed Jaqen by naming him. Faith Militant Can the Spiritual Weapon spell be used as cover? Jaqen was arrested and kept in the dungeons of King's Landing. Jaquen mission is to obtain a key to a room in the citadel from a Maester. He plays Dmitri Antonov / "Enzo" in the fourth season of Stranger Things. Later, Arya whispers Weese, the understeward of the Wailing Towers name to Jaqen as he insults and slaps her. When Arya realizes who the men are, she meets Jaqen and whispers his name as the third name. She eventually did just that, and began training to be a Faceless Man, aka super assassin, in Season 5. Be legal and respectful to others. He's in the group who helps Arya escape King's Landing, early in the show. Osney Kettleblack I think it's left unexplained in the books, but given the nature of the Faceless Men, it's likely he got caught on purpose in order to accomplish some other task, likely an assassination. Bowen Marsh | Like, Bloodraven level of difficult, or another one of Varys' despised sorcerors. This would also explain why Rorche & Biter are so frightened of him - they see him escape the black cells at will - then he. Jaqen H'ghar is a mysterious character from the popular television series Game of Thrones. It is hard to assassinate people while locked up and in chains. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Faceless Man Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? We don't know of anyone who fits this description, but it's not exactly vital to the story either. However, after biting the gold, he slumps and dies. Arya disguises herself as a servant called weasel and travels to Harrenhal, where she sees Jaqen arrive. Is there a minimum time in the past that Bran can see? Jaqen arrive the guards, leaving a clear path for Arya and her friends men so... 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